New-York May 29. 44.

Dr Madam,

A day or two ago, I handed an article, “The Oblong Box”, to Mr Willis, under the impression that he occasionally purchased original papers for “The New-Mirror”. This I found, however, not to be the case. Mr W. was pleased to express himself in very warm terms of the article, which he considers the best I have written, and urged me to offer it to Mr Riker, for The next “Opal”; promising to speak to Mr R. and engage him (if possible) to accept the Tale. I called upon Mr >>W.<< R., who expressed his perfect willingness to do so, but said that his arrangement with yourself, threw the whole business of selection, &c, into your hands, and that he could not, with propriety, interfere. Under these circumstances, I have thought it best to write you this letter, and to ask you if you could accept an article from me — or whether you would wish to see the one in question — or whether you could be so kind as to take it, unseen, upon Mr Willis’s testimony in its favor. It cannot be improper to state, that I make the latter request to save time, because I am as usual, exceedingly in need of a little money.

With high respect
Yr. Ob. St. Edgar A Poe

Mrs Sarah J. Hale

P. S. “The Oblong Box” will make about 4 pp of “Graham”