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THE LOOK OF PURE PANIC on her face is hilarious, but I can see that the light of day shining in the bedroom windows is hurting her eyes.
“Let me get that.” I climb out of bed and close the heavy blackout curtains, instantly putting the room into darkness. “Better?”
“How are you feeling?” I stay standing beside the bed in only my sleep pants.
“Did we... um, I mean... um,” she stutters.
I can barely see her, so I turn on the bathroom light. It lights up the bedroom a bit and when I look at Mallory, my heart sinks. She’s sitting up in bed, but has the sheets pulled up to her chin and she won’t look at me.
“Did we what, Mallory?”
She gestures with her eyes and chin towards the side of the bed I was lying on. “You know.”
I stride over to her side and sit next to her. “No. We did not. I’d prefer the women I sleep with to be conscious and willing. You were neither last night.”
She swallows hard. “What happened? My mind is fuzzy.”
“Well, you had three glasses of red wine, went to bed, and then stormed my room, accused me of cheating on my assistant, and tried to leave. When you calmed down and explained to me how office furniture leads to a house of kids, it all made sense.”
I watch her process what I just told her, and the embarrassment on her cheeks is adorable. “So, nothing happened?”
“You sound disappointed.” More panic flashes across her face and I decide to let her off the hook. “Why don’t you get cleaned up and I’ll make us breakfast?” I kiss her on the forehead and go to leave.
“Why’d you stay with me last night?”
“I needed to make sure you were alright.”
“Buy why?”
From the doorway I turn to look at Mallory, still all tucked in the covers, and shake my head. I want to go to her, climb under the covers, pull her to me, and never let her go. I don’t understand it and I’m not sure how much longer I can fight it.
Sleeping with her every night isn’t helping. Instead of telling her all that, I just smile. “Can’t have you vomiting in your sleep, now can I?”
She nods her head. “Thank you, again.”
“You’re welcome, again. Now, get cleaned up.”
Once I’m showered, dressed, and cleaned up my destroyed bedroom, I head downstairs to make breakfast burritos. My cell phone buzzes with a text message the second I enter the kitchen.
Gabriel: Hey. You up? What’s the plan for this weekend?
Me: Yeah. I’m up. I know Erick and I are doing the walk thru again today.
Gabriel: Any update on your friend?
Me: No. Not yet. Jackson gave me some insight to the key. I need to talk to a few specialized architects. Hoping someone can direct me in the asshole’s direction.
Gabriel: I don’t know any, but I can put some feelers out for you.
Me: That’d be great. Thanks.
Gabriel: Will do. Let me know if you need anything.
Me: I do need one thing. If Olivia has nothing going on today, do you think Mallory can hang out with her? I know she’s safe here, but I’d prefer her not to be alone.
Gabriel: Consider it done.
Me: Thanks.
No sooner do I put my phone down and start cracking some eggs, I get another text.
Erick: We still on for today’s walk thru?
Me: Yeah. Just making breakfast and will meet you at the venue by ten.
Erick: Are you going to rush us thru it again because you’re distracted or are we going to do it right this time?
Me: I’ve had some balls in the air, Erick. If you’re not capable of handling things, I’m sure I can find someone else who can. Just let me know.
After a few minutes with no response, I figure my point was received. Erick is a good guy and an excellent security specialist, but sometimes his attitude and ego can get too big for his own good. He seems to forget he’s the employee. Most times, the three of us let it go because he’s right about whatever is going on, but then there're times like now that it’s uncalled for.
I’m stuffing the burrito wrap with eggs, bacon, onions, peppers, and chorizo when my phone buzzes again.
Erick: You’re right man. I heard about your friend. Sorry. This gem show job has been fucked up since the beginning. We should have had this contract from the start. I don’t like coming in at the tail end and working with another company to make them look good. It goes against my grain. Sorry.
Me: Dude. No worries. Today, we’ll walk thru step by step. No matter how long it takes. Good?
Erick: Good. Lunch is on me.
Me: Drinks, too. See ya later.
Erick: Copy that.
Just as I’m plating breakfast, Mallory walks into the kitchen and I catch my breath. She’s wearing white shorts and a green tank top. The shorts are too short and the tank top is too tight. Her make up is light and her hair is falling down straight down her back and there’s a barrette in her hair. She looks beautiful. Good thing she’s only hanging out with the girls today.
Where the hell did that come from?
“Smells delicious.” She sits on the island barstool.
“Yes, please.”
I grab a mug of coffee and hand her the cream and sugar. I don’t know how she takes her coffee, but she seems like a cream and sugar kind of person.
“Thank you. What’s for breakfast?”
I put the plates on the island and sit next to her. “Breakfast burritos. Hope you like them.”
We eat in silence, sort of. Mallory’s making groaning noises as she eats, and it’s killing me. Sleeping next to her again wasn’t the right thing to do if I’m trying to stay away from her. I had good reason to; I didn’t want her to vomit in her sleep and then choke to death.
At least that’s what I’m telling myself.
“This was excellent. Thank you. Oh, and again, I’m sorry for last night. Apparently, I can’t hold my liquor.” She picks up both our plates and starts the dishes. “You cooked. I’ll clean. It’s a rule.” She gives me a smile and for the second time in the last hour, she’s taken my breath away.
“Sounds like a good rule.” I watch her hands in the soapy water.
She laughs. “What were you thinking just now? I was asking you a question, and you spaced out.”
I shake my head. She doesn’t need to know that I was imagining her hands on my chest again. Kind of like the last two nights. Man, I’ve got to get a hold of myself. “Nothing. Just going through my day ahead of me.”
“What’s on your day planner? What’s the next step?” She dries the dishes and puts them into the cabinet. She’s leaning against the opposite counter with the dishcloth thrown over her left shoulder.
“Well, the next step is to wait. I’ve got to talk to some specialized architects to see if I can find anyone that could install that kind of safe, room, box, whatever in a house and then if they did, where.”
She’s quiet and I watch her process what I’m saying. I can see it’s upsetting her, so I go to her. We’re standing face to face and I see a single tear fall down. “Hey. What is it?”
“I’m just ready for this to all be done. Waiting isn’t what I wanted to hear.” She smiles up at me. “But, if that’s what I’ve got to do, then waiting it is.”
My hand automatically goes to her cheek and my thumb wipes away the lonely tear. “I promise. This will all be over sooner rather than later. Okay?”
She nods and I watch her eyes bounce back and forth at mine and I can’t hold it in any longer.
“I’m going to kiss you. Tell me now if you don’t want me to.” My voice is barely a whisper.
She says nothing, but places her hands on my waist.
I pull her to me and our lips touch.
It’s like fire and I’m getting burned.