






he Sanctuary at Cameron Castle was always a busy place. Children were constantly being herded from one room to another, the women called to each other across the grounds, and some days you might even hear a little laughter.

But for many of the residents, having a roof over their heads, being safe, and having food didn't take care of all their needs. The horror of Culloden seemed to have invaded the very souls of some of the women, and those were the ones Reggie worried about.

"Hector, I think we need to try to get Aileen to her family in Lairg. She has an older sister there who would take her in. Do you agree with that idea?"

Sometimes Hector had difficulty responding to Reggie. Today she was wearing a cornflower blue dress with a high collar. The blue color accentuated her violet eyes, and her honey-colored hair was held back with a matching ribbon. She glided quietly along, her long skirts barely skimming the floor. These distractions got his attention more than her words.

"Uh ... aye. Ethel tells me she's a great worker in the kitchen, but some days she's lost in her thoughts and stares off in space. Ethel's worried about her, too."

"Do you think we can arrange that? To get her to Lairg Fern?"

Hector stared down at his boots for a long moment, then looked back up at Reggie.

"I'll be going to the Highlands in a couple of days. I need to see Da and my brothers. They're bound to be as worried as I am about the Brits. I'll take Aileen with me and help her find her sister. Lairg's one of the villages on the trail, so it's not out of my way."

"I knew you'd find a way, you always do."

She smiled at him and walked away satisfied this one woman would have a chance at life again now.

Next morning, Hector wanted to get underway as early as possible. The trek to the Highland lodge was always a long one, and he had a detour to make along the way this time. Aileen had been very pleased he had offered to take her as far as Lairg Fern.

"Mr. MacKinnon, I do thank you. I know I'm difficult for Ethel to deal with some days, but I do try. It's just that I'm so alone now."

"Lairg is not much out of my way, Aileen. I've never been there, but I believe it's just south and west of our own properties. It'll take us a while, but if ye get tired we'll just let ye rest in the back of the cart. There's a blanket and that'll keep ye warm enough. I've used this cart many times for just such trips as this one. We'll find yer sister, then I'll get on to my own family. It's an easy enough task, lass."

Originally he had planned to go by horseback, as that was quicker. But when Reggie had made her request he decided to take the cart instead.

Aileen was a small, thin woman with an abundance of long dark hair. She wore it braided and it hung down her back. She kept to herself and didn't talk much, according to Ethel. Reggie had been able to get a few details out of her, but you didn't need to know the details to understand she was in pain and getting her to her sister's was a good idea. So before the sun even considered raising its golden head, Hector and Aileen were on the trail headed upland.

"Reggie tells me your family is in the upper Highlands, too, Mr. MacKinnon." She was trying to make conversation, but found it difficult. She'd retreated inside herself some time ago and making small talk with others was a real trial for her.

"Aye. I've got three brothers, my da and Uncle Andrew. And there's Caitlin and Millie, who are married to my brothers. Oh, and Millie has a little daughter named Midge. Millie was married once before, ye ken? It's a long story, but she's part of our family now."

"All these people live in one cottage?"

"Well, Da always added a room each time a bairn came along. Then he added another room when Old Jamie moved in, and then another when Uncle Andrew joined us. Da just likes to build cottages, I think. So what started out as a small crofter's hut became a rather large lodge. And believe it or not, there are still some empty rooms." He smiled at the woman.

The two of them had traveled for most of the day when Hector decided to stop at an inn for a bite to eat. The inn was located on the south side of Cromarty Firth, which was where they would veer off and head toward Lairg. He'd taken the food Ethel had insisted on packing for him, but he thought Aileen would find dinner in the inn a pleasant experience, probably one she hadn't had in a long time.

"Whoa, now, whoa, Bess. Hold here."

Hector pulled hard on the reins and stepped down from the cart. Coming to the other side, he offered his hand to Aileen and helped her down.

"What's this place, Mr. MacKinnon?"

"This is an inn I sometimes frequent on my way. Ethel's cooking is great, but there's also a pub in here that will take care of my thirst, ye ken?"

He smiled at the woman and led her through the door. To anyone watching, they would appear to be a young couple stopping for dinner along their journey, which is exactly what they were.

Aileen looked about. She'd actually been a cook in an inn such as this, years ago now it seemed. She didn't like to remember those days, however, as they were from another lifetime, a time when her life was full of happiness and promise.

"Why don't ye enjoy a small glass of their wine, Aileen? It might help ye relax a bit."

"Yessir." And she drank not one, but two glasses of the rich red wine the innkeeper placed on their table. Hector had become used to the fine wine at Cameron Castle, but this wasn't too bad. If nothing else, it seemed to loosen Aileen's tongue a little and she began to tell him her story. Hector knew parts of it, as Reggie had told him as much as she knew. But he now understood there was much more to the story, and the telling of it renewed Aileen's sorrow and brought pain to his own heart as well.

Mam, if ye can hear me, I need yer wisdom.

Aileen waited patiently as Hector went to the counter and paid for their meal and wine. She was more relaxed than she could remember being in such a long time. Somehow, telling Hector her troubles was strangely a relief even though it brought back painful memories. It took Hector a bit longer at the counter than she thought it might, but she stayed put until he came back to their table.

"The innkeeper says we can't cross Cromarty Firth just now. They've had so much rain the bridge is under water. He indicated there's another path we can take to get to Lairg Fern. It will take us a little longer, but we'll get there."

"I see. If you think that's best, sir."

They had only gone a short way when Hector saw Aileen's head lean to the side. She immediately sat up straight, but in another few minutes her chin dropped to her chest and she was nodding off again.

Bringing the cart to a halt, he gently roused her.

"Here, lass, let's let ye rest a bit in the cart. The blanket will keep ye warm and we'll be to our destination before ye know it."

"Yessir. I'm just tired and sleepy, from the wine I guess."

And she actually smiled at Hector, the first smile he had ever seen on her face.

Hector himself was tired, but this trip was one he knew he had to make. The British were virtually crawling all over the country and it was only a matter of time before he and his brothers would be called on to take some kind of action. But that was the problem. What kind of action?

Hector had made this trip so many times he could do it in his sleep. In fact, he thought he may have slept the last few miles. But just the scent of the Highlands was enough for him to feel a warmth flowing through his body.

It had taken him longer than usual to get here, but it was still light, as this time of year the days were much longer. The Highlands were alive with every flower and plant pushing its way through the soil, seeking the warmth of the sun. As always, he pulled to the back of the lodge, where he knew all the activity would be taking place.     Looking out across the moor, he saw Hamish and Kenny working with the sheep, then he heard laughter coming from the stable. Suddenly, he caught brief snatches of voices—voices of children.

"Grandda says he's still tired, but when he's better he'll teach me to ride."

Dugald was showing Bridgette and Charlie the new pony Da had brought to the lodge. They looked at the pony briefly, then ran around the corner intent on chasing Tess, the old Border collie, as she slowly sauntered by. She was so old now that running was not an option for her.

Millie and Caitlin heard the cart pull up and peeked out the window. "Oh, Millie, it's Hector. Thank goodness. And he's brought Dorothea. What a help she'll be."

Millie rushed out the door, anxious to greet her old nursemaid and friend. But she stopped just short of going down the steps.

"Caitlin, that's not Dorothea. I don't know that lady, do you?"

Just seconds later, the three laughing bairns came flying around the corner of the stable, headed to the back door. They came to an abrupt halt, stared for several minutes, then began to run toward the woman standing by the cart. Dugald was the first one to find his voice.

"Mum! That's our mum, that's our mum!" he yelled as he flew towards the cart. Bridgette stumbled and fell to the ground as she began to run faster trying to keep up with Dugald. She was on her feet again in a moment and once again darted forward.

"Mummy! Mummy!" she screamed, and she, too, was across the yard grabbing at her mother's skirts.

Aileen had sunk to her knees, and had not yet found her own voice. It was hiding somewhere between the sobs and tears. She knew she would find it eventually, but just now her arms did the talking and that was enough for Dugald and Bridgette.

Then, as if he didn't trust his eyes, wee Charlie stood very still, then slowly began to make his way toward his mother. The closer he got, the faster his small legs began to run.

"Mu, Mu, Mu."

This was his first attempt at making any words since his frightening event with Drosera.

Aileen finally uttered her first words also.

"Oh, Charlie, come here! It's Mummy! Come here!"

She gathered all three precious bairns in her thin arms and held them tightly, vowing to never let them go again.

Millie and Caitlin stood by observing the scene in awe, and found themselves crying too. They watched in disbelief and wonderment as this small family came together after being separated by events none of them could understand. Caitlin sent up a small prayer of thanks for her own bairn, Flinn.

"Uncle Wabi would tell you the Creator had a hand in this." She wiped her eyes and handed Millie the kerchief.

"Ah, Caitlin, Millie, 'tis good to see ye both." Hector greeted them with a MacKinnon hug, which left the two of them staggering.

"Hector, how in the world did you find their mother? I thought she was dead," Millie said. She and Caitlin had both been mother to these three for some time now, but certainly were glad their own mother had been found.

"It's a long, sad, story ladies. There are so many sad stories at the Sanctuary. All of the women have one, and each one will pull at yer heartstrings. But once I heard Aileen's story it didn't take much to realize the bairns I had found in Cameron Castle belonged to her.

I now know the children had left their cottage thinking their mother was dead. But apparently she was ill and had become unconscious for several days and when she finally did awaken, she couldn't find them. She came to the Sanctuary several months ago and has been having a most difficult time trying to get a grip on her life, a life without her husband and bairns. It seemed an impossible task for her and she withdrew more and more everyday.

"Then she's one of the lucky ones, I say. Culloden has taken so much from so many," Caitlin said.

And it may have taken Alex and Jack even as we speak.

"So tell me what's happening up here. Where's Alex, Jack?"

Millie turned away, preferring to let Caitlin tell Hector their own sad story.

"Alex and Jack left for the border about ten days ago. They were hoping to learn whatever information they can about the Brits in order to come up with a plan to keep us all safe, if that's possible."

"Ten days? That's a long time. Were they planning to be gone that long?"

"No, they had thought to be back within a week at most."

"Then, I'll go look for them. Today."

"There's more to tell, Hector. Alex sent Kenny down to the Black Isle to check on wool prices. He came back saying two Highlanders had been captured there the day before he arrived. The innkeeper at the local pub described one of them as having red hair and being big as a giant."

"Jesus! That's gotta be Jack. And the other had to be Alex."

"Yes, that's what we think, too. But, Da doesn't want us to do anything hasty."

"Where's Da? He's usually got one of the bairns on his hip or reading to one of 'em. And where's Ian?"

"We've had several weeks of Scarlet Fever here in the lodge. The bairns, Midge, Flinn and Bridgette, were first. Then Da and Andrew."

"Well, I see the wee ones are up and about. How are the old ones?"

"Go see for yourself. Da's upstairs in Mam's room. He's waiting for you."

Hector bounded up the stairs and was at Mam's room in seconds. He knocked and, not waiting for an answer, opened the door.

"Da? Are ye alright then?" Hector had never seen his father ailing. He'd watched him recover from a wound from a wild boar, but even that hadn't kept him in bed. At the moment he looked pale and gaunt.

"Ah, lad. It's about time. We hoped ye'd come." 

Hector knelt next to Da's bed. "Caitlin says the fever got ye but that ye'll recover if ye take it easy a while."

"Aye. It's nothing worth talking about."

"Maybe, but she knows her business, Da. Ye need to listen to her, and I do have something worth talking about." He pulled up a stool, sat down and proceeded to tell Da the story of Aileen and her bairns.

"That's the best news I've heard in a long time. It's right that ye brought her here. A mother needs to be with her bairns. Now, I'm tired of taking it easy, and when I'm ready I'm going downstairs whether the ladies like it or no. Caitlin's taken good care of me, but it's time for me to get meself on me feet."

"Caitlin says Uncle Andrew had the fever too. Guess he's over in his cottage with Camille."

Da hesitated a moment, looking out the window over the moor. Then he turned back to Hector.

"Lad, nae. Andrew's gone on to his next lodge, ye ken? He didn't make it."

Hector stood and looked at Da, seeing unbearable grief in the old man's eyes. He and Andrew had been mates since they were but young lads. They'd spent a lifetime together and when you saw one, the other was close by.

"But, Da. He can't be gone. He ... I ..."

"I know, lad. It's like me right arm is gone. The only worse pain was when Alice left me. But ye know, son, she'd say, 'he's only a thought away, Daniel, only a thought away.'"

Hector slowly walked down to the kitchen. It never occurred to him that his own family might be having their own problems while he was down at the Sanctuary helping others. Looking around, he saw Flinn asleep in her crib and Midge playing at Millie's feet as she and Caitlin prepared food for this large group.

Aileen and the orphans had come inside and Hector made all the necessary introductions. The woman looked so forlorn, twisting her hands and pushing at her hair as if to tidy it. They all said the proper words, but her discomfort was apparent to everyone. She looked at Hector, perhaps seeking his approval. He smiled at her, and in a halting voice she began to speak.

"I don't know what to say to you all. I thought my bairns were gone forever. But you have taken them in and cared for them as if they were your own. Whatever can I do to thank you? I have nothing, no money, not even a home for them now. But I do hope you'll understand I can't leave them again. Perhaps my sister will have room for us, if I can just make my way there."

Hector, in true MacKinnon fashion, came to her rescue immediately.

"Ye don't need to worry about a place for them, Aileen. They, and ye, can stay here as long as ye want. As far as we're concerned, they, and ye, yer all part of the MacKinnon family.

"Now, Millie, I'm well aware of yer skills in the kitchen. Ye'll be pleased to know, however, that Aileen has worked in several inns as a cook and for the last weeks Ethel has taught her how to make dishes I've never even heard of."

Millie spoke up quickly. "Another cook? Oh, Aileen you have no idea how much I would like that. I enjoy cooking, but with my duties in the school these days it's quite a chore to keep food on the table and prepare lessons as well."

Aileen nodded, and without any further invitation began stirring a pot of potatoes on the stove with all three bairns still holding on to her skirts.

"So, where's Ian?" Hector asked. 

Caitlin sighed and shook her head.

"He left here headed to Skye to resume his training. But that was some time ago now and I haven't been able to communicate with Uncle Wabi, so I really don't know what's going on with those two."

"Communicate? With Wabi?"

"Oh, it's just something Wabi taught me to do when I'm in a dire situation. But no matter how hard I try, he's not listening, or chooses not to. I just don't know."

Hector knew about Wabi's unusual powers, but he didn't quite understand how he and Caitlin could communicate.

"So Ian is gone, but if Alex and Jack have been captured I should get down to Edinburgh and try to find out where they are."

A voice from the doorway got their attention.

"Nae, lad. Ye go back to the Sanctuary and take care of those women there. They're just as needy as Alex and Jack and that's yer place right now."

Da saw the thin woman standing at the stove with the three orphans clinging to her skirts. He nodded in her direction. She smiled briefly then turned back to stirring the potatoes. Da came closer and bowed slightly.

"I'm Daniel MacKinnon, mam. I understand yer the mother of my grandchildren. I'm pleased to make yer acquaintance."

Dugald and Bridgette ran over to their grandda and hugged him about the knees, as they'd not seen him since the fever had taken over the lodge.

Aileen couldn't stop the tears as they started down her face and her soul filled with joy knowing her family was secure.

~ ~ ~


Following the burial, Robbie had retired to his attic lair and found himself writing furiously in his journal. This outlet allowed him a way to express his thoughts and fears. He'd been so relieved to see Grandda pull through the fever, and now he was back to wondering about Alex and Jack. What had happened to them? Were they even still alive?

He closed his journal and decided to see what the ruckus was downstairs. His attic room kept him isolated from some noises, but there was definitely something going on down there.

As he came into the kitchen he saw Caitlin and Millie, and to his surprise, Grandda. There was another small woman and a large man standing next to her. For a half second he thought it was Alex, but then quickly realized it wasn't.

Grandda called out to him.

"Here, lad. Come meet yer Uncle Hector. He's the last one I promise ye."

Grandda smiled as he introduced the lad—and his pride in this new grandson showed. Robbie had become very special to him.     "Hector, this is Robbie. Robbie Alexander MacKinnon, Alex's son, ye ken?"

Alex's son? Alex doesn't have a son.

That was obviously not true, as the lad standing there could only belong to Alex. Hector stared at the young man as if he couldn't take his eyes away. Even the arrogant lift of his dimpled chin rang of Alex. Finally, he stuck out his hand to the lad.

"Uh, glad to meet ye, Robbie."

Hector looked to Da, then Caitlin and back to the lad.

"I see there have been some changes since I was last here. Perhaps I'd better come more often."

Da nodded. "Yep. It might not be a bad idea. As ye can tell, there's never a dull moment at this lodge. Robbie, this is Aileen. She's the mother to these three children that have ye about the knees."

Robbie nodded to Aileen and pried Charlie from his legs. Charlie didn't talk but found it easy to be with Robbie and both of them liked that.

Everyone was gathered around the dining table for the evening meal when there was a light knock at the back door and Camille entered.

"Camille, come in, come in," Da called out. They were all glad to see her, as she had closeted herself in her cottage since Andrew's burial. She preferred to grieve alone, and they accepted her wish to do so.

"We've had a wonderful surprise today. Please come in and meet Aileen, the mother of our three bairns." Millie ushered her through the door and she held out her hand to Aileen.

"My, what a wonderful development. It's my pleasure to meet you, Aileen. Your children have brought much happiness to me and all of us, and with you back with them, I'm sure they will bring the same to you."

The dinner conversation tiptoed around the one subject on everyone's mind—what about Alex and Jack?

Finally, Da stood and announced he was going back up to rest. Robbie immediately came to his side and offered his help. Hector took this all in but made no comment.

Just before Da went up, Hector walked over and spoke quietly to him.

"Da, I'll need to get back to the Sanctuary quickly as Reggie has her hands full. We've got a house full of women and children and it takes both of us to keep everything running smoothly. But I'll be back shortly."

Da nodded and allowed Robbie to give him a hand.

Returning to the kitchen, Hector dug into the inside pocket of his coat.

"Millie, I almost forgot. I've a letter from Dorothea. She said she explained everything in the letter, but I know what she wants to tell ye is that we truly need her at the Sanctuary. She's as important as Reggie, and right now I just don't know what I'd do without her. She's so good with the wee ones. They listen to her and she seems to have found her calling. I know she doesn't want to disappoint you, but at the moment she finds herself being needed."

"Then that's where she should stay. Tell her I understand and I'll come down soon."

Next morning, quite early as always, Hector was busy rigging up Bess for his trip back to the Sanctuary. He was surprised to see Camille strolling across the path from her cottage to the lodge. She was dressed in a very fine, dark blue coat with a matching hat—traveling clothes. Even Hector recognized that.

"Good morning, Camille. What brings you out so early?"

"I know the stage goes to Edinburgh every Friday morning. I was wondering if I might get a lift to the station if it's not out of your way. Andrew brought happiness to me and I'll always remember those days. But, I must go on with my life now, and it's right that I go back to Edinburgh. I have a small home there and many friends to comfort me."

"I see. Have you discussed the matter with the family?"

"Yes, Caitlin and Millie and I talked at length last evening and decided it would be better for me to just go on and not create another emotional scene for the bairns. They've had enough of those lately. We're in agreement this is the proper thing for me to do." Hector nodded his agreement. "Then, let's be on our way."






an sat watching the waves as they stretched to reach the edge of the shore, their fingers pulling at the ropes that held the old wooden boat Wabi kept tied at his dock. The lapping of the water produced a rhythmic sound Ian found soothing. He'd been sitting on the dock for some time now and Owl was long gone.

Well then. What am I going to do now? I gotta find Wabi. I need his help.

He stood, walked to the edge of the water and stared at his reflection. The last year had brought even more growth and he was almost as tall as Alex and Jack now. Still on the thin side, but even he could see the MacKinnon features were becoming more apparent. In a short time he would be broad shouldered and well over six feet. Smiling to himself, he recalled how he never thought he would be as big as his brothers. It looked like he had been wrong about that.

The ripples in the water caused his reflection to be distorted and he continued to stare, again pondering what he should do now.

Alex would know what to do. He always knows what to do. But he's not here. So what am I to do?

He watched in amazement as a flock of seagulls soared overhead, with one leading the pack. Within seconds they were  gone from sight and Ian wondered at such grace and skill. It had seemed so effortless. In his own life, nothing seemed effortless. Well, except for the skills Wabi had taught him—namely, lighting a fire with a nod of his head and being able to travel through time weaving. 

Maybe I should have stayed at home with Da and my family. But Da had thought this was the right thing for me, and even Alex was in agreement. But now, maybe I'll just go home. But I need to find Wabi. He'll have some ideas. Perhaps I should ..."

His thoughts were running around in circles and he was still no closer to knowing what to do. He sat down, as if standing was just too difficult. Even his body language revealed his feeling of defeat. Just then, a large wave rushed in farther than the others and had him scurrying to get up and away before he was wet on his seat.

Alright then. What would Alex do? Ye know what Alex would do. He'd tell ye to gather yer facts, plan yer strategy and then get off yer arse and move. Alright then, I will. So what do I know? Owl said Wabi's power is beginning to wane, he needs to go deep within, and that he's in a safe place. No, no, he said a resting place, a place of the ancients. That's what he said, a place of the ancients. Aye! Some of Mam's old books in our library talk about a place of the ancients. But where was that place?

He thought for a few moments, then was off running toward the stable, his prosthesis never slowing him down. Rummaging around in his saddlebag, he finally came upon what he was looking for, the old map of Scotland and the Isles Caitlin had given him. She knew he loved history and this map had been in some of her Grandmother's belongings. It just looked like something Ian would want to have, and she had no use for it. 

Ian carefully unfurled the rolled map and lay it on a bale of hay. The map was made of vellum, the soft skin of a very young calf. Though it was stained in many areas, it had held up well. Its edges were fragile, however, and he hesitated to touch them. Caitlin had told him she thought it was a map of some of the islands where her early ancestors, the Picts and Vikings, had lived before they made their journey to North America.

Ian scoured the map inch by inch. There were notations on every spit of land. Most of them were in a language he didn't understand, but some were in Gaelic and he could read that. He recalled conversations with Mam, who knew Scottish history better than anyone. She'd talked about a tribe, people called the Druids, some kind of holy men. Mam had said they were often called the ancients. But where had they lived?

The map covered mainland Scotland and the northern isles, the Orkneys. Studiously combing the document from bottom to top, Ian noticed some of the islands to the north had small blue triangles drawn next to them. On closer inspection, he observed the triangles varied in size. Some were small, others a bit larger. He had no idea what these might indicate, but knew they could be important.

Some of the names on the map were ones he had heard before, such as Maeshowe, Skara Brae, the Stones of Stenness. But were these Druids, these ancients, the same ancients Owl had make reference to?

With no better place to start, he did what Alex would have done. He gathered his facts, planned his strategy, and now would take action. And the first part of his plan would have him time weaving, already his favorite way to travel.