New - York
March 10. 45.
My Dear Graham,
I believe that you feel a delicacy in publishing my criticism on Longfellow’s “Spanish Student”; and, perhaps, upon the whole, it would be for your interest not to do it, as, in a Magazine such as yours, you could not well manage to fight out the battle with Longfellow’s coterie in Boston, which would be the result of your publishing it. But, with me, the case is very different, and if I can only get them all fairly down upon me, I shall know precisely what to do. I will, therefore, be very grateful to you if you will let me have the article back. I will write you, in place of it, any thing you may suggest — or I will advertise your Magazine conspicuously in the “Broadway Journal” to the amount of the $30 — or I will refund you the money, as soon as I can place my hands upon it. If you agree (& I hope you will) please send me the article as soon as possible, through your brother.
It is my firm intention to do every thing in my power to serve you, in the B. J., by way of convincing you that you have been doing me injustice all along.