i did first meet sara chickering
when i had comings here last year
to be a fresh air girl in vermont.
vermont is a nice place.
they have wiggle fish.
that is what i did tell daddy in new york
when i had comings back to him.
i did ask daddy
to have our livings in vermont with sara chickering
for keeps.
but daddy did say no.
so i made a long walk all by myself.
i did follow the train tracks and
pretty quick daddy did have comings after me.
sara chickering made two rooms to be for us
in her big farmhouse
with her dog jerry.
we have sitting every night at the round table, next to the hot stove.
and i do catch the wiggle fish through
a hole sara chickering does make in the ice.
sara chickering has needs for extra big hands.
but daddy is a shoe man. he has shoe knowings.
my friend sara chickering, she has knowings of all things else.