My Dear Friend, — I leave with you a M.s. Play in Five Acts, which I wish you to read carefully — not to run over — and notice all those passages which you think praiseworthy — if any there be — in your Paper, and send the Numbers on to me in which you notice it. I wish you to read it carefully, for I think it has dramatic merit which you will like. I have three others, which were written at a later date. The article entitled “Luciferian Revelation,” was suggested by reading your “Mesmeric Revelation.” This, I wish you to publish in your paper the very first thing, because I think well of it, and think will also. It gives a death blow to materialism. I send you also some poems, which you can publish in your paper also. But I wish you not to forget to read my printed poems carefully, and review them as you ought to do — for there are many good ones you have not noticed. The first column of the second page has a good passage about the soul. I am truly sorry to have to leave you, but I must go and see my precious wife and children, and see about my negroes. I will return soon, then, perhaps, you will go with me.

Yours forever more.
T. H. C.

You know that Lucifer means light-bringer — this is the sense in which I use it — not as the Devil. Isa, the one to whom I have addressed many of my Poems, was a beautiful being with whom I was acquainted in early youth, but who is now “on the golden throne beside the King of Heaven.”

God bless you
T. H. C.