July 4. 1836

Dr. Sir,

With this letter, a bound volume of the “Southern Literary Messenger” (Vol. I) is forwarded to your address, at the request of Mr T. W. White, the Proprietor, who begs you will accept it — learning that your own first volume is deficient in some numbers.

It is our design to issue on the 1rst August a number of the “Messenger” consisting altogether of articles from our most distinguished literati, and to this end we have received many excellent papers — from Judge Hopkinson — Pro. Alexander of Princeton — Paulding — Dr. Bird — Mrs Sigourney — Lieut Slidell, Prof. Anthon &c — . Mr White has informed me that you had, in part, made him a promise of a contribution, and I have ventured, accordingly, to mention our design in relation to the August number, in hope that you would be able to send us something in season. If you could possibly do so, it would greatly advance the interests of our Journal — especially in the South — and this must be my apology for troubling you upon this point.

Mr. White desires his best respects. With the highest respect

Yr. Ob. St.
Edgar A. Poe

Gov: Lewis Cass.

Address care of T. W. White