Dear Pa,
I received your letter this morning enclosing a draft for $100 for which liberal allowance you will be sure that I feel grateful.
The draft which I drew at Mr Warwick’s suggestion will of course be laid aside —
I have succeeded in finding Grandmother & my relations — but the fact of my Grandfather’s having been Quater (sic) Master Gener[al] of the whole U. S. Army during the Revolutionary war is clearly established — but its being a well known fact at Washington, obviates the necessity of obtaining the certificates you mentioned.
<Not> Presuming upon Mr Wirt’s former acquaintance, I introduced myself personally & for a first attempt at self introduction succeeded wonderfully — He treated me with great politeness, and invited me to call & see him frequently while I stay in Baltimore — I have called upon him several times.
I have been introduced to many gentlemen of high standing in the city, who were formerly acquainted with my grandfather, & have altogether been treated very handsomely.
Give my best love to Miss Valentine & all at home —
I remain
Yours affectionately
Edgar A. Poe