Beyond doubt you must think that I treat you ill in not answering your letters — but it is utterly impossible to conceive how busy I have been. The Broadway Journals I now send, will give you some idea of the reason. I have been buying out the paper, and of course you must be aware that I have had a tough time of it — making all kind of maneuvres — and editing the paper, without aid from any one, all the time. I have succeeded, however, as you see — bought it out entirely, and paid for it all,with the exception of 140 $ which will fall due on the 1rst of January next. I will make a fortune of it yet. You see yourself what a host of advertising I have. For Heaven’s sake, my dear friend, help me now if you can — at once — for now is my time of peril. If I live until next month I shall be beyond the need of aid. If you cansend me the $45, for Heaven’s sake do it, by return of mail — or if not all, a part. Time with me now, is money & money more than time. I wish you were here that I might explain to you my hopes & prospects — but in a letter it is impossible — for remember that I have to do everythingmyself edit the paper — get it to press — and attend to the multitudinous businessbesides.
Believe me — will you not? — my dear friend — that it is through no want of disposition to write you that I have failed to do so: — the moments I now spend in penning these words are gold themselves — & more. By & bye I shall have time to breathe — and then I will write you fully.
You are wrong (as usual) about Archytas & Orion — both are as I accent them. Look in any phonographic Dictionary — say Bolles. Besides, wherever the words occur in >>poe[etry]<< ancient poetry, they are as I give them. What is the use of disputing an obvious point? You are wrong too, throughout, in what you say about the poem “Orion” — there is not the shadow of an error, in its rhythm, from a to w.
Never dreamed that you did not get the paper regularly until Bisco told me it was not sent. You must have thought it very strange.
So help me Heaven, I have sent and gone personally in all the nooks & corners of Broker-Land & such a thing as the money you speak of — is not to be obtained.
Write soon — soon — & help me if you can. I sent you my Poems.
God bless you —
E. A. P.
We allsend our warmest love to yourself, your wife & family.