We often come across middle school students who act like they know everything. They know all about the new clothing styles, their friends, the opposite sex, and even their pet turtles. Lots of ’em even act like they know everything about school. The truth is most people don’t know as much as they think they do.

School is a place to learn stuff you don’t already know. It’s a place where teachers are trained to teach you algebra, the history of the United States, how to write an autobiography, how to solve problems, and even how to paint with watercolors. (There’s nothing like a good art class.) So you’re busy learning stuff at school all day. And if that’s not enough, then your teachers want you to keep learning after you get home by doing that crazy invention called “homework.”

Homework can take up a lot of your time, and it can be tough to do, too—especially when you just don’t understand it. When it gets tough, what should you do? ASK FOR HELP!

That’s right—ask for help. The bummer is many middle school students don’t ask. If you have trouble asking for help, there are a few things you should remember:

You’re not alone. If you’re confused or don’t understand something, there’s a great chance (like 99 percent) that someone else doesn’t understand the instructions, either. You don’t understand the instructions for the big science project? You’re not alone. So ask for help!

Don’t let fear get in the way. We know it can sometimes be super-scary to ask for help. Thoughts might go through your brain like, People will think I’m stupid or I’ll be embarrassed because it seems so easy! or It’s a dumb question to ask or I should know this stuff or I ask questions all the time. These are all legit fears that many middle school students have. But it’s important to remember that it’s okay not to know things. Your teachers want you to learn the stuff they’re teaching you, and they’re hoping you aren’t afraid to ask. So ask for help!

There are people ready to help. There are people in your life who are more than willing to help you out. If you don’t want to ask your teacher, there’s probably somebody else you can ask who would love to lend a hand. You may be asking, Who are those people? We’re glad you asked! (See how easy it is to ask?) It can be a parent or relative, an older brother or sister, your super-smart neighbor, or even a kid in your class who seems to understand the stuff you don’t.

You’re going to be in school for quite a few more years. Being willing to ask for help when you need it is a skill that will help make school a little easier on you.