A CONFESSION: I have never been to the US.
My goal was to develop a fantasy version of this country, informed by the IV-line of US pop culture I’ve been hooked up to since childhood. Obviously, all mistakes are 100% intentional, and are actually a clever illumination of how the US has established a worldwide cultural hegemony, which has shaped a flawed simulacra of the country within my imagination, and …
Have I covered my arse yet? Anyway.
There aren’t enough words in the English language to express my gratitude to the brilliant Beth Marshea at Ladderbird Lit. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my guide as I venture into the world of authorship. Thank you—and Annalise!—for encouraging me to take the secateurs to this novel, and for (gently) slapping my wrists when I tried to snip away too much. You guys are hereby dubbed the Sherman Defense Squad.
To my editor, Holly, at Feiwel & Friends—thanks for the wonderful conversations about cats and cosplay and everything in between. Working through your suggestions helped me see the true potential of this novel, and your enthusiasm made me fall in love with Riley’s character all over again! My thanks to Brittany, too, for your marvelous insight—and thanks to Avia Perez and Jessica White for wrestling the time line into shape.
My sensitivity readers have asked not to be named publicly, but I remain eternally grateful to them. Thank you for the effort you poured into educating me. This story shines so much brighter for your input. My especial gratitude to the wonderful writer of that letter. Your kind, insightful words resonated deeply.
I holler appreciation across the Channel and the Atlantic at my entire beta crew. You guys caught the most heinous of my Britishisms and liberally showered me in memes. This is for you, Linked (speed-reader extraordinaire; French, but I’ll forgive you), Christina (my love to the Peep!), Ally, Max, Callista, Audrey, and Dahlia. Special shout-out to Lisa—the best friendships are built on bones. May our skull collections continue to grow. And another shout to Jess, my nemesis—you listened to my gripes and groans, teased me for going to bed disgustingly early, and reminded me of my awesomeness whenever I started to doubt. Stay villainous.
Thanks, Mum and Dad, for smiling and nodding as I blathered to you about this project. For popping the bubbly before I’d even signed the contract. For always loving me, even when you didn’t understand. Especially then, I think. You guys are my rocks.
It takes a village to raise a kid, and a megalopolis to write a book. For my brother, John, the SheSizzles girls, the ACC crew, the Avosquado, and the Fourth Legion; for those who helped me through my own Mental & Physical Health Bullshit (you know who you are) and all those I’ve forgotten—you guys make me who I am. I don’t know if the world should thank you or flip you off for that. Let’s find out together.