Sometimes people do things that are worth mentioning. One time I found a twenty-dollar bill and gave it to someone who claimed it was theirs. Does that make me a hero? Who’s to say, but at the very least it’s worth mentioning. There are those who have played a big role in making this series what it is. And those people are not only worth mentioning, they are worth going on and on about. But for the sake of time and space, I’ll simply mention them and then go on.

So here’s to Bennett, Missy, Naomi, Mark, Jon, Liz, Aunt Lee, Amy, Mary, Nina, Kindred, Archie, Nero, Roald, Diane, Charlie, Grant, Byron, Karen, Matt, 2152, Ben, Jasper, Adam, Joe, Morrissey, Phoebe, George, Scott, Tim, Aaron, Sam, East, LeeAnne, Matt, Julie, Bobby, David, Mikey, Jeffy, Grandpa, Grandma, Chris, E.B., Jack, Curry, Billy, Doug, Iris, Matilda, Henry V, Santiago, Wolfe, Clark, my amazing dad, Roark, Trevor, Golf, Travis, Brian, Kevin, Jenny, Julie, Dottie, Teddy, Martin, Fred, Avenue, and Exerplay. Thank you all.

I would be remiss and remorseful if I didn’t mention the amazing people at Henry Holt/Macmillan. It’s a privilege to work with all of you.

Laurie thanks for putting this book in the right hands. Grateful is a word I do not use lightly. So, let me drop it like a weight. I am so grateful for all that you’ve done.

Let me add, none of this would have been possible, or any fun, without my phenomenal editor and friend, Christy. Everything good about this series is because of you. I think Albert Finney sang it best, “Thank you very much, thank you very much…”

And finally, Krista. What’s the deal? How could one person have so much patience and kindness? It’s hard to imagine anything worthwhile without you.