I received one paper from you, the Home Journal containing your letter to Willis and “An Author in Europe and America” — it came, as it happened, at our office on the same night that I mailed my letter to you — but I didn’t get it till the next day evening, after my letter had gone out. Did you mail the other at the same time you did it? What was its title? did it contain either of the paragraphs which you inclosed in your last?

I saw notice of your wife’s death in a Boston paper of last Thursday. You will believe me when I say that I deeply sympathise with you in your loss.

Who is the “scholar and gentleman” that furnished the communication for the Home Journal? I esteem him for this, let him be whom he may. —

There is more of the real coin of compliment in these paragraphs (these three) than would be contained in three hundred paragraphs of the same length from those miserable paper-blotters who have persecuted you in your affliction, and who “will toady you again” in your new prosperity — and they tell more for your fame than three legions of false accusations by those same crawling things would tell against it.

I fully believe you when you tell me that the accusation by the “Post” is “totally false.” I could hardly believe it to be true at the time it was made, but thought there was a chance for it to be, not knowing so much of the “Post” as I have learned since.

I have watched it pretty attentively of late — it has taken every opportunity to heap odium upon you — it grossly misrepresented you with reference to your “Opinions” in Godey’s Mag. I would give you some of these misrepresentations, but haven’t the numbers of the paper containing them at hand from which to copy. I was afraid I couldn’t give you the information concerning the accusation which you requested, as I did not take the paper, and as I had forgotten the time it was made, and the particulars altogether.

But I have been fortunate enough, after hauling over, and overhauling again, two years numbers of the paper belonging to a friend, to hit upon the identical thing — here it is. I thought it would be as well to cut it out and inclose it in a letter, for fear it might not reach you if I sent the paper — I mail you the paper though so that, if it does reach you, you can have the thing just as it was. It is, “Edited and Published by Samuel D. Patterson &. Co.” “Samuel D. Patterson &. Co.” have published it ever since — it is at present edited by Henry Peterson  — the date of the paper containing the accusation (if you don’t get it) is — “March 14, 1846” —

Will you inform me what is the substance of English’s letter published in the “Mirror,” and when the affair is to be settled? — I have seen mention of the letter and of the prosecution, hut have not learned of what that letter accuses you. —

I should like to know about when “The Stylus” will be started; for when it is, I intend that it shall take the place of the three or four publications which I am at present a subscriber to. I am going to give them all up for it. It appears to me that there has been considerable of a falling off from its former excellence (when I commenced taking it) in “Graham” — this may be only in my fancy. I subscribed for “Godey” for the express purpose of getting your “Opinions.” They are discontinued, and I shall discontinue my subscription when the sign comes right, that is, when “The Stylus” appears. I like the “Book” very well though, (I have the March number but no notice of Hawthorne yet)

By the way, the evening that your last letter but one came, I had a letter written to send to Godey. In it I inquired why he had not fulfilled his promise to give opinions from you of all the Literati of New York City. Your letter arrived before I had mailed mine, and I mentioned to him that you had informed, me why the “Literati” were discontinued. He replied, and desired to know why, if it was not private, saying that he did not know. I told him the reason (I as you gave it, namely, “because people insisted on considering them elaborate criticisms.” — Did I do wrong?

I like the spirit manifested at the close of your letter to Willis — “The truth is, I have a great deal to do: and I have made up my mind not to die till it is done.” I glory in your spunk!

I received your letter last evening (or night) about ten o’clock — it is now 8 o’clock Sunday P. M.

Truly your friend
Geo. W. Eveleth
Phillips. Feb. 21. 47.

Edgar A. Poe. Esq’.s