Sow: January to December
Plant: January to December
Harvest: January to December
January: Sow looseleaf, butterhead and cos varieties. Sow seed thinly in pots or trays and just cover with compost. Cover with polythene or bubble wrap until seed germinates. Harvest plants sown last autumn. Plant out seedlings sown last November. Allow 20cm/8in between rows and 20cm/8in between plants.
February: Sow spring and summer varieties in trays or pots. Harvest autumn-sown plants before leaves turn bitter.
March: Sow summer varieties with no added heat. Plant out seedlings sown in January. Put compost in the bottom of drills before planting. Always mark rows with sticks and string. Water after planting and protect from slugs. Watch out for cutworm eating through plants at ground level.
April: Continue to sow summer varieties in pots. Varieties to be used as small salad leaves can be sown in situ. Harvest November sowings. Plant out seedlings. Allow 30cm/12in between rows for summer varieties. Remove any bolted or bitter plants.
May: Keep sowing and planting out for a regular supply. Remove any bolted or bitter plants.
June: Keep sowing and planting out. Use plants while small and before they bolt. Remove a leaf or two at a time if preferred. Grow lettuce in the shade of taller plants through the summer months.
July: Make a last sowing of summer varieties, but also start sowing winter varieties.
August: Sow more winter lettuce varieties. Get seedlings into the ground as soon as space clears.
September: Sow more winter varieties if needed. These grow more slowly than summer crops, so may not be ready to use until the spring. Plant July and August sowings.
October: Sow in October for spring crops. Clear the last of the summer varieties. Get any seedlings into the ground even if small.
November: It’s worth sowing in November if the month isn’t too cold and if earlier sowings were missed. Plants won’t be big enough to use until April or May.
December: Try sowing if there are no earlier plants. Seeds will germinate above 5˚C/41˚F.
Slugs: February to November
Aphids: March to October
Grey mould: January to March and October to December
Damping off: January to December