
Chapter 21 - Owen


IT’S BEEN A VERY LONG day. Erick, Gabriel, the team, and I have walked the venue at least ten times looking for potential security risks. Just as we thought we found all the potential possibilities, we’d find another one... or three.

Erick complained the entire day about how much of a rushed job this is and that we’ll be lucky if nothing goes wrong. And I can’t argue with him. I don’t know what Gabriel was thinking of taking this job. Watching my oldest brother walk the venue with us today, I think Gabriel’s thinking the same thing.

He told me that Mallory is hanging out with the girls doing some craft project. He’s been texting his wife all day long. After all this time, he’s still madly in love with her. It’s something I want in my life, too.

Maybe it’s with Mallory. I’ve been thinking about her all day and how much I can’t wait to kiss her again. She tastes like honey and fire, and I just want to keep kissing her.

“Yo! Little brother!” Gabriel punches me in the shoulder.


“You’re off in la la land, again. I asked you if you think we’re ready for this thing to start tomorrow.” Gabriel says as we head towards his SUV.

I shrug my shoulders because I’m not completely confident in this job. Not like I am with all the other jobs we've handled. “I don’t know. It’s hit or miss. I don’t like that the venue is so big and the shiny rocks will be all over the damn convention center. I’d prefer them to all be in one room.”

We climb into his SUV. “I agree. I’d prefer that as well, but the client is insistent on the placement of the gems.” He turns to me before starting the engine. “Don’t call them shiny rocks in front of the client.”

“It’s what they are.” I defend myself, but Gabriel ignores my comment.

“I also don’t like that we don’t have a guest list to run background checks.”

I look over at him. “What do you mean we don’t have the guest list? I thought that was covered already.”

“A-1 Security is handling it, claiming client confidentiality. Basically, they want to make sure we don’t pilfer any customers from the list. It’s complete bullshit, but we had no say in the matter.”

I sigh heavily as my stomach growls. “You know who they’re going to blame if this goes sideways, right?”

“I do.”

“I’ll be glad when this is over.”

Gabriel maneuvers the SUV through the traffic silently. I can see he’s got something on his mind. “What is it? Spill it.” I tell him.

“I heard back from one of my feelers about the architect.”


“Well, there’s one guy that does off the books designs and sells them on the internet. He said he sold the designs to a local guy back a few years ago. He didn’t keep any records, of course, but he said the guy wanted to build two boxes. One the size of a regular safe deposit box.”

Gabriel paused, so I encouraged him to continue. “And the other one?”

He sighs. “The buyer wanted the drawings to be scaled up to be the size of a small room. For a person.”

Holy. Fuck. Was Patrick planning on putting Mallory inside one of these boxes? Inside a box that only one key in the world would open and if someone tampered with the box, would self-destruct? What kind of fucked up shit is this?

“You okay, Owen?”

“Just get me home.”

He nodded and gunned the engine.



Gabriel and I pulled up to his house and went inside. We found all three women displaying their blankets they made to Matt, who was congratulating them on a job well done. All the kids were in the living room playing and something delicious was cooking in the kitchen.

“Honey. We’re home.” Gabriel sings as we walk in through the garage door.

I watch his kids run over to him, screaming ‘Daddy’, and Gabriel bending down to pick them both up in his arms. Olivia follows the kids over and kisses my brother. I look over and see Piper sitting on Matt’s lap while they watch their kids playing on the carpet in the living room.

I’ve never been so jealous of either of my brothers as I am right now. They have what I want. I want a family and someone to come home to.

My eyes float around the room until they land on Mallory. She’s got a small smile on her face, watching Gabriel and Olivia. I want to know what she’s thinking. Is she thinking the same thing I am?

I immediately walk over to her, pull her to me, and kiss her. I don’t care that my brothers are there and I don’t care that I haven’t talked to Mallory about displays of affection. I missed her a lot today and I need to feel her.

Her lips are soft and I just want more of her. She’s quickly becoming an addiction.

“Hi.” she whispers to me.

“Hi, yourself.”

“I’m making spaghetti and meatballs. Everyone hungry?” Olivia asks.

“Starving.” I answer back.

“Great. Go sit down at the table. Let’s go. Everyone.” Olivia ushers everyone to the dining room.

I take Mallory’s hand and pull her with me. We all sit around the table and dig in.

“This is delicious, Olivia. Thank you.” Mallory compliments.

Olivia blushes. “You’re welcome.”

We all ate and chatted about the day, the houses we just bought, and the kids. Well, Olivia and Piper did most of the talking, as usual. Mallory was quiet but was listening and laughing. Having her here with me and my family feels right; like it’s an everyday thing. Is that how its supposed to be? I don’t know, but I like it. A lot.

After dinner, we try to help with the cleanup, but Olivia refuses anyone’s help and shoos us out. She knows that tomorrow is the shiny rock show and it will be a long day for all three of us.

Mallory and I say our goodbyes and head back to my house.

“I’m going to go feed Bella.” I tell her as we enter the house.

“Okay. I’m going to go jump in the shower.”

I turn to her and pull her into my arms. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, why?”

“Are you okay with me kissing you in front of my family? I couldn’t help myself. I just had to.”

Mallory smiles. “I am okay with it. Actually, I’m okay if you kiss me right now, too.”

I lean down and lightly kiss her lips. “Will that do?”

She shakes her head. “Nope. Again. This time, like you mean it.”

I pull her to me by the belt loop in her shorts. I snake my fingers into her red hair and wrap them around her head. My thumb caresses her cheek. I lower my head to just shy of our lips touching. “Like this?” I whisper.

“Yeah. Like this.”

My lips are millimeters from hers when the house phone rings like a siren in the silence.

“Let the machine get it. It’s probably about a car warranty.” She laughs as I land my lips on hers. She opens her lips and lets me in. I push my hard dick against her stomach, showing her how much I want her.

“Hey. Leave a message.” My voice comes over the machine, but we both ignore it.

She’s pushing my shirt up over my abdomen and I’ve got my hands wrapped around her back, searching for the clasp on her bra. Her skin feels like silk.

“I got your card. I want my key and my bitch. Bring both to the Palm Beach Marina, slip seven. Tomorrow night. Ten o’clock. You do that, and I won’t kill you or your family.” The caller hangs up.

At the sound of his voice, Mallory’s skin turned to a cold sweat, and she instantly starts trembling.

I pulled her into my arms. “Shh. I’ve got you. He’s not going to hurt you. I’ll take care of it.” Holding her tight, trying to calm her shaking, I reach for my cellphone from my back pocket and call Otto.


“Hey. I need a trace done on the last call on my landline.”

“Hold on a sec.” I hear typing in the background and a bit of grunting. “Got it.”

“Who was it?”

“Sorry, bro. It was a burner.”

“Fuck! Can you tell where it came from? Anything?” I ask, knowing the answer already.

“Sorry, man. I wish I could. It’s been turned off. I’ll flag it in case it goes back on. Sorry.”

“It’s okay. Thanks, Otto.” I hang up the phone.

Mallory’s got her arms around my waist and she’s holding onto me like I’m going to throw her off a building.

“Hey.” I pull her arms away from me so I can look into her eyes. “Look at me.” I wait for her to look up. “Nothing’s going to happen to you. I promise.”

“I don’t want him to hurt you or your family, Owen. Why don’t I just take the key and meet Patrick at the marina? It’s fine. I’m sure he’ll be happy to get the key and just let me go. It’s a pride thing with him. I got away, and he’s embarrassed. All he really wants is the key. I’ll give it to him and leave.”

My teeth hurt so much from grinding them against each other, trying not to say anything and let her get this out. “You done? Because that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You’re not going to the marina. You’re not giving him the key. And he will not hurt anyone else. Got it?”

She stares at me, and suddenly her face is awash with relief. “Thank god. I didn’t believe a word I just said, but I wanted to give you an out if you wanted it.”

I laugh, “Why would I want an out?”

“I don’t know, but I’m glad you don’t.”

I look at her. She’s still quite pale and is still shaking a bit. “Here. Sit down while I feed Bella.” I direct her to the barstool.

Shaking her head, “No. I’m fine. You feed her while I go upstairs and take a shower. Now I feel even more icky hearing his voice.”

I’m worried about her, but she insists. “Okay. I’ll be up in a few minutes. We should talk.”

She nods her head, “Okay.”

I watch her turn and make her way to the staircase. I grab my phone and call Gabriel.

“Hey. It’s me. Fusco just called the house. Left a message that he wants both the key and Mallory and for me to meet him tomorrow night at the marina. He threatened my family if I didn’t.”

“Bastard! Did you call Otto?”

“Yeah. The fucker called from a burner.”

“Of course he did. He’s not made it this far being stupid.” Gabriel mumbles to himself. “So, now what?”

“I’m going to meet him tomorrow, I guess.”

“Wrong answer.” Gabriel buzzes like he’s on a game show. “You need to call it in.”

“Duh. Of course, but he’ll be expecting to see me. I at least need to be there.”

“Agreed. But you need to keep her as far away from the marina as possible. As a matter of fact, we need to get a team out here. I don’t like that we’ll be at the gem show tomorrow and the girls and kids will be home alone. I’ll call that in. You call the FBI.”

“Agreed. You’ll let Matt know what’s going on?”

“On it. Watch your six. See you in the morning.” Gabriel hangs up.

I scroll through my contacts until I find the one I’m looking for.

“Dude. How ya been? I’m surprised to hear from you.” Rick says when he answers the phone.

“Hey man. Sorry, but this isn’t a social call.”

Instantly my brother from another mother, Rick Newberry, is all business. We were in the military together. He’s the baddest ass I’ve ever known, and now he’s a Fed. I’ve trusted him with my life more times than I’m willing to admit to, and each time he’s come through for me. I’d do anything for him or anyone else in my squad. It’s just how it is and I wouldn’t have it any other way. “What’s up?”

I tell Rick all about what’s going on, what happened to Mallory, and the phone call tonight. “Can you help me?”

Rick whistles. “Dude. Do you know how long we’ve been looking to get this guy? I’m pulling him up now in our database. He’s wanted by everyone and their mother, and you happen to have a date with him tomorrow night. Score! Let’s get this fucker. I’m going to call my team and get the ball rolling.”

“Thanks man. I owe you.”

“Hughes, you saved my ass in Kabul. You own me nothing ever. Talk soon.” He hangs up.

I watch Bella as she wonders the backyard, looking for the perfect place to do her business. The night is cool and there’s not a city sound to be heard.

Tonight, the frogs are singing, and the crickets are playing back up. It’s peaceful. It’s what I’ve dreamed about for a long time. The only thing I thought I was missing was Alana.

I think she’d really like Mallory. Alana was a no frills kind of woman and Mallory is so down to earth. I think if they had met, they’d be instant friends.

Out of nowhere, a breeze blows across the patio and my skin. It’s gone just as fast as it appeared. It’s crazy, but it feels like I’m getting Alana’s blessing to be with Mallory.