Chapter Seven
Kristen pulled the spinach cups out of the oven and slid in a pan of cheesy bacon cups. She’d been wanting to try these recipes, and since she was up early for a Saturday morning, she figured it was a good time. She was excited about Cameron’s plans for the day. Since the crazy day on Wednesday, they hadn’t spent much time together. Thursday, Cameron had had a meeting at the university, and when he’d stopped by the café afterward, she had seen the lines of tiredness around his eyes.
And last night… Her lips turned up. She’d promised Skye the day off, so she was almost asleep on her feet when he’d stopped by as she was closing. He’d kissed her then told her to get some rest before escorting her up to her apartment and leaving.
The bell on the café door rang, and Kristen moved over to the entrance between the kitchen and front counter. Skye came bouncing in, locking the door behind her.
Turning, Skye let out a squeal. “Kristen, you scared me.”
“Sorry.” She pushed open the swinging door for Skye. “I was up early and decided to try out a couple of new recipes.”
What did Skye know that she didn’t? “About what?” Kristen moved the now-cooled spinach cups off the baking sheet, putting four on a plate before sliding the rest into the fridge.
“Spending the day with Cameron, of course.”
“Is there anything you don’t know?” Kristen put her hands on her hips. She hadn’t mentioned her date to Skye.
“No.” After putting her purse and jacket away, Skye slid her apron on. “Besides, I think it’s great you’re seeing him. You two have…what is the word? Chemistry.”
Kristen ducked her head. Damn, what else was Skye seeing? What were other people seeing? Did they see her excitement, her desire? Would they judge her because of it? A bubble of unease slid up her spine. Was this relationship a good idea? “I didn’t realize it was that obvious.”
“Only to me.”
Kristen gave a sigh of relief. Skye’s words calmed her nerves over being with Cameron…at least for now.
Skye sauntered over and stared down at the food. “Mmm, those look good.”
“Try it, and give me your opinion.”
Skye snatched one of the spinach cups and popped it into her mouth. Her eyes grew wide.
“That bad?” Kristen asked.
Skye shook her head. “Oh my God,” she said once she swallowed. “Those are great. What are they?” She picked up another one and ate it.
“Spinach, garlic, sour cream, cream cheese, and grated cheese mixed together, then put in a pastry puff and baked.” The oven timer went off, and Kristen pulled the bacon cheddar cups out.
“Bacon.” Skye grinned. “These are going to be a big hit.”
“I hope so.” She playfully slapped Skye’s hand as she reached for one of the bacon cups. “Let them cool.”
“Are we putting them out today?”
“Yes, provided you don’t eat them all.”
Skye picked up a bacon cup and blew on it before taking a bite. “Dang, Kristen. I don’t know how you come up with these things.”
Kristen shook her head. “I saw the pastry cups the other day and bought them, and then wondered what I could fill them with. Breakfast for most of the kids at the university is on the run, and these are small enough.”
“Plus great for parties,” Skye said before she glanced at the clock. “Five to eight, I’ll get the coffee going and then open.”
“Thanks, Skye.”
With a wave, Skye went out to the café, and Kristen began making more of the pastry cups. They could sit in the fridge, and Skye could bake them if she needed. Now, she could experiment on a new cake recipe.
“Hey, it’s almost eleven,” Skye said, popping her head into the kitchen.
“What?” Kristen almost dropped the pan she was holding. It couldn’t be. She’d just looked at the clock a few minutes ago, and it had said nine forty-five.
“Wasn’t Cameron picking you up at eleven?”
“Crap.” She glanced at the clock. Ten fifty. She sat the pan down and took off her oven mitts. “Time got away from me.”
“Go. Tim’s already here.”
“Okay, if you need anything…”
“Yeah, I’ll call. Go.” Skye made a shooing motion with her hands.
Kristen jogged up the stairs to her apartment. Thank goodness, she had laid out clean clothes. Now, she needed a quick shower. As she dried herself off, she heard a loud knock on the door. She wrapped the towel around her and padded to the door. Looking out the peephole, she saw Cameron standing there with a frown on his face.
She fumbled with the locks before pulling the door open. “Sorry, time got away from me.” When Cameron didn’t say anything, she glanced up at him.
The frown was gone, and his gaze blazed with desire. He stepped forward, causing her to retreat. Once inside he slammed the door.
“Drop the towel.”
“What?” Her heart raced. He had this…she didn’t know what to call it other than, his Dom look. His eyes were dark with desire, he looked bigger, more muscular… Her bones just about melted.
“Drop. The. Towel.”
Oh God, that voice. The deep, husky, commanding tone went straight to her core, making her wet. Her fingers trembled as she loosened the towel from around her chest. Was she really going to do this? Was she ready to do this?
Cameron’s warm fingers closed over hers. “Am I moving too fast?”
She wanted to deny it, but…what? He was going to see her naked somewhere along the line. “No, I just didn’t expect you to demand me to drop my towel.” Hadn’t she complained to herself the other day that he was moving too slow?
“Ground rules, remember?” he asked. “When we’re alone, I’m in control.”
“And I agreed.” She blew out a breath as he dropped his hand. Closing her eyes, she loosened the towel and let it fall to the floor. Would he find the flaws that others had?
The silence in the room caused her to shiver with apprehension.
“You are gorgeous.” His words were quiet. “Open your eyes, sweetheart.”
Kristen raised her chin and let her lashes lift. The look of amazement and wonder on Cameron’s face almost brought her to her knees. “You don’t mind?” Her voice was soft.
“Mind what?” His fingertips traced her shoulders.
“My breasts are a little small, and my hips a little big.”
“They’re perfect.” His breath brushed her cheek. “You’re perfect.”
The fabric of his shirt rubbed against her breasts as he moved closer, making her nipples harden as he pulled her into his embrace.
“Perfect.” His arms tightened around her as his hands cupped her ass. “Don’t you believe anyone who tells you anything else.” He slapped her ass.
“Cameron.” His name came out more excited than startled.
“As much as I’d like to keep you this way, I do have plans for today. So go get dressed.” He stepped back.
She missed his warmth and touch, but with a saucy grin, she turned and sashayed her way to her bedroom.
Cameron adjusted his cock in his jeans. Damn, seeing her dressed in just a towel had made him harden, but then when she’d dropped it…full-on erection. He strode over to the window and looked out at the street.
He needed to calm his dick down. Otherwise, today’s plans would go up in smoke. It was the end of their first week together. They’d spent time doing what normal couples did. Cameron let out a laugh.
Normal couples. Kink was perfectly normal. But he hadn’t rushed the kinky stuff. Instead, he’d taken her out to dinner and had spent time with her while she baked. They’d kissed, but today, he was going to up the ante. He would show her his playroom and see how she reacted.
After seeing her perfect body, he wanted nothing more than to take her to bed. Maybe tonight. No. Not yet. They could play. He wanted to learn her body, hear her cries of pleasure, and read every nuance she had before they moved on to more relationship stuff.
“Ready,” she said.
He turned. She was dressed in a pair of jeans with a flowered T-shirt and sneakers.
“Great.” He held his hand out to her, pleased when she slipped hers into his.
Kristen locked the door when they stood on the landing, and he kept her hand in his as they negotiate the stairs down to his car. He was reluctant to let go of her as he held the car door open for her. She climbed in and once he made sure she was in, he let go. Cameron rounded the car and climbed in.
“What’s on the agenda for today?” Kristen asked as he pulled away from the café.
“It’s a surprise.” He tossed her a grin. “Did you finish reading the book I gave you?”
“Yes. Oh darn, I left it in my bedroom.”
“I don’t need it back; you keep it.” He turned onto the road leading out of town. He’d given her a book on the D/s lifestyle and what it could contain. “So what did you think?”
“More than that, Kristen. Was there anything in the book you didn’t understand? Anything that you are worried about?” He was happy she found it interesting, but he wanted to answer any questions she might have.
She wiggled in her seat. “Nothing I can think of. It seemed pretty basic.”
He nodded as he turned into his driveway. “Good.” He parked, and together, they strode up the walk and into his house. After removing their shoes at the door, he guided her to the family room and motioned toward the forest green sofa. “Have a seat.”
He waited until they both sat before he started speaking. “I want to go over a few rules before we do anything today.”
“Okay.” She twisted a lock of hair around her finger.
Damn, he wasn’t trying to make her nervous, but he wanted to make sure she understood she could call a halt to anything at any time.
“I want you to talk to me, ask me anything you need to ask. There is nothing off limits with us anymore.” He waited for her to respond.
Her gaze darted around the room as if she was trying to come up with an answer. “But my hard limits?”
“Hard limits are still in effect. But if you have questions about something I’m doing—want to know about a toy, have a concern, anything at all—I want you to talk to me. I don’t want you scared or frightened.”
Her lips turned up in a grin. “I think some fear is natural.”
“Maybe, but I don’t want you running away.” It would crush his heart if he frightened her away.
“Not going to happen.”
“Good. What is your safeword?”
“To get me to slow down?”
He smiled; she had told him she used food as safewords because it was something she would remember but wouldn’t use during playtime by accident.
“All right. I want to make sure you’re okay with what is going to happen today.”
“Cameron.” She placed her hand on his arm. “I’m fine with you. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”
“Negotiation. I’m not going to tell you everything.” If for some reason things didn’t work out between then, he wanted her to be able to negotiate with others. His gut tightened. Just the thought of her with someone else made him sick.
“All right.”
“Today, we’re going to be in my playroom.”
“You have a playroom?” There was eagerness in her voice, and it pleased him.
“Yes. We’re going to explore it together today. And probably try a few things out.”
Her eyes lit up, and his own excitement rose. “What are we waiting for?”
He laughed. “Eager little thing, but first things first.” He dipped his head and captured her lips with his. Subtle hints of coffee and raspberries teased his taste buds as they kissed.
She followed his lips as he pulled back from the kiss, and he fought against hauling her against him. One thing at a time.
“So here’s how we’re going to proceed today.” His fingers brushed down her cheek. “You’re going to look around my playroom. Note anything that is a hard limit that we haven’t already discussed.”
“What do you have in there?”
“You’ll see. After that, I’d like to see how you respond to being tied up on the equipment of my choice.”
“That’s fine.” Her eyes were bright with excitement.
Cameron took her hand, stood, and guided her down the hall, coming to a stop in front of a closed, oak door. “Open the door and go in, the lights are already on.” He released her hand.
She had to take this step herself. It had to be her choice, not his, to explore his lifestyle.