Washington, Ga., Feb. 21st, 1847.
My Dear Friend, — As I have not written to you in a long time, perhaps you would like to hear from me. In the first place, I am well and hearty, and long to see you. I received the paper, containing your letter and the notice of your writings, some time ago. I was delighted with your letter — that is, with the idea that you had got well again — and hope, from the bottom of my heart, that you may remain so. I am sorry for your wife, because she suffers pain — but am sorrier for you, because, from what you say, she is nigh to the Angels, and you are recovering your strength to fight against the Devil, and parley with his emissaries — fools. If you will come to the South to live, I will take care of you as long as you live — although, if ever there was a perfect mystery on earth, you are one — and one of the most mysterious.However, come to the South and live with me, and we will talk all these matters over at our leisure. I do not intend this for a letter, but just scratch it down to let you know that I am still in the land of the living — which perhaps, you would just as soon notknow as to know. What do I care for that — that is your own fault, if it be so — notmine. By the bye, have you ever seen a little Poem of mine entitled a “Song to the River PO,”any where ? If you have, you have seen a better notice of you than you ever took of me. But what of that ? I have something now that you will like. If I could get hold of something you have written lately, I should like it. Can’t you send me something ? I read your tale of the “Spectacles “ to some ladies here the other day, and they shouted — particularly at that place where you speak of the old lady’s “Bustle ! “When they heard of the “Universe of Bustle”maybe they did n’t laugh — “ up to the hearing of the Gods.”I sent you a Tale some time ago, entitled, I believe, “The Return from the Dead” — orsome such title. Well, I wish you to look over it, and correct any error you may see in it, and envelope it as at first, and direct it to Frederick W. Bartlett, Esq., Atlanta, Ga.He has written to me for something for his paper, and I have nothing but that, which, perhaps, will suit him. He is a great friend of mine, and the Editor of the “Atlanta Luminary.”I will notice your poems in the next No. I have spoken to him of you, and he likes you. Correct whatever error you may detect, and send it to him. I will be in New York next month, and hope to see you. Send me any paper you can get hold of, for, although I get “Byrons”now, I want more.Believe me the true friend of Edgar A. Poe; and if you don’t believe it, it will make no difference — I will still be your friend. Give my sincere respects to your wife, and tell her, from me, to be in hopes of pleasure here on earth yet, out of sickness; but, that, whatever may be her fate in this life, there is rest in Heaven. There is a Place where the Angels are crying, Come, come to the Pure Land lying Far up in the sky undying
Where is rest forever more.
Yours forever,
Thos. H. Chivers.
E. A. Poe, Esq.
P. S. — I do not intend this for a letter, but write to let you know that New York is not the place to live in happiness. I have lived there, and know allabout it. Come to the South. The stage is coming.
Farewell ! T. H. C.