Before doing anything else, load the dataset by performing the following steps:
- Start by creating a list of image paths, using the glob module as follows:
imagesA = glob(data_dir + '/testA/*.*')
imagesB = glob(data_dir + '/testB/*.*')
We have data from two domains, A and B, which is why we have created two lists.
- Next, iterate over the lists. Load, resize, and horizontally flip the images inside the loop, as follows:
allImagesA = []
allImagesB = []
# Iterate over the lists
for index, filename in enumerate(imagesA):
# Load images
imgA = imread(filename, mode='RGB')
imgB = imread(imagesB[index], mode='RGB')
# Resize images
imgA = imresize(imgA, (128, 128))
imgB = imresize(imgB, (128, 128))
# Randomly horizontally flip images
if np.random.random() > 0.5:
imgA = np.fliplr(imgA)
imgB = np.fliplr(imgB)
- Now, normalize the images to bring the pixel values to a range between -1 and 1, as follows:
# Normalize images
allImagesA = np.array(allImagesA) / 127.5 - 1.
allImagesB = np.array(allImagesB) / 127.5 - 1.
The entire code to load the dataset appears as follows:
def load_images(data_dir):
imagesA = glob(data_dir + '/testA/*.*')
imagesB = glob(data_dir + '/testB/*.*')
allImagesA = []
allImagesB = []
for index, filename in enumerate(imagesA):
# Load images
imgA = imread(filename, mode='RGB')
imgB = imread(imagesB[index], mode='RGB')
# Resize images
imgA = imresize(imgA, (128, 128))
imgB = imresize(imgB, (128, 128))
# Randomly horizontally flip images
if np.random.random() > 0.5:
imgA = np.fliplr(imgA)
imgB = np.fliplr(imgB)
# Normalize images
allImagesA = np.array(allImagesA) / 127.5 - 1.
allImagesB = np.array(allImagesB) / 127.5 - 1.
return allImagesA, allImagesB
The preceding function will return two Numpy ndarrays. We will use it to load and preprocess the images before we start the training.