Here are two of the “slips” requested. The other, that from the “Courier and Enquirer,” I have somehow mislaid, so that I cannot find it. You will call me careless, if you please — I acknowledge myself so; still I crave pardon, seeing that it is the first offense of the kind — Hope you will not be much incommoded in not receiving the slip.

What about your lecture? — when is it to appear? — I have seen a notice in the “Universe” that you had prepared it for publication. The “Universe” said thus, concerning it — “We think it will rank as his” (your) “noblest work.”

In a number of the “Universe” which appear’d during my illness, and before you had delivered your lecture, I find this — “Mr. Poe is not merely a man of science — not merely a poet — not merely a man of letters. He is all combined; and perhaps he is something more — but whatever he may be he is sure of giving a lecture worth hearing.” In speaking of the lecture after its delivery, the same paper also says this — “The lecture was worthy of a higher sphere of intellectual development. To those who could understand it, it was profoundly interesting as delivered, and would be still better to be read, with time to pause and reflect upon some of its portions.” The New York correspondent of the Sat. Eve. Post (Phil.) spake very highly of it. I have seen many other favorable notices of it — none unfavorable. —

In the Sat. Ev. Post of Feb. 5./48. I find the following — “Among the articles” (in the John Donkey) “is a capital parody upon a poem recently published in the Knickerbocker, and supposed to have been written by E. A. Poe — at least, it is decidedly Poe-ish.” Have you written for Lewis Gaylord Clark’s magazine?

Did you ever write for the “Literary World” while Duyckinck edited it? — Is Duyckinck connected with any publication now?

I have seen it stated in some of the papers that your Tales are being, or have been, translated into the French by an American lady residing in Paris — Who is this lady? — Do you know who “F. E. F.” is? — if so, do you see fit to tell me?

I suppose you know E. P. Whipple as a writer? — How is he held as such in your estimation? His name is given as that of a contributor in the Am. Review, and was a while ago as that of one to “Graham.” I have never seen an article in either credited to him — never seen one any where given as his. Can you point me to anything by him in the Review during the past year — or to one in “Graham,” published at any time? — I guessed that he was the “reviewer of New Books” in the latter, for a while, perhaps the most of the time during the years — /44; — /45, and — /46; for it was about these times that I was accustomed to see his name given as that of one of the contributors, upon the covers of the several numbers as they appeared. I guessed that he was the author also of “Egotism — as manifested in the Works and Lives of Great and Small Men.” in the March No., and “The Literature of the Present Day.” in the Sept. No. (both) — /45 — and perhaps of Monologues among the Mountains; By a Cosmopolite.” two numbers of it in the first volume for — /45, and the third number in the first vol. for — /46.

Your “Balloon Hoax” I have never seen. Is it where I can get hold of it? In what was it published? Did it create considerable excitement at the time of its appearance?

I have purchased the number of “Blackwood” for Nov. — /47, containing “The American Library.” In answer to your question — I can hardly tell what I think of it. I should gather that the writer had a generally correct idea of what he is talking about; still there seems to me to be a disposition in him to twist this idea awry — for what object I cannot fully make out. Especially is this disposition noticeable in the comment upon your Tales. It appears to me that the writer here (in speaking of yours) contradicts himself in some instances — that he often finds fault, in words, where his manner and tone show that he would applaud — and that in many cases he takes unnecessary pains to remove objections, to reconcile things which would not be raised as objections by any other than the shallow-headed.

Will, you believe it? — I have been, and am, half inclined to put down the article as written by none other than one Edgar A. Poe.

I can find nothing particular in its manner that should do away with the belief. Neither can I bring any particular circumstance, aside from the article itself, which seems to contradict the idea. Indeed, I could present many circumstances which I think would go rather to confirm such an idea — I have neither time nor space to present them. If you know who furnished the contribution, will you not tell me?

In the same number of “Blackwood,” The New York Review, mentioned in the article on American Copyright, is the one with which you were once connected, I suppose? Did you do the “lashing” therein of “the North American Review” for its astounding ignorance of the most celebrated letters of Junius etc.” — Who was the ignorant reviewer? — and who is the author of “American Copyright”? — The “Rationale of Verse” is not yet out, I believe?

You have been South and West on your Magazine enterprise, I suppose? What success had you? — When is the “Stylus” going to present itself, probably? — As soon as it does, I shall try to do something for its circulation in Maine — that is, if it be your wish that I should. I am some in hopes that I the Members of our Board of Education, together with the superintending school committees of the different towns, will lend us a hand in our enterprise if they are invited in a proper way. I shall do my best to persuade them when “the sign comes right.” Write when convenient.

Yours truly .Geo. W. Eveleth.

Phillips, Me, Sunday P. M. July 9,