Philadelphia February 4 1843.
My Dear Mr Lowell,
For some weeks I have been daily proposing to write and congratulate you upon the triumphant debut of the “Pioneer”, but have been prevented by a crowd of more worldly concerns.
Thank you for the compliment in the footnote. Thank you, also, for your attention in forwarding the Magazine.
As far as a $3 Magazine can please me at all, I am delighted with yours. I am especially gratified with what seems to me a certain coincidence of opinion & of taste, between yourself and your humble servant, in the minor arrangements, as well as in the more important details of the journal. For example — the poetry in the same type as the prose — the designs from Flaxman — &c. As regards the contributors our thoughts are one. Do you know that when, some time since, I dreamed of establishing a Magazine of my own, I said to myself — “If I can but succeed in engaging, as permanent contributors, Mr Hawthorne, Mr Neal, and two others, with a certain young poet of Boston, who shall be nameless, I will engage to produce the best journal in America.” At the same time, while I thought and still think highly of Mr Bryant, Mr Cooper, and others, I said nothing of them.
You have many warm friends in this city — but the reforms you propose require time in their development, and it may be even a year before “The Pioneer” will make due impression among the Quakers. In the meantime, persevere.
I forwarded you, about a fortnight ago I believe, by Harnden’s Express, an article called “Notes upon English Verse”. A thought has struck me, that it may prove too long, or perhaps too dull, for your Magazine — in either case, use no ceremony, but return it in the same mode (thro’ Harnden) and I will, forthwith, send something in its place.
I duly received, from Mr Graham, $10 on your account, for which I am obliged. I would prefer, however, that you would remit directly to myself through the P. Office.
I saw, not long ago, at Graham’s, a poem without the author’s name — but which for many reasons I take to be yours — the chief being that it was very beautiful. Its title I forget — but it slightly veiled a lovely Allegory in which “Religion” was typified, and the whole painted the voyage of some wanderers & mourners in search of some far-off isle. Is it yours?
Truly your friend
E A Poe