sara chickering does bundle me
in my coat and boots
and hat and scarf and gloves.
and i do go down western avenue
knocking on doors,
selling christmas seals
and eating cookies
while sara chickering
does stand outside each door
waiting for me to come back out
so she can bring me safely home.
she is so funny, sara chickering.
i have thinkings she is like a hen over the warm eggs
since i tried to take the heaven train.
but since the bullet did come through her kitchen door
she does jump when a tree cracks,
she does stand and watch me in my bed when
she thinks i am having sleeps
and i pat my bed
and i do say good things to sara chickering
so she can sleep.
i do tell her stories about the animals in the woods
and the animals on the farm
and the animals in the circus
and at the fair.
but i still have wakings and she is watching me in my