Phillips Oct. 13.

Well, I am receiving regularly, your “Satires”, as the newspapers were pleased to entitle them. They called them so probably on the account of their enmity towards you. I think they are “honest opinions” generally. Without doubt you have made rather too long a leap backwards from the popular voice in placing Richd. N. Dana so far in the rear of American Poets. I am not acquainted with his poetry however, and know not but you are right in thus doing — and, to be sure, I should not be prepared to judge concerning it even if I were acquainted, I think though, that I can feel poetry when I read it; I wish you would be altogether honest in your “Opinions,” for I am seeking to get a choice library of American Books, and I know not whose judgment than yours, if it be unbiased, is better for me to depend upon in my selection. I shall depend upon yours. Are you going to notice all the Authors of our Country in your series? The Lady’s Book says so.

In your “Philosophy of Composition” you speak of having received a letter from Dickens noticing your review of “Barnaby Rudge.” What does he say of that review? I think it as good a one — acumen and honesty considered — as I have ever read of yours.

In a number of the New Mirror for (I think) 1843, the Editor says “There is an article — Park Godwin’s Criticism, of “Shelley” in the Democratic Review — floating on the current of light literature which is worth hauling ashore and preserving.” He does not give the name of the author, and 1 have not read the article; but I guessed that you were the writer of it. Was I right? Also in a number of the “Mirror” for 1845 the Editor tells of a very eminent critic connected with his paper finding a resemblance between a poem by James Aldrich and one by Thomas Hood. Circumstances have led me to believe that you were that critic — Am I right in this?

I believe you gave up the Editorship of Graham’s Magazine with the June number for 1842. I did not take the book for — /43; but happening not long ago since to get hold of the number for (I think) December of that year, I read in it a review of the Poems of Rogers which appeared to me to be in your style. Did you write it?

Also in “Graham’s” for March 1844, is the notice of Lowell’s “Legend of Brittany” by yourself? The idea with respect to Lowell’s merit as a poet, is the same that you have advanced — and the criticism is something in your manner, though not so lengthy and analytical as I should expect you would give on Lowell. In especial, the opinion regarding what is the object of the true poem is that which you have always urged.

In your “Opinions” of Lewis G. Clarke, you say — “he once did me the honor of reviewing my poems, and — I forgave him.” Was that review complimentary or otherwise? I judge that it was calculated to be complimentary, but he hadn’t critical ability sufficient to show them (your poems) in a favorable light, and therefore you — forgave him!

When is that magazine going to appear? I am earnest to receive it!

I wish also to see the remainder of your Tales, your criticisms, etc. published by Wiley and Putnam — Shall I not soon?

Do you think proper to write to me in answer to the above questions? It would be pleasing to me to have it so.

Respectfully yours,
Geo. W. Eveleth.

Edgar A. Poe Esq.