Citadel Polytunnels, www.citadelpolytunnels.com tel: 01789 842689
Ferryman Polytunnels, www.ferryman.uk.com tel: 01363 83444
First Tunnels (instruction DVD), www.firsttunnels.co.uk tel: 01282 601253
Five Star Polytunnels, www.polytunnels.me.uk tel: 01570 421580
Growing Spaces (domes), www.growingspaces.co.uk tel: 07941 473680
Haygrove (side vents), www.gardentunnels.co.uk tel: 08452696395
Keder (v. strong bubble polythene), www.kedergreenhouse.co.uk tel: 01386 49094
Knowle Nets, www.knowlenets.co.uk tel: 01308 424342
Northern Polytunnels, www.northernpolytunnels.co.uk tel: 01282 873120
Solar Tunnels (mesh), www.solartunnels.co.uk tel: 01903 742615
Pidley Polydomes, www.polydomes.co.uk tel: 01487841946
Premier Polytunnels, www.premierpolytunnels.co.uk tel: 01282 811250
Colm Warren Polyhouses, www.cwp.ie tel: 046 9546007
Fruit Hill Farm (also organic garden supplies), www.fruithillfarm.com tel: 027 50710
Highbank, www.highbank.ie tel: 056 7729918
Polydome, www.polydome.ie tel: 057 9120424
Polytunnels Ireland, www.polytunnelsireland.ie tel: 087 9800687
(cloches, fleece, benches, watering, propagators, etc.)
Ferndale, www.ferndale-lodge.co.uk tel: 0844 314 0043
Harrod Horticultural, www.harrodhorticultural.com tel: 0845 402 5300
Haxnicks, www.haxnicks.co.uk tel: 0845 241 1555
Two Wests & Elliott, www.twowests.co.uk tel: 01246 451077
Copperbed, www.copperbed.co.uk tel: 0845 2252118
Citrox, www.citrox.net tel: 01642 241777
Green Gardener, www.greengardener.co.uk tel: 01493 750061
Nemasys, www.nemasysinfo.com See also: The Organic Gardening Catalogue, Unwins, Fruit Hill Farm, etc.
(some of these also sell garden supplies)
The Organic Gardening Catalogue, www.OrganicCatalogue.com tel: 01932 253666
Thompson & Morgan, www.thompson-morgan.com tel: 0844 5731818
Dobies, www.dobies.co.uk tel: 0844 7017625
D.T. Brown, www.dtbrownseeds.co.uk tel: 0845 3710532
Kings, www.kingsseeds.com (www.kingsplants.co.uk) tel: 01376 570000
Mr Fothergill’s, www.mr-fothergills.co.uk tel: 0845 3710518
Ken Muir (fruit), www.kenmuir.co.uk tel: 01255 830181
Marshalls, www.marshalls-seeds.co.uk tel: 01480 443390
Suffolk Herbs, www.suffolkherbs.com tel: 01376 572456
Simply Vegetables, www.plantsofdistinction.co.uk tel: 01449 721720
Sutton’s Seeds, www.suttons.co.uk tel: 0844 9220606
Johnsons Seeds, www.johnsons-seeds.com tel: 08456589147
Tamar Organics, www.tamarorganics.co.uk tel: 01579 371087
Unwins, www.unwins.co.uk tel: 01480 443395
Heritage Seed Library, www.gardenorganic.org.uk tel: 02476 303517
The Organic Centre, www.theorganiccentre.ie tel: 07198 54343
Chase Organics, www.deelish.ie tel: 028 21374
Mr Middleton, www.mrmiddleton.com tel: 01 8603674
Irish Seed Savers, www.irishseedsavers.ie tel: 061 921866
Brown Envelope Seeds, www.brownenvelopeseeds.com tel: 028 38184
Garden Organic, www.gardenorganic.org.uk tel: 024 7630 3517
The Soil Association, www.soilassociation.org tel: 0117 314 5000
The Royal Horticultural Society, www.rhs.org.uk tel: 0845 260 5000