My dear Sir
As your connexion with Graham’s Mag. has ceased, you may feel some difficulty about the disposal of the verses which I some weeks ago enclose to you. They were transmitted for that work under an impression, — and because I believed, — that you were still one of its editors. But now that you have withdrawn from it, I prefer having the verses returned to me, or retained by you, — if you deem them worthy of preservation, — for your future use. — I care nothing about their having gone before the present edts (editors) of that Journ. if my name did not accompany them, and they were not known to have emanated from me — I have a sprained wrist — which is my excuse for this scratching.
If, indeed, you have already disposed of them, they must be permitted to “take their course.” —
I trust that we shall have the pleasure to see you before the public ere long in some new and commanding position. — That prosperity, distinction, and happiness, may attend you in all your career through life, is the prayer of
Your very respectful,
And obt servt
Danl Bryan
P S I saw some allusion in a newspaper recently to an attack upon you by a writer in one of the Philada. Journals. I have not seen any such attack, & trust there is no ground for the allusion.