Chapter 39

When Mischa signaled them, Meghan paid the driver and slammed the taxi door shut behind her.

“You suppose he had to kill anyone to manage this?” she asked Danny, putting her sunglasses on in a craven attempt to fool the security cameras. No, I was not there when that insane man stole the plane.

Mischa came across to meet them, indicating the plane they were to board. “Try to look like a couple of mechanics,” he said. “He thinks I’m just taking it for a test run.”

“Why was it in need of repair?” Meghan demanded, as Danny walked around the body of the plane, trying to look knowledgeable.


“Uh huh,” said Meghan. “So who besides me does not like Ekaterina?”

“Many people,” Mischa said and smiled, which made him look like a very scary thug. So, great.

“What if she tries to stop us?”

“I gave a very believable story,” said Mischa. “And I’m a licensed pilot, and I do have her authorization to take the plane at my discretion.” Again the smile. “Or at least I do now.”

“Uh huh,” Meghan said. There were so many ways this could go wrong she didn’t even begin to organize them into categories. “Even supposing we get off the ground, what’s going to stop her from having the police grab us when we’re back in the US?”

“She’ll want her own employees on this.”

“Uh huh.”

“Trust me,” he said, and his smile grew wider, and no matter how scary he looked, she did.