Abbas, Eziz


Abdurehim, Abdulla

Abdurišit, Ablät

activism, Uyghur; in Australia; in Central Asian states; in Europe; in industrial democracies; after Sino-Soviet split; in Turkey; in United States

affirmative action

Afghanistan, Uyghur military training in

alcohol, use of

Almas, Turghun

Alptekin, Erkin

Alptekin, Isa Yusuf: meeting of, with Chinese delegation; moderate stance of; as movement leader


Ana yurt. See Motherland

Anderson, Benedict

Aqsu: demonstration in; Han migrants in; violent events in

arrests: statistics on, official; of wedding performers. See also imprisonment

arson: female students involved in; in Moyu; in Ürümci

artifacts: destruction of; non-Chinese

assassination; of minor officials; of Uyghur collaborators

assimilation: of Hui; Uyghur refusal of

atheism, teaching of

audiotape, dissent on

Australia, activism in

authoritarian regime, framing in

autonomy (system); abandonment advocated for; Beijing’s false promise of; China’s critique of; Chinese vs. Soviet models of; criteria of; incursions in; as international peace strategy; market reforms and; Marxist critique of; party first secretaries in; secessionist movements facilitated by. See also minzu regional autonomy; Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

autonomy law: articles of; in practice

Awat, gunfight in

Äzizi, Säypidin

Baltic, parallels with Xinjiang

Bandung Conference

Baren uprising (1990); casualties in; evictions after; framing of; Ghulja demonstration’s similarity to; Islam in; jihad called for in; repression after

Batur, Osman

Bayangol Mongol District, demographics of

BBC. See British Broadcasting Corporation

begs (Turkic notables)

Beijing (government): autonomy, false promise of; concessions by; Dalai Lama engaged by; diaspora leaders engaged by; human rights position of; identity distinctions exploited by; intervention fears of; negotiations with, Uyghurs’ inability to compel; Tibet strategy of; Xinjiang’s weakness relative to

bin Laden, Osama

birth restriction policy: everyday resistance to; formal law for; protests of; in Xinjiang

bombings: of Hans; list of

books, burning of

Bosnia, breakaway of

brain drain, from Xinjiang

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC): censorship of; radio

Brubaker, Rogers


Bughra, Muhämmäd Imin

cadre: Muslims in; recruitment for

casualties: in Baren uprising; in Ghulja demonstration; in protests; statistics on, official; in Ürümci protests

CCP. See Chinese Communist Party

cell phone network blackout

censorship: of BBC; extent of; mechanisms of; of music; self-

Central Asian states: Beijing’s diplomatic pressure on; extraditions from; fraternal loyalty of, ephemeral; independence of, reluctant; Uyghur activism in; Uyghur independence hopes from

Central Plains states: changing configuration of; Han dynasty’s control of; names in, non-dynastic; Qing dynasty’s control of; Russian Empire’s control of; Tang dynasty’s control of

Chechnya: Kosovo vs., as example; military campaigns of; as model for Uyghur struggle

Chiang Kai-shek; homogenizing project of; warlords eliminated by

China: chauvinist connotation of; disintegration of, predicted; ethnic groups in; heartland unrest in; history imposed by; as indissoluble nation; Islam in; Marxist nationalism in; as multi-minzu state; nationalists’ creation of; self-determination abandoned by; Soviet Union compared with; territorial claims of; Uyghur refusal to identify with; “west-leaning policies” of. See also Beijing; People’s Republic of China

China Islamic Association

China’s Fate (Chiang)

Chinese Communist Party (CCP): first secretaries of; homogenizing project of; officer selection by; religious freedom denied in; unification efforts of; Uyghur cadres in

class identity;15. See also working class, Chinese

class struggle, Chinese

Clinton, Bill

collaborators, Uyghur, assassination of


communism, in Eastern Europe. See also Chinese Communist Party

Cornell, Svante

cotton, cultivation of

“countercurrents,” historical

courts, religious

Cultural Revolution; line struggles in; religious policy of; violence during

culture, popular

Dalai Lama: Beijing’s talks with; counterpart to, Uyghur lack of; strategy of

Damolla, Abliz

Davidson, Basil

decolonization: movement for; nation building after; secession vs.; Uyghur alignment with; Xinjiang as candidate for

democracy: in autonomous regimes; framing in. See also National Endowment for Democracy

demographics, of Xinjiang

demonstrations: legality of; list of;90. See also Ghulja demonstration

Deng Xiaoping: on class struggle; economic reforms of

development, Han migration for

diaspora, Uyghur; Beijing’s engagement with; disunity of; ineffectualness of; linguistic tangle in

diplomacy: in Central Asian states; Uyghur lack of success with

discontent: popular culture as avenue of; as “separatist thought,”; Ürümci protests as evidence of

disintegration: of China, predicted; of Soviet Union

dissent: on audiotape; Internet as; music as; poetry as; radio as; repression as deterrent of; as “splittism,”; writing as

drug use, attempts to control

Eastern Turkestan Fund

Eastern Turkestan Government in Exile (ETGIE)

Eastern Turkestan Independence Movement

Eastern Turkestan Information Center (ETIC)

Eastern Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)

Eastern Turkestan Islamic Party (ETIP)

Eastern Turkestan Islamic Party of Allah (ETIPA)

Eastern Turkestan National Center (ETNC)

Eastern Turkestan Refugee Committee

Eastern Turkestan Republic (ETR); Japanese support of; naming of; novel about

Eastern Turkestan United National Revolutionary Front (ETUNRF); founding of; ULO combined with

Eastern Turkestan (Uyghurstan) National Congress (ET[U]NC): China’s pressure on; in European Parliament; naming of

Eastern Turkestan World National Congress

economic protests

ETGIE. See Eastern Turkestan Government in Exile

Ethnic Affairs Commission (Nationality Affairs Commission)

Ethnic Unity (National Unity; state periodical)

ethnogenesis: of Hans; of Uyghurs

ETIC. See Eastern Turkestan Information Center

ETIM. See Eastern Turkestan Islamic Movement

ETIP. See Eastern Turkestan Islamic Party

ETIPA. See Eastern Turkestan Islamic Party of Allah

ETR. See Eastern Turkestan Republic

ET(U)NC. See Eastern Turkestan (Uyghurstan) National Congress

ETUNRF. See Eastern Turkestan United National Revolutionary Front

Europe: communism’s fall in; protests in Eastern; Uyghur activism in

European Parliament

extraditions, from Central Asian states

family-planning policy. See birth restriction policy

famine, from Great Leap Forward

Feng Dazhen

field research, methodology of

flag, Uyghur, in World Cup (2002)


framing: activists’ challenges with; of Baren uprising; in democratic vs. authoritarian regimes; of Ghulja demonstration; mass; media impact on; of protests; of subversive propaganda


Ghojambärdi, Qähriman: in ETGIE leadership; as UAK leader; in WUC leadership

Ghulja, violent events in

Ghulja demonstration (1997); Baren uprising’s similarity to; casualties in; events leading to; framing of; refugees from

Ghulja Revolution, novel about

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Great Leap Forward

Guomindang, as “rulers,”

Han dynasty


Hans: bombings of; cadre recruitment of; “Chinese nation” supported by; ethnogenesis of; marriage of, to Uyghurs; as party first secretaries; sentiment against; Uyghurs as perceived by; Uyghur tensions with


historians, Uyghur, vilification of

historiography, crackdown on

history: China’s imposition of; “countercurrents” in; politicized; in representational politics; scholarly; Uyghur dissemination of; of Xinjiang

History of East Turkestan (Bughra)

holidays, Islamic

Hong Kong, retrocession to China

household registration system

huaxia, meaning of

Hui Muslims: assimilation of; freedom of

humanitarian interventions. See interventions, humanitarian

human rights

Hundred Flowers campaign

Hu Yaobang

identity: class; construction of; stories as assertion of; women’s

identity, Uyghur: China in; construction of; disunity of; everyday strategies to strengthen; intentions for; as modern invention; XUAR’s contribution to

ideology, as state tool

Igämbärdi, Ähmät

Ili National Army

Ili region, events in

imams, political pressure on

immigration, Han; in Aqsu; to China’s heartland; for development; Han resistance to; inducement packages for; as security policy; skilled workers in; to Tibet; “trap policy” for

immigration, Uyghur. See also diaspora, Uyghur

imprisonment: of Qadir; of students; of writers

independence; of Central Asian states; of Kosovo; Mongol spirit of; Tibet’s bid for

independence, Uyghur: flag of; as forbidden topic; hope for; transnational efforts for

Inner Mongolia


intellectuals, surveillance of

intermarriage, low rate of

Internet: blackout of; as dissent; policing of

interventions, humanitarian: Beijing’s fear of; rise and fall of; sovereignty and

interview, methodology of

Isa, Dolqun

Islam: awareness of; in Baren uprising; in cadres; in China’s interior; holidays in; protests blamed on; of Uyghurs; Xinjiang’s conversion to;28. See also Hui Muslims

Islam, Tursun

Japan: ETR supported by; Taiwan invaded by

Jelil, Husäyin

jihad: advocacy of; in Baren uprising

Jin, Shuren

journalists: recording equipment use by; Ürümci protest reporting by; Uyghur depictions by; Xinjiang closed to

Kashgar District: mosques in; violent events in

Kazakhstan: crackdown on Uyghurs in; independence of; migration of Uyghurs to

KGB, support of, for Uyghurs

Khotän protests: framing of; violent events in

Kosovo: Chechnya vs., as example; as hope for Uyghurs; independence of; intervention in, by NATO; Xinjiang’s parallels with

Kyrgyzstan: crackdown on Uyghurs in; independence of

language, Uyghur

law: on autonomy; on birth restriction; internal regulation as; policy vs.; protest-regulating, post-Baren

leaders: Alptekin as; Beijing’s engagement with; of ETGIE; of ETUNRF; punishment of; of UAK; of ULO; of WUC

League of Nations

Liang Qichao

Lop Nor: as nuclear test zone; Tigers of; violent events in

Los Angeles riots, reform-era protests’ similarities with

Ma Dazheng

Makhsum, Hasan

Mao suit

market reforms

marriage, of Hans and Uyghurs

Marxism: on autonomy; nationalism fused with

mäšräp: government banning of; as Uyghur social organization

mass frames

media: framing affected by; state control of. See also censorship

methodology, research

military colonies, of Han dynasty

military training, of Uyghurs

mineral deposits, in Xinjiang

minzu: China as; meaning of; semantic field of; solidarity; translations of

minzu policy

minzu regional autonomy

Minzu tuanjie. See Ethnic Unity

missionaries, Islamic

modernization theory


Mongolian People’s Republic

Mongols: independent spirit of; protest by

mosques: crackdown on; destruction of; in Kashgar District; minors forbidden in; number of, per capita; rebuilding of; in Ürumci

Motherland (Sabir)

Moyu, violent events in

Mukhlisi, Yusupbäk (Yusupbek) as ETUNRF leader; newspaper started by

music: censorship of; as dissent

Muttä’i, Ibrahim

narrative representation

nation, positivist conception of. See also China; Turkic nation; Uyghur nation

National Center for the Liberation of Eastern Turkestan

National Endowment for Democracy (NED): UAA funded by; United States’ ties with

National Interest Above All Else, The (Ma)

nationalism: Chinese; demise of, purported; Marxism fused with; as nation building; resurgence of; Turkic; Uyghur resistance from

nationalist movements (1990s)

nationality, development of idea of

Nationality Affairs Commission. See Ethnic Affairs Commission

nation building

NED. See National Endowment for Democracy

Northern Expedition, warlords’ elimination during

nuclear tests: cessation of; Lop Nor as site for; protests of

oil, in Xinjiang

Opium Wars

Pakistan: Uyghur military training in; Uyghur religiosity influenced by


PCC. See Production and Construction Corps

Pei Minxin

People’s Armed Police

People’s Courts

People’s Liberation Army (PLA): counterinsurgency fighting by; military advantages of

People’s Republic of China (PRC): anticolonial struggles of; isolation of; nation-building project of; PCC’s contribution to power of; policy vs. law in; territory of


PLA. See People’s Liberation Army

poetry, as dissent

political parties, underground (1950s and 1960s)

popular culture

power: of Beijing; from PCC; productive; punitive; resistance and; social reality and

PRC. See People’s Republic of China

Production and Construction Corps (PCC); deployment pattern of; membership of; as paramilitary farm network; PRC’s power augmented by; in XUAR structure

Program for Implementing Minzu Regional Autonomy

propaganda, state: after September 11 attacks; on terrorism; United States and Soviet Union’s contest of

propaganda, subversive: framing of; Soviet Union sponsored; statistics on, official; as “violent terrorist incidents,”

protests; of birth restriction policy; casualties in; in China’s heartland (1993–2005); decrease in; depiction of; economic; framing of; government responses to; in Hundred Flowers campaign; increase in; Islam blamed for; by Mongols; narratives constructed about; of nuclear tests; peaceful; permission for; post-Baren laws on; of reform era; regional variation in; rural to urban shift in; snowballing of, Eastern Europe’s; social scientists’ recognition of; by “splittists” and “terrorists,”; statistics on, official; targets of; in Tibet; timeline of; violent; in Xinjiang. See also Ürümci protests

publications, crackdown on (1990s)

Qadir, Rabiyä (Rebiya Kadeer): imprisonment of; as “mother of the Uyghurs,”; Nobel Peace Prize nomination of; pressure on; Ürümci protests blamed on

Qaghiliq, events in

Qarakhanid Empire

Qazaqs, in Xinjiang

Qianlong (Qing emperor)

Qing (Manchu) dynasty: Central Plains states controlled by; heterogeneity of; military challenges to; territory of; Turkic uprisings against; Xinjiang’s conquest by

Qirghiz: destruction of Uyghur Empire by; independence of

Quebec, independence referendum of

race, in China


Radio Free Asia

Rashid, Ahmed

rebellions: list of; by Turkis

reform era, protests during

reforms: economic; market

refugees, from Ghulja demonstration

regulation: internal; of protests

religion;72. See also Islam

religious courts

religious freedom

religious instruction, limitation on

religious study, students imprisoned for

representation, narrative

representational politics; history writing in; importance of; of officials; representative politics in; of Uyghurs

representative politics

repression: after Baren uprising; dissent deterred due to; effectiveness of

Republican era

residence permits

resistance: ideology as tool against; nationalism as source of

resistance, everyday; to birth restriction policy; dignity in; poetry as; power and

resistance, open; conflicting representations of; size of; unreliable information on; in Xinjiang (1949–2005)

riots: in Tibet; in Ürümci

Riza Bekin, Mehmet

Russian Empire

Sabir, Zordun

“saltwater test,”

Sämädi, Ziya

Saudi Arabia, wealthy Uyghurs in

Šayar, violent events in

Scott, James

secession, decolonization vs.

security policy, Han migration as


self-determination: China’s abandonment of; hypocrisy regarding; international community’s lack of support for; limits on

separatists, vilification of

“separatist thought,”

September 11, 2001, attacks; antireligious crackdown after; China’s international propaganda efforts after; Uyghurs in

Shähidi, Burhan

Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Shanghai Five

Sheng Shicai

Shihezi, struggle in

Shue, Vivienne

Sino-Soviet split: Han migration in; Uyghur activism after

socialism, brittleness of

social reality, political power and

source material, written

sovereignty: human rights vs.; weakening of

Soviet Union: China compared with; disintegration of; Marxist nationalism in; military support from, alleged; militia sponsored by; party first secretaries in; propaganda sponsored by; republics in; United States’ propaganda contest with; Xinjiang as puppet state of. See also Sino-Soviet split

speech, restrictions on

splittists: dissenters as; protests as work of

statistics, official: on arrests; on casualties; on protests; on subversive propaganda

stories: buses as venue for; as identity assertion method

“strike hard” campaigns; beginning of; United States’ response to

students: arson by; imprisonment of; protests by; religious freedom denied to

Sufis, persecution of

Sulayman, Mähmud

Sultan, Küräš

Sun Yat-sen: homogenizing project of; Mongols and; revolutionary activity of; Three Principles of

surveillance: of Tibet; of Uyghur intellectuals

survey, of Xinjiang residents’ attitudes

Taipov, Zunun

Taiwan, Japan’s invasion of (1874)

Taklamakan Desert


Tang dynasty

Tarim Basin: as “golden cradle,”; Uyghur predominance in; Uyghur settlement of

television, crackdown on

terrorism: “Eastern Turkestan,”; official labeling of; state propaganda about; subversive propaganda as; Uyghur links to, alleged

terrorists: protests as work of; United States’ recognition of Uyghur militants as

Three Gorges Dam project

Three Principles of the People (Sun)

Tian’anmen Square, massacre in (1989)

Tianshan, as region in Xinjiang

Tibet: armed independence bid for; Beijing’s strategy for; dominance of; Han migration to; PLA in; protests in; riots in; surveillance of, international

Tibetan Government in Exile

Tigers of Lop Nor (insurgency group)

Timor, East

Toqquztara, armed struggle in

“trap policy,”

travelers, as information source

Tunyaz, Tokhti

Turkestan, Eastern. See also Eastern Turkestan Republic; Uyghurstan; Xinjiang

Turkestan, Xinjiang as part of

Turkestan Alive (Davidson)

Turkey: Pan-Turkists in; support for Uyghurs from; Uyghur activism in

Turkic nation, attempts to create

Turkic nationalism

Turkis: rebellion of; uprisings by

Turkmenistan, independence of

Tursunjan, Ämät: dissenting poetry of; imprisonment of

UAA. See Uyghur American Association

UAK. See Uyghur Association of Kazakhstan

ULO. See Uyghurstan Liberation Organization

United States: on ETGIE; NED’s ties with; Soviet Union’s propaganda contest with; “strike hard” campaign response of; Uyghur activism in; Uyghur militants recognized as terrorists by; Uyghur support from; as world policeman

uranium mining

Ürümci: arson in; bombings in; concessions by government of; demonstrations in; mosques destroyed in; religious institute in; riots in; “syringe attacks” in

Ürümci, protests in (2009); casualties from; causes of; communication blackout due to; discontent demonstrated by; journalists reporting on; Qadir blamed for; “syringe attacks” in

Uyghur (ethnonym): disappearance and reappearance of; first recorded use of; Han terms for

Uyghur American Association (UAA)

Uyghur Association of Kazakhstan (UAK)

Uyghur Empire

Uyghur Information Agency

Uyghur language, as private language

Uyghurlar (Almas)

Uyghur nation: belief in; emergence of

Uyghurs: assimilation refused by; Buddhism of; cadre recruitment of; as collaborators; counterpart to Dalai Lama, lack of; decolonization movement and; depictions of; diplomacy by; educational pilgrimages by; ethnogenesis of; Hans’ perception of; Hans’ tensions with; history of and by; intellectual; Islam of; in Kazakhstan; in Kyrgyzstan; marriage of, to Hans; military training of; in Pakistani madrassas; population figures for; religious influence on; representational strategies available to; in September 11 attacks; surveillance of; tactical disagreements of; in Tarim Basin; as terrorists, alleged; United States’ support of; in Uzbekistan; wealthy; willingness of, to sacrifice; wolf as totem of

Uyghurs, The (Almas)

Uyghurstan; naming of; as region in Xinjiang. See also Eastern Turkestan (Uyghurstan) National Congress; Xinjiang

Uyghurstan Liberation Organization (ULO)

Uzbekistan: crackdown on Uyghurs by; independence of

Vietnam, Marxist nationalism in

violence: antistate; in Cultural Revolution; events with; Uyghur disagreements on use of; in Xinjiang

Voice of America

Voice of East Turkestan (newspaper)

Wahidi, Hashir: letters written by; as ULO leader

Wang Enmao

Wang Lequan

Wang Zhen

warlords, Chiang’s elimination of

weddings, musicians arrested at

“Wild Pigeon, The” (Yasin)

wolf, as Uyghur totem

women, identity of

working class, Chinese: losses of; protests by

World Cup (2002), Uyghur support of Turks in

World Uyghur Congress (WUC); ETGIE challenge to; Islamism of, alleged; leaders of

World Uyghur Network News (online newspaper)

writers, imprisonment of

writing: as dissent; of history; as source material

WUC. See World Uyghur Congress Wuchang, uprising in

Wu Qiyu

Wu Zhongxin

Xinjiang: agriculture in; Baltic’s parallels with; Beijing’s increasing power over; birth restriction policy in; brain drain from; cell phone network blackout in; in Chinese nation; coalition government of (1945); as colony; decolonization advocated for; demographics of; as Eastern Turkestan; formation of; geographic characteristics of; governors of; implementation of autonomy in; insurgency in; Internet blackout in; journalists barred from; Kosovo’s parallels with; mineral deposits in; mummies found in; as “new dominions,”; officials in; oil and gas deposits in; organized resistance in (1949–2005); party system in; PLA in; political history of (1949–2000); prefectures in; prehistorical ethnic composition of; protests in; Qazaqs in; Qing conquest of; regions in; in Republican period; restrictiveness of; as Soviet puppet state; survey of attitudes in; “syringe attacks” in; “useful” features of; violence in; weapon smuggling into

Xinjiang Family Planning (government periodical)

Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR): establishment of; false promise in name of; subautonomies in; Uyghur identity strengthened by name of

“Xinjiang village,” destruction of

Xinyuan, disturbance in

Xiyu (Western Regions)

XUAR. See Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

Yang Zengxin

Yao Kuangyi

Ya‘qub, Beg

Yasin, Nurmuhämmät

Yugoslavia: dissolution of; Marxist national ism in

Yusuf, Anwer

Yusup, Zäydin

Zhang Binglin

Zhongguo, as foreigner-imposed name

Zhongguo zhi mingyun (Chiang)

Zungharia: Qing attacks on; as region in Xinjiang

Zuo Zongtang (Qing general)