Summary Box
Travel between files, save text into buffers, and move it around without leaving vi: Section 17.3, Section 17.4, and Section 17.6.
Recover deletions from up to nine numbered buffers: Section 17.7.
Do global search and replacement with pattern matching: Section 17.8, Section 17.13, Section 17.14, Section 17.16, and Section 17.22.
Save a lot of typing with word abbreviations: Section 17.23, Section 17.24, and Section 17.25.
"Prettify" lines of text that don't fit on the screen as you would like: Section 17.28.
Run other Unix commands without leaving vi (called a filter-through): Section 17.18 and Section 17.21.
Keep track of functions and included files with ctags and tags.
Change your vi and ex options in your .exrc file for all files or just for files in a local directory: Section 17.5.
When you type a : (colon) command in vi, you're beginning an ex command. There's more information about ex in a later chapter: Section 20.3, Section 20.4, and Section 20.5.
— EK