Chapter 26
(My Last Chapter)

I showed Miss Gowdy my story up to now, and Miss Gowdy says I should stop soon. She says my last chapter was just right and could be my last chapter because it had a strong ending. She says sometimes writers don’t know when to stop and have to be reined in like horses. But I have to write just a bit more.

We left the next day for home, and Cassandra left two weeks later for the next relative. I helped her pack, and I cried a lot. But Cassandra didn’t cry. She said she was happy to leave Doris and Ray and she would miss me very much, but she knew I’d send her letters. She had been packing without looking at me, but now she suddenly turned and faced me.

“Are you going to be a writer?” she asked.

I started to answer, but she went right on like my mother does when she asks me something but has no intention of letting me say anything.

“Because I’m going to be an actress. When I get to Mary and Peter’s I am going to say I HAVE to have drama lessons. I loved being in your play. I want to be in lots of plays. I want to get up on the stage and have everybody look at me. I want everybody to see me.”

And then Cassandra Jovanovich did a wonderful thing. She looked in the mirror and pulled all of her hair back into a ponytail high up on her head. Then she turned to look at me.

“From now on, people are going to see me. I want the world to see me.”

I jumped up and hugged her.

“Thou art my bosom friend,” I said, “and I love thee with all my heart.”

Cassandra laughed. “Thou art crazy,” she said. And then, wonder of wonders, she gave me her John Lennon hat!

Mary and Peter came that afternoon and I don’t know how I said good-bye. I held on to Cassandra Jovanovich and didn’t think I could ever let go. I couldn’t believe I’d only known Cassandra for a few weeks. I couldn’t remember what it was like before. So I stood there and hugged her and I wished something would happen, like an earthquake, so it wouldn’t be me choosing to let go. Then my mother put her hand on my shoulder and smiled at Cassandra.

“Good luck, dear,” she said.

And then my arms slipped down and my mother was holding me and I watched Cassandra get into the car and close the door. I watched her drive up the street and around the corner and I didn’t move. Doris and Ray went inside and my mother and I stood in the driveway.

Then my mother led me inside and handed me a small package. I opened it and just stared. It was a copy of Anne of Green Gables.

“I don’t understand,” I said.

“It’s yours,” said my mother. “Your own copy to keep.”

I think my mouth fell open. I didn’t think I could ever be shocked like that. I was wrong, because when I went to thank my mother, she said, “Don’t thank me. I found it in your father’s drawer when I was sorting his clothes.”


She nodded. “Read the front page.”

So I did, and it said “To Leanna. Keep your nose in a book. Love, Daddy.”

“But … when was he going to give it to me?”

My mother shrugged. “He knew you liked it. I guess he bought it and put it away and maybe forgot about it. Or maybe he was keeping it for something special.”

He knew I liked it? How did he know that? He never talked to me about Anne Shirley. He never said anything except … you’ve always got your nose in a book.

Well! This was becoming a very upside down day. And then it got even more upside down. I was beginning to feel like Alice in Wonderland because my mom said, “I read it when I found it. I can see why you like it. That Marilla is quite the character.”

I was speechless!

But the day wasn’t over yet because then my mother said, “Maybe next summer, if we get enough money when I sell the house, we could go on a holiday. I’ve always wanted to go to Prince Edward Island. We could drive and stay at the seaside.”

It was that time-stood-still thing again. One moment you were on one side of reality and the next you were on the other. Prince Edward Island! I could go to Green Gables! I could see the Lake of Shining Waters and Anne’s bedroom and the Haunted Woods and –

My mother was saying something.




My mother sighed. “Leanna. Young ladies say pardon.”


“I was saying, we should go shopping soon. You’re in grade six now. You’ll need a brassiere.”


I screamed and hugged my mother as hard as I could. And then I laughed because my mother sniffed and said, “My goodness, Lee, calm down!” But I couldn’t calm down. I ran to my bedroom and wrote a letter to Cassandra.

I got a letter from Cassandra one week later and she said they are going to let her take drama lessons twice a week. One is a private lesson and one is a group play and she starts in September.

I didn’t think I could be any happier, but then I got to be in the Writing Club. This is how it happened.

Just after school started, my mother and I were at church. It was one of those special services and I had to sit in our pew the whole time. And I hope I don’t get in trouble for saying this, but I didn’t listen to the minister at all. I thought about L.M. Montgomery and I thought about making up stories and I thought about my father and I wondered if I had really been forgiven.

And this time I didn’t fall asleep. This time I made up a poem about my father. I wrote it down as soon as I got home so I wouldn’t forget it. I showed it to Mrs. McMillan the next week at Sunday School and she showed it to our minister. When our minister came to talk to us about my father, he told my mother about my poem. I hadn’t told her, so she was surprised. But then I was surprised because the minister pulled it out of his Bible and read it out loud.

Ode To My Father (Earl Mets)

When all the stars shine bright at night,
I know in my heart thou art gone.
But I remember your smile,
And I remember your laugh,
And I will never forget your song.

Then the minister said he wouldn’t be surprised if I didn’t become a writer when I grew up.

So, it was as simple as that. My mother let me be in the Writing Club as soon as it started. And then she said the most amazing thing! She said, “You have to follow your star, Leanna.”