Chapter 28

I stand, debating whether to go back to bed or do some research on gremlins when I realize two things.

My door is still open.

Darius is standing there.

He's leaning against the frame, arms crossed. He's still wearing his new clothes—tight jeans and a blue golf shirt—but he's clearly had a shower and looks completely refreshed and put together. Compared to me, who just rolled out of bed and desperately needs a shower and more sleep.

“How much did you overhear?” I ask, crossing my arms.

“Let me help you.”

“I work alone.”

“You let me help with the werewolves,” he protests. He enters my house and closes the door quietly behind him.

“Werewolves. Multiple. I can handle a gremlin.”

“You’ve never gone up against one before.”

“And you have? Wait. Have you?”

“Yes, actually.”

Ugh. It probably would be better to have someone to help, especially since this mission is time-sensitive. I don't want Amad to die and not just because of the wish. It's nice to have someone believe in me like he does even if I think he's a bit crazy to think I can help to change the world to be a better place. What can I do? I'm just one person. A human.

With the chance to become something more, the opportunity to change.

But do I want that?

“What do you plan on wishing for?” Darius asks.

I glower at him. “Did you hear our entire conversation?”

“It’s not my fault neither of you noticed me. I knocked.”

“You did?”

He smirks. “You two were too engrossed in your conversation, and I get it.” Darius glances at Amad. “You keep strange company.”

“He’s a client.”

“He thinks highly of you.”

"Most of my clients do, or else they wouldn't hire me."

“That’s not what I meant.”

“I know,” I say softly.

“You don’t like me.”

“I don’t trust you.”

“Why not? Because you were sent to kill me?”

"Don't take it personally. I don't trust most people."

“You trust Azir more than you do me.”

“Why do you care so much?” I snap.

“Maybe I want my life to have meaning again. I’ve been floundering since I was fired, and I just need my life to have purpose, okay?”

“Then become a bounty hunter yourself and get your own clients. Thank you for the food. Lock the door as you leave.”

“Rebel… Look. I want to blame Mirella for a lot of my life’s failings because she was involved with them, but I made the choices to fight alongside her. I knew HEX U would have a short leash with me, and in their eyes, I blew it. They have a certain way they want things done, and for a few years, it worked. I did everything they asked and nothing more, but that’s not enough. That’s not good enough. I’ve seen the evil some of the creatures do, and they want the guys locked up and thrown into Magical Prison. I don’t get it. Why not just kill them? Hardly anyone is allowed to leave the prison so they just end up dying in there. What’s the point?”

I say nothing. He’s clearly not done. Might as well let him get it all out.

“I got into trouble with my first job because of helping her. She never knew when to stop, but then I guess I didn’t either. I liked her. I really did, but she picked someone else, and she was right to. We wouldn’t have worked out. Kayden grounds her, and she listens to him more, which is funny considering I was one of her tutors. So I got into trouble with Magical Hunters Academy and then with HEX U, and I just couldn’t stand how they did things.”

“Mirella seems happy working for them,” I venture.

"She's changed. Grown-up, I guess."

I can’t help grinning. “Does that mean you’re immature?”

“I’m twenty-two. I can make the calls and know what needs to be done. That witch needed to be executed. If I could go back, I would do the same thing. It was the right choice. They don’t see it that way.”

"So, you bought a house…"

“I picked a random spot. I randomly picked a state and figured I would move to its capital.”

I blink. “You made a major decision and left it up to chance?”

"I have no significant other. I wasn't going to move back home with my parents. I just wanted to get away and have a fresh start, and then you showed up."

“Would things be better for you if I had killed you?”

He snorts. “No, but I think things happen for a reason. Our paths were meant to cross. Let me help you.”

I tap a finger against my cheek. “You asked what I would wish for. I wish for you to leave me alone.”

Darius’s gray eyes flash. “You’re going to end up dead,” he warns.

“I’m sick of being told that. Everyone underestimates me. Everyone.”

Even my brother.

Mason would spot me at the gym. He often asked if I wanted to lower the weights. Granted, I did sometimes increase the weight faster than I should so my form would suffer a little, but he would second-guess me.

He didn't think I could have the target moved back farther at the shooting range. We argued about it. Now, I'm wondering if he wanted me to focus on closer targets because the chances of my discovering a vampire from far away aren't high. He might not have known that any other creatures are also real.

Even with karate, he thought I should've waited and trained longer before attempting to obtain my black belt. I didn't fail, though. He had to have known I wouldn't, so why did he doubt me?

And the biggest way Mason underestimated me? Purely based on the way he kept the truth from me. He didn’t trust me enough to tell me about vampires. Yes, I’m certain that was what he wanted to tell me, but why did he wait so long? He could’ve told me after I became a black belt. That would’ve been a perfect opportunity but no. Instead, he left me alone to deal with school and gym and karate, all of it alone. In a way, his trips to take out vampires meant I already was becoming comfortable living alone, but we could have had so much more time together. We could have killed vampires together, and we could have maybe taken out that creature together. Mason and Gracie might still be alive.

His secret got him killed, and I hate him for that.

But I also love him, and I always will.

I also know what he would want me to do right now.

“The wish is mine,” I say. “It’s payment for the job, and there’s only one wish.”

He nods and opens his mouth, but I hold up a finger to silence him.

“We do things my way,” I say firmly. “I call the shots.”

“I understand.”

“Do you know anything about gremlins that might help?”

“They like to twist things around to benefit them always. It’ll be best if we can sneak attack him so he doesn’t even get the chance to speak.”

“That’s always ideal,” I say dryly. “What about their magic?”

"They don't normally even rely on their magic, from what I recall being taught."


“No. They’re intelligent creatures, and they’re crafty with technology. They can hold their own against almost anyone or anything. That’s the only reason why they’re still alive. Believe me, HEX U has tried to rid the world of them. They captured a few and had them in prison, but they managed to break out.”


“They aren’t the only ones to break out either,” he mumbles.

I lift my eyebrows. “Sounds like a great place to send evil paranormal creatures.”

“Don’t judge.”

“I would never judge your world.”

“You do every time you take on a case.”

“And yet, here you are, forcing your way in to provide help.”

“I told you I want my life to have purpose.”

“I already told you that you can help with this, but, Darius, after this case, you need to find your own life’s purpose. This is mine. You have to find your own way.”

He just grins in a way that makes my stomach twist into knots. I’m not so sure I like that grin, but I give him a small smile anyhow.

“Let’s go and get this done,” I say.

Darius shakes his head. “You sleep more. You need to have your mind sharp.”

I open my mouth to protest, but he cuts me off.

“I’ll do some digging to see what I can learn about—”

“Zorn is his name.”

Darius nods. “I’ll find out what I can. This’ll be fun.”

“Your own life,” I remind him as I head toward my bedroom.

“Yeah, yeah.”