Sow: January to February and October to November
Harvest: April to May
January: Sow early short-rooted varieties like ‘Amsterdam Forcing’ and ‘Early Nantes’ in 30cm/12in pots of good compost. Sow direct in drills filled with compost in the border, but don’t add any manure. Allow 20cm/8in between rows. Cover with layers of fleece for extra protection. Wait until Feb if the weather is cold. Germination can take 14–21 days, but can be longer at low temperatures.
February: Sow in pots, or in the border, as for Jan.
March: Protect against slugs as seedlings emerge and until they are 10cm/4in tall. Keep covered with fleece until plants are tall and growing well. Water if soil starts to dry out.
April: Keep compost damp but not soggy. Plants in pots will be crowded, but don’t thin: this will give a crop of fingerling roots. First baby roots might be ready for eating from autumn sowings.
May: Harvest roots as needed. Carrot fly shouldn’t be a problem with early crops in the polytunnel.
June: All roots should be cleared by June.
October: Sow seed, as for Jan, in mild areas.
November: Sow seed in mild areas.
Slugs: February to April and November to December
Damping off: January to February and November to December