Dear Mr. Poe,

With the most friendly desire to convey to you my sympathy, and to learn the present state of your health, yet ignorant where to address you, I venture to trust my little book to the guidance of that great Ganges, the Post Office, hoping that by some favorable chance, wind and tide may favor its direction.

We were all exceedingly sorry to hear of your illness in Baltimore, and glad when we heard that you had so far recovered as to be able to return to our latitude, though it were to play hide-and-seek with your friends. Our charming friend Mrs Osgood, and myself, indulge often in talking of you and your dear wife. Next to seeing those we remember, is the luxury of talking of them — and you know the power of the femenine (sic) organ at laudation, as well as its opposite.

All Bluedom misses you from its charmed circle, and we often ask when are we to have Mr Poe back again among us.

Will you not favor me with a reply, should this reach you? And do me the favor to read and find fault with my last poem, which I enclose for your perusal. It has caused some question with regard to my sanity. Strange that we must always be charged with the expression of our true feelings in our writings. I assure you some of the married men have decided that it was an exceedingly improper production! Ah! the world that binds us, Ixion like, to its own dull round, may never chain the poet’s thought to its earthly level.

Let us hear that you are well again, and with kindest regards to Mrs Poe believe me

Very sincerely yours
M. E. Hewitt

Athenaeum Hotel.
New York April 14th/46