I have indebted myself to many people during the process of researching and writing this novel. Sarah Henstra for cheering and reminding. Ky Anh Do, Thao and Van Nguyen, Hoa, and Adam Arshinoff for sharing life experiences with me. Norm Perrin at Four Winds Library for trusting me with all his out-of-print Vietnamese fairy-tale books. Linda Cobon for her knowledge of the CNE archive. Susan Bryant for answering endless questions about the manufacture of Agent Orange in Elmira. Miriam Toews for riding the Ferris wheel and the Swing with me. Naomi Duguid for information about the refugee process post Vietnam War. William Robins for introducing me to Sir Orfeo and all things spectacular. Bethany Gibson for her astute editorial. Alissa York for reminding me to follow my instincts. Thuy Morgulis for translation. Adam Sol for his helpful fixer skills. Catherine Bush for dog walks and animal talks. Dawne McFarlane for providing an early ear and talking through the Orpheus myth with me. Julia Cooper for providing reading prowess and for her beautiful singularity. Martha Magor Webb and Anne McDermid for loving the ugly, early draft, and believing. Anne Collins for smiling upon this with her brilliant mind. Amanda Betts for smart considerations and keeping time in all manner of ways. Ken Woroner for making me beautiful. My husband and sons for keeping everything real. And the staff at The Good Neighbour for their hospitality. Thank you.