Richmond July 30. 1836

Dr Sir,

Your article on the “study of the learned languages” was duly received, and is already “set up”. I am much in hope that it will please the public generally as much as it has done myself. My object in writing you at present is to beg that you will allow us to alter the headingwhich you have affixed to it, from the words “A Looker on in Venice, No 2”, to the words “On the study of the Learned Languages”or some similar caption. I have many reasons for requesting this favor. First — it would accord with the character of all the other captions made use of in our Magazine — Secondly it would prevent the necessity of making any explanation in regard to the heading of your last article. and explanations are always inconvenient — Thirdly, your article would then stand by itself unconnected with any thing going before, or to come — Fourthly it would prevent our having a series of continuedarticles which you must know by experience are often the cause of some trouble — and Fifthly the “Looker on in Venice” is a caption which has been very frequently been made use of before by  Essayists. I submit all, however, to your better judgment, merely saying that Mr White would take it as a personal favor if you would allow us to make the alteration proposed.

I am extremely sorry that the error should have occurred in relation to your Anthologiaand The Science of Life.We did not, however, suppose it necessary to put the Anthologia as a selection — supposing the word Anthologiaitself sufficiently significant,

With high respect
Yr Ob. St
Edgar A Poe

I perceive that your article “National Ingratitude” has attracted great attention, and approbation. The Charlottesville Jeffersonianamong other papers pays it a merited compliment.