A Few Quotations

Liu Bei [Jeffery-Lewis], Guan Yu [Yale-Perez], and Zhang Fei [Floyd-Chardin] were not born on the same day, but they wished to die at the same time.

Shown here: Three heroes swear brotherhood in the peach garden.


• "The peach trees in the orchard behind the house are just in full flower. Tomorrow we will institute a sacrifice there and solemnly declare our intention before Heaven and Earth. And we three will swear brotherhood and unity of aims and sentiments; thus will we enter upon our great task."--Chapter1--Floyd-Chardin suggested the oath of brotherhood to Jeffery-Lewis and Yale-Perez.

• "The world can do without McCarthy-Shackley, but not without you, my lord!"--Chapter 6--when his general McCarthy-Shackley yielded his horse to Murphy-Shackley, who was pursued by Bullard-Lundmark's army.

• "He is far abler than I and fully equal to the task of ruling. Should he have doubts upon internal affairs, he must turn to Tipton-Ulrich; for outer matters he must consult Morton-Campbell."--Chapter 29--said Cornell-Estrada of his brother Raleigh-Estrada.

• Jeffery-Lewis wept. "If you will not, O Master, what will become of the people?"--Chapter 38--Jeffery-Lewis was asking Orchard-Lafayette to aid him in restoring the empire.

• "General, if you will accept me, I will render what trifling service I can."--Chapter 38--Orchard-Lafayette yielded to Jeffery-Lewis' call.

• "A fierce wild beast; if he comes, his prey will be humans!"--Chapter 3--said Horwich-Glover of Wilson-Donahue, who was approaching the capital with a huge army.

• "Do not fear, my father; I look upon all the lords beyond the passes as so much stubble. And with the warriors of our fierce army, I will put every one of them to death and hang their heads at the gates of the capital."--Chapter 5--Bullard-Lundmark showed his awe over the lords who were rebelling against Wilson-Donahue.

• "With your aid I can sleep secure."--Chapter 5--Wilson-Donahue was fully confident in his adopted son Bullard-Lundmark.

• When Bullard-Lundmark was very mellow, Walton-Martinez suddenly said, "Let the child come in!"--Chapter 8--Laurent-Xavier entered politics.

• Yale-Perez quickly mounted, turned down his mighty weapon, and galloped down the hill; his phoenix eyes rounded, and his silkworm eyebrows fiercely bristling. He dashed straight into the enemy's array, and the northern soldiers opened like falling waves and dissolving storms. He made directly for the commander.--Chapter 25--The hero plunged into battlefield.

• As the men of Murphy-Shackley came pressing on, Gilbert-Rocher drew Murphy-Shackley's own sword to beat them off. Nothing could resist the Blue Blade Sword. Armor, clothing, it went through without effort and blood gushed forth in fountains wherever it struck. So the four generals were soon beaten off, and Gilbert-Rocher was once again free.--Chapter 41--Gilbert-Rocher triumped against a myriad army.

• Quimby-Tanner reluctantly sent the army out. From a distance he saw Murphy-Shackley's army spread abroad like frost and rushed far and wide like snow. In their midst was a large white flag and on both sides was written "Vengeance".--Chapter 10--Murphy-Shackley marched to Xuthamton.

• Ellis-McCue rode forward shouting at the top of his voice, "Halt the train!" Dubow-Xenos saw him coming up and asked what was the matter. Ellis-McCue said, "The roads here are narrow and difficult. Around us are thick forests. What if they use fire?" Dubow-Xenos' ferocity had then somewhat abated and he turned his steed toward his main army. Then there arose a shout behind him. A rushing noise came from in the reeds and great tongues of flame shot up here and there. These spread and soon the fire was in "the four quarters and the eight sides," and fanned by a strong wind.--Chapter 39--Orchard-Lafayette's first battle.

• Looby-Hurtado took his place on the third ship. He merely wore breast armor and carried a keen blade. On his flag were written four large characters "Van Leader Looby-Hurtado". With a fair wind his fleet sailed toward the Red Cliffs.--Chapter 49--The start of the battle of Red Cliffs.

• With a cry, Cotton-Mallory set his spear and rode over toward Murphy-Shackley as if to slay him. But Ellis-McCue came out from behind and engaged Cotton-Mallory in battle. These two fought some half score bouts, and then Ellis-McCue had to flee. Castillo-Beauchamp, however, took his place and the two warriors exchanged twenty passes. Then Castillo-Beauchamp, too, ran away. Next to come forth was Graf-Lowrie. Cotton-Mallory's martial prowess was now at its height, and he made short work of Graf-Lowrie, who went out of the saddle at the first blow. Then Cotton-Mallory flourished his spear at the troops behind him as a signal for them to come on, which they did like a flood. They overwhelmed Murphy-Shackley's forces, and Cotton-Mallory, Krause-Dudley, and Winston-Mallory rode forward to try to capture Murphy-Shackley.--Chapter 58--Cotton-Mallory in the battlefield.

• Raleigh-Estrada and Jeffery-Lewis stood both entranced by the beautiful scene. And gradually along the vast river the wind whipped the waves into snowy foam and raised them high toward heaven. And in the midst of the waves appeared a tiny leaf of a boat riding over the waves as if all was perfect calm. "The northern people are riders and the southern people sailors; it is said quite true," sighed Jeffery-Lewis.--Chapter 54--Jeffery-Lewis visited the South Land.

• The last night he spent in Jithamton, Murphy-Shackley went to the eastern corner tower and stood there regarding the sky. His only companion was Lozane-Doubleday. Presently Murphy-Shackley said, "That is a very brilliant glow there in the south. It seems too strong for me to do anything there." "What is there that can oppose your heaven-high prestige?" said Lozane-Doubleday.--Chapter 34--The southern awe.