I want to thank Debbie for loving me the way I am. I know it’s not easy. Thank you for being my soul mate, for keeping the cradle of your shoulder always ready for me to cuddle next to you, for making this—and every wonderful thing in our lives—possible, for choosing me every day. J, E, and X: thank you for filling my life with joy, my days with laughter, my heart with love. I’m proud of you, and I try hard to make you proud. I want to thank my parents for always being the wind under my wings and the roots under my feet. My brother and sister for following me around, wherever we may go, to such great adventures. To my in-laws, thank you for loving me as part of your family. To all my nephews, whom I love so much. Bolt, my friend and companion on those long walks. To the Buitres, Leon Cohen and Aaron Rosenberg, who know where the bodies are buried, and sometimes, did the burying for me. To the Calibanda (Rina Braverman, Marcos Eshkenazi, Moises Harari, David Mekler, Michelle Mondlak, Yael Syrquin, and their wonderful children), thank you for such wonderful trips, laughs, campfire nights, and years of friendship. To my friend Yosi Oldak, who won’t like this book, but who has welcomed me as a brother, and to Maya and Bernardo Kanarek who’ve also been like family to me and mine in my new hometown. To Israel Kravsof, Beto Bessudo, and Gogo Nakash, my surfing squad, who paddle out with me even if I wear a helmet, and are yet to let me drown. All my friends, near and far, thank you for the shared laughs and tears. Thanks to my agent, Jackson Keeler, who took a chance with me, put in so much effort in nurturing and selling my work, and to Shane Salerno, who introduced us. Thanks to Michael Signorelli, my editor and producer to this record, always pushing in the best direction, and Caitlin Vander Meulen with her imaginary red pencil ready to slash, correct, or comment; Sarah Riedlinger for her wonderful cover design; Ananda Finwall, Josie Woodbridge, and all the wonderful people at Blackstone Publishing for giving a home to this child of ink and paper of mine. I want to thank LT Patrick Walsh USN (Ret.), CDR Michael “FOG” Miklaski USN (Ret.), and “Niro” IDF (Ret.), for their input on military matters, and Professor Shimon Shetreet for his valuable explanation of Israeli politics. I want to give special thanks to Alan Gould Jr., my ninth-grade algebra teacher, who believed in me way before I did. Thank you to Dr. Sandra Massry for keeping me and mine always healthy, and Dr. Howard Short for cracking my back every time I’ve needed it. To my friends and beta readers Argel Becerra, Melissa Camil, Lilly Carol, Abraham Cherem, Monica Faubert, Allan Fis, Lizbeth Franco, Octavio Franco, Oz Laniado, Cindy Nadal, Lucy Solar, Victor Hugo Rodriguez, Galia Rosenberg, and Alejandro Zepeda. Thank you, God, for everything.