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This is always the hardest part of writing a book since there’s not enough thanks in the world to all the people who have helped me with my books. And the order of how they’re mentioned here doesn’t in any way change how much impact they’ve made on me and this book.
Of course, I’ll start with the real Talitha. Thanks for your name and for your love of a certain Kpop star whose name starts with Chan. It’s your fault he’s on my bias list, too. Meanie.
I always have to mention my husband first as he’s the main influence for my leading men. He didn’t mind kissing me when I was looking to get descriptions just right, and he’s my first go-to when I need to brainstorm aloud. Girls, wait to get yourself a guy who will respect and love you. There are good men out there, and my husband is proof.
Next, I have to mention my mother. I’m tearing up as I write this because she’s been such a huge support to me. Thank you, Mom, for always buying my books and telling your friends about them. And thank you for taking me to Korea with you. It was an experience I’ll never forget.
A huge thanks to all the girls in KDA who constantly support and uplift me when I’m down. I love the Kdrama games we play and how we can fangirl over shows together. You ladies rock my socks off! There’s too many to mention, or else I would put all 200+ of you in here.
Thank you to my Beta Book Peeps, my biggest writing support and those who hear me gripe the most. Cassie Mae, Jenny Morris, Suzi Retzlaff, Theresa Marie, Kelley Gerschke, Rachel Schieffelbein, Jessica Salyer, Lizzy Charles, Leigh Covington, and Hope Roberson, thanks for putting up with me and not kicking me out.
A big thanks to Kim Woodruff for editing this first on such short notice and within a quick timeframe. You’ve made this book stronger.
I wouldn’t be here without the best editor in the world, Precy Larkins. She always makes time for me when I spring editing on her last minute. You are such an incredible, beautiful, person and I love you to death. Thanks for not only being a kick-A editor, but a great friend who has my back. Hugs to you, girl!
To Erica Laurie for teaching me the basics of self-pub and for stepping up as my copyeditor. I really would be doing all of this blind without you. Love you so much!
Without question, I have to give this to my Heavenly Father. I’m grateful he gave me this gift, but also recently reminded me that I still have value without my writing, and that the most important thing is to care for the people around me. My true strength is in being his daughter, and no one can take that away from me.
Last, I have to give my thanks to the most important people who made this book possible: the readers! I’m grateful to everyone who purchases or opens these books. I love to hear from y’all and it makes my day to see new reviews. Please, if you can only leave a review as short as one sentence, it makes all the difference to authors everywhere. Even if it’s not for my book, review an author you love to show them how much they mean to you!