Dr Sir,

I received your kind letter of the 9th about an hour ago, and went immediately in search of Mr Hubard — but have not been successful in getting the picture. Mr H. does not live in Richmond, but at Gloucester C.H. Va: By the merest accident, however, he was here to-day — having arrived yesterday, and intending to be off tomorrow. Before speaking to him I had ascertained that the picture was not in Richmond. Had it been here I would have obtained it at all hazards. He says that it is on its way to Baltimore — but I do not believe him. He had forgotten the name of the vessel in which he shipped it — thinks it was the Todsbury — and cannot tell who is her captain. It is possible that the picture is really on its way to Norfolk, where he is bound himself, and where he will exhibit it. But my firm impression is that it is at his house in Gloucester — opposite York. He has evidently no intention to give it up. I know a Mr Colin Clarke who resides in Gloucester — a gentleman of high respectability — and had some idea of writing him, and requesting him to get the picture in your name — but, upon second thoughts, determined to write you first. I will go to any trouble in the world to get it for you — if you will drict (direct) me in what manner to proceed.

You are nearly, but not altogether right in relation to the satire of some of my Tales. Most of them were intended for half banter, half satire — although I might not have fully acknowledged this to be their aim even to myself. “Lionizing” and “Loss of Breath” were satires properly speaking — at least so meant — the one of the rage for Lions and the facility of becoming one — the other of the extravagancies of Blackwood.

I find no difficulty in keeping pace with the demands of the  Magazine. In the February number, which is now in the binder’s hands, are no less than 40 pages of Editorial — perhaps this is a little de trop.

There was no November number issued — Mr W. (White) having got so far behind hand in regard to time, as to render it expedient to date the number which should have been the November number — December.

I am rejoiced that you will attend to the matters I spoke of in my last.

Mr W. has increased my salary, since I wrote, 104$. for the present year — this is being liberal beyond my expectations. He is exceedingly kind in every respect.

You did not reply to my query touching the “new work.” But I do not mean to be inquisitive.    

Most sincerely yours
Edgar A Poe

John P Kennedy Esqr

Richmond — Feb: 11. 1836.  

In an article called “Autography” in the next Messenger, you will see that I have made a blunder in relation to your seal. I could decypher only the concluding portion of the motto on one of your letters — (le partout) — and taking the head for a Lion’s head, imagined the words to be “il parle partout.” Your last letter convinces me of my error. I doubt however if it is a matter of much importance.