When you consider the possibility of drugs being available in your middle school, you might think, Yeah, of course. Or you might think, What? No way!
Not at my school!

We really hope you won’t have to worry about drugs in your school; or at least that they won’t be an issue among the circle of students you hang around with. But we’d be crazy if we didn’t mention them.

A pair of stories...

I (Marko) once heard a youth speaker give his testimony to a group of middle school students—and I’ve heard this kind of thing lots of times. He talked about how he did every kind of drug imaginable when he was in middle school and high school, and how God saved him from all that. Now, that’s all nice and good, really; but he shared way too much information. Afterward, I was talking to a nice, clean-cut, sweet little seventh-grade girl. She said to me, “I mean, if he could do all of that and now he’s, like, a Christian speaker and all... it seems like it might be okay for me to just try a couple things, and I’d be okay, too. I mean, I just want to know what it’s like.”

Recently, one of the guys in my seventh-grade small group shared from his heart how sad he was about one of his friends who got busted for pot (marijuana). Even though the guy in my group didn’t do drugs, he was still impacted by them.

The Bible makes it clear that evil will always be with us—until Jesus returns. And there’s no question that drugs are a part of that evil.

You probably know this already, but we’re going to say it anyhow:

• Can you try drugs and still honor God with your life? No.

• Can you try drugs—any kind (pot, speed, ecstasy, anything)—once or twice and not get hooked? Maybe. But maybe not.

• Can you try drugs and not mess up your life? Or not get into trouble? Maybe. But maybe not.

• Is there ever a good reason to try drugs—ever? For ANY reason? No, absolutely not.

And what should you do if you become aware of someone you know using drugs? Well, if you care about how they’d answer any of the questions above, then you’d say something, tell someone, do something. Yes, it is your business. Yes, it is your problem.