Stray prompts can cause trouble for many commands that start a noninteractive shell. This problem may have (and probably has) been fixed in your C shell, but some of the following tricks will speed up your .cshrc, so keep reading.
If you set prompt
in your .cshrc file without carefully
checking first whether prompt was already set (Section 4.1), many older versions of the
C shell will cheerfully print prompts into the pipe vi uses to expand glob characters, such as filename wildcards (*
, [
) (Section 1.13) and the
tilde (~
) (Section 31.11).
When you type :r abc*
, vi opens a pipe to the C shell, writes the command
echo abc*
down the pipe, then reads the
response. If the response contains spaces or newlines, vi gets confused. If you set your prompt to (
in your .cshrc [i.e., if you show the history number in parentheses as
the prompt — TOR], vi
tends to get:
(1) abc.file (2)
back from the C shell, instead of just abc.file
The solution is to kludge your .cshrc like this:
if ($?prompt) then # things to do for an interactive shell, like: set prompt='(\!) ' endif
This works because a noninteractive shell has no initial prompt, while an
interactive shell has it set to %
If you have a large .cshrc, this can speed things up
quite a bit when programs run other programs with csh
-c '
, if you put all of it inside that
— CT