While most people undergoing cancer treatment lose weight, that’s not the case for everyone. Some people gain weight during treatment. Hormone therapy, steroids, and some chemotherapy regimens can contribute to weight gain. Other treatments can cause fatigue or an increase in appetite, which could lead to weight gain.
If you notice you’re gaining weight, talk with your health care team. They can help you determine the best way to proceed. These suggestions can help prevent unwanted weight gain:
Talk to your doctor about being physically active during treatment, and try to avoid inactivity as best you can. There may be days when you don’t feel like doing much, but try to incorporate some type of enjoyable physical activity most days of the week. For example, start walking five to ten minutes a day and work up to at least thirty minutes a day at a moderate pace. A moderate pace means that you are still able to talk while walking briskly. Other ideas include dancing, biking, yoga, and pilates.
Limit how many sugary foods and drinks you consume. These foods contribute calories without nutrients.
Choose lean sources of protein, such as fish, poultry, beans, and legumes.
Limit your overall fat intake to help cut back on calories. Focus on healthy fats such as nuts and seeds and fatty fish (such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines).
Increase the amount of fiber in your diet. High-fiber foods include vegetables and fruit with the peel left on, whole grains, nuts, and beans or peas. Check with your doctor first; fiber should be restricted for some people.
Decrease your portion sizes, especially for high-fat foods and foods made with white (refined) flour and simple sugars.
Do not skip meals, and try to eat your largest meal earlier in the day. It is okay to have snacks as long as they are healthy and you don’t eat more overall.
Pay attention to what triggers you to eat, and think about whether you are eating because of stress, boredom, or to meet an emotional need.
Aggressive weight loss is not typically recommended during treatment. It is best to discuss weight loss goals with your health care team and make a plan together.