South Attleborough Mass., November 2nd 1843.

My Dear Sir, — I was glad, I assure you, to receive your letter of Octo: 19. I need not tell you that I am grateful for your willing friendship, approval and encouragement. You have given me some confidence in myself which I think may be a very good matter for a Poet.

I do not wish to pass judgment upon others, but no one has a more ardent wish than myself to see somewhat of a Revolution in American Literature. Our country supports too many of these Dish-water Magazines: — & reads too much blank paper! The pen and the press have begun almost every reformation: they must begin another. Ours has become a mighty nation; but if its institutions are to be perpetuated, if it is to live long and peacefully — the minds of the many must be somewhat enlightened; men are to be led to think while they act: and act wisely. The head and the heart of man are wonderful things.

I am glad to learn that you intend to attempt the overthrow of Humbug! If my hand can aid in the deed, it shall labor willingly. And God bless you in the work, when the time come. I wish to learn something more of your plans whenever it pleases you to communicate them.

Since I wrote to you before I have met rather unpleasant fortune: & circumstances are such as a Poet does not love to write, — or a Poet to read. — I will say nothing of them: but I expect that I shall soon have to seek a home for myself, or give up study altogether: I forget whether I told you or not, that I am honestly poor; if I labor therefore for a man “not my kindred,” I shall have no leisure for a book or a Poem: — It is so dark that I cannot see far before me, now; & this is the first time in my life that I have been thrown entirely upon my own powers, and I thank God, that some obstacles are before me to overcome: —

Your confidence and good will are doubly precious for these things: and an occasional sign of regard will be thrice welcome. Direct as before, until I say otherwise, and believe me

Yours sincerely and respectfully,
[A. M. Ide.]
(Signature Missing.)  

Edgar A. Poe.