I could almost allow myself to pretend that this was my life. It’s certainly the life I always imagined. A house full of loud children. A woman—a good woman—cooking dinner and laughing, clearly showing she loves her kids. It would be good to pretend.
Just for a night.
This is not for me, though. It was never in the cards. I need to remember these kids aren’t mine. This home is not mine and that woman… that woman is definitely not mine. The problem is, the more I try to remind myself of that fact, the more I want to ignore it.
“Mr. Reed? Do you want more pie?”
I look up as Ida Sue asks me that question. My stomach is about to bust, I ate so damn much. The fact that she made an apple pie after already having a cake though, makes me smile at her. She made that damn pie for me and I have to admit that it’s the best tasting one I ever had.
“I couldn’t hold another bite, but I might take one with me, if it’s not too much trouble.”
She smiles, doesn’t reply, but a man could get used to the warmth in her eyes. I rub the side of my jaw, letting my fingers scratch through the scruff. I don’t want to leave, but I know I need to. Ida Sue is one hell of a woman. Would it be so bad to claim her as mine? Take care of her and her kids? She needs someone. This ranch might not be mine, these kids aren’t mine, but they need someone.
Why couldn’t I be that person?
Ida Sue may deserve better than a broken-down, old cow poke, but I could bust my ass and make this ranch operable again. With some luck, prayers and hard work it could make money. It’s a daunting challenge, sure. But, if Ida Sue was the reward, her and these crazy kids, it’d be more than worth it.
“Mom, do you know what you haven’t done in a while?” Maggie asks.
“What’s that?”
“Sit outside and enjoy your coffee. You should tonight. You and Jansen. Green and I will clean up the kitchen.”
“We will? I don’t do dish—Ow!” Green stops talking and ends with a yell when his sister kicks him under the table. I hold my head down, so they can’t see me silently laughing. “Yeah, okay, fine. We’ll clean the dishes for you, Mom. You go sit outside and drink coffee,” Green mutters, glaring at his sister.
“I’m sure Mr. Reed has other things to do,” Ida Sue responds giving her children a scowling look.
“Actually, I’d like a little fresh air,” I tell her, standing up and reaching out my hand to her. She looks down at it and me and I’m pretty sure I can see panic on her face. I expect her to turn me down, but she surprises me. Her hand goes in mine.
We walk outside and the door barely shuts before we hear the kids cheering loudly.
“Score!” Cyan yells. “I think he likes her!”
“Of course, he likes her, dummy. Our mom’s a babe!” Black says.
That does make me laugh and I don’t even try to hold it back.
“I’m going to kill them,” she mutters, holding her head down.
“Well, they are right about one thing, Ida Sue.”
“What’s that?” she asks, still looking down at her feet.
I cup my hand on the side of her neck, applying enough pressure so she’ll look at me.
“You are a babe,” I murmur, looking into eyes that are a shimmering green that I’m pretty sure I could lose myself in.