Select Bibliography

On this journey through the often tortuous paths of the Greek struggle we have had the company of a number of guides who were there at the time and speak from immediate experience, though each had to a certain extent his own agenda. Gordon is perhaps the surest of them, though he was not always completely open about the part he himself played. Finlay was a true friend of Greece, and spent most of the rest of his life in the country whose birth he had attended, but in his writings was always judgemental, often caustic and sometimes prejudiced; he aptly described himself as a disappointed enthusiast. Trikoúpis, though naturally seeing the conflict through Greek eyes and particularly those of his own primate class, was not blind to Greek faults, and provides detailed information going well beyond what he borrowed from Gordon. One warms to Makriyánnis, patriotic and conscientious, angry and compassionate, even if he sometimes placed himself nearer centre stage than was strictly justified. The bigoted François Pouqueville may not tell us the truth about what happened, but he does tell us what many would like to have happened. The sometimes gossipy detail of Kasomoúlis is in sharp contrast to the laconic style of Kolokotrónis, through which his feelings just occasionally blaze out. Raybaud always had an eye for the dramatic scene, while Howe was meticulous and sympathetic, a truly good man who could express his concerns in a telling phrase. And perhaps the most delightful companion of all was Byron.

Invaluable as these contemporary witnesses are, the story could not take shape without the many later works of analysis and interpretation, and the bibliography which follows includes those to which this book is most indebted. It is not a full bibliography, which would almost be a book in itself. For an excellent survey of relevant writings up to 1976 see the bibliographical essay in N. P. Diamandouros, ed., Hellenism and the First Greek War of Liberation.

Alexándris, K. A., To Navtikón tou ipér Anexartisías Agónos tou 1821–1829 (The Navy in the Fight for Independence of 1821–1829), Athens, 1968.

Andrews, K., Castles of the Morea, Princeton, 1953.

Angelomatis-Tsougarakis, H., The Eve of the Greek Revival, London, 1990.

Ánninos, B., I Apoloyía tou Odhysséos Andhroútsou (The Defence of Odysseus Andhroútsos), Athens, 1925.

Anon., Précis de la bataille navale de Navarin, Paris, 1829.

Apomnimonévmata ton Agonistón tou ’21 (Memoirs of the Fighters of ’21), 20 vols, Athens, 1956–9.

Argenti, P., The Massacres of Chios, London, 1932.

Athanassoglou-Kallmyer, N. M., French Images from the Greek War of Independence 1821–1830, New Haven, 1989.

Baggally, J. W., Ali Pasha and Great Britain, Oxford, 1938.

Blaquiere, E., The Greek Revolution, London, 1824.

——, Narrative of a Second Visit to Greece, London, 1825.

Byron, Lord, ed. Marchand, L. A., Byron’s Letters and Journals (Byron, L&J), 12 vols, London, 1973–81.

Capodistrias, see Kapodhístrias.

Clogg, R., ed., The Struggle for Greek Independence, London, 1973.

——, The Movement for Greek Independence 1770–1821, London, 1976.

Codrington, Sir E., Compressed Narrative of the Proceedings of Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, London, 1832.

——, Queries and Answers, London, undated.

——, Documents relating to the Recall of Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, London, undated.

Codrington, Sir H., ed. Lady Bourchier, Selections from the Letters, London, 1880.

Crane, D., Lord Byron’s Jackal, London, 1998.

Crawley, C. W., The Question of Greek Independence, New York, 1973 (1st edn, Cambridge, 1930).

Dakin, D., British and American Phihellenes, Thessalonika, 1955.

——, British Intelligence of Events in Greece 1824–1827, Athens, 1959.

Diamandouros, N. P., ed., Hellenism and the First Greek War of Liberation (1821–1830), Thessalonika, 1976.

Dhimakópoulos, G. D., I Dhiikitikí Orgánosis katá tin Ellinikín Epanástasin 1821–1827 (Administrative Organisation during the Greek Revolution 1821–1827), Athens, 1966.

Dontas, D. N., The Last Phase of the War of Independence in Western Greece, Thessalonika, 1966.

Douin, G., Les Premières Frégates de Mohamed Aly (1824–1827), Cairo, 1926.

Emerson, J., Pecchio, G., and Humphreys, W. H., A Picture of Greece in 1825, London, 1826.

Finlay, G., History of the Greek Revolution, 2 vols, London, 1971 (1st edn, Oxford, 1877).

Fleming, D. C., John Capodistrias and the Conference of London (1828–1831), Thessalonika, 1970.

Fleming, K. E., The Muslim Bonaparte: Diplomacy and Orientalism in Ali Pasha’s Greece, Princeton, 1999.

Frazee, C. A., The Orthodox Church and Independent Greece 1821–1852, Cambridge, 1969.

Gamba, P., A Narrative of Lord Byron’s Last Journey to Greece, Paris, 1825.

Germanos, see Yermanós.

Gibb, H., and Bowen, H., Islamic Society and the West, 2 vols, London, 1957.

Gordon, T., History of the Greek Revolution, 2 vols, London, 1844 (1st edn, London, 1832).

Green, P. J. and R. L., Sketches of the War in Greece, London, 1827.

Halévy, E., The Liberal Awakening 1815–1830, London, 1926.

Howe, S. G., An Historical Sketch of the Greek Revolution, New York, 1828 (parts 1–4 of 7, Austin, Texas, 1966).

——, ed. Richards, L. E., Letters and Journals (Howe, L&J), London, 1907.

Humphreys, W. H., see Emerson.

Istoría tou Ellinikoú Éthnous (IEE) (History of the Greek Nation), vols XI and XII, Athens 1975.

Jarvis, G., ed., Arnakis, G. G., George Jarvis: His Journals and Related Documents, Thessalonika, 1965.

Kalligas, A. G. and H. A., Monemvasia, Athens, 1986 (in English).

Kaltchas, N., Introduction to the Constitutional History of Modern Greece, New York, 1940.

Kanínias, S. A., Elevthería (Freedom), Athens, 1997 (in Greek and English).

Kapodhístrias, I., Aperçu de ma carrière publique, St Petersburg, 1868 (in English, Letters to the Tsar Nicholas I, Athens, 1977).

Kasomoúlis, N. K., Enthimímata Stratiotiká (Military Reminiscences), 3 vols, Athens, 1940.

Keegan, J., The Price of Admiralty, London, 1988.

Koliopoulos, J. S., Brigands with a Cause, Oxford, 1987.

Kolokotrónis, Th., Apomnimonévmata (Memoirs), Athens, 1852.

——, tr. Edmonds, E. M., Kolokotrones, the Klepht and the Warrior, London, 1892.

Larrabee, S. A., Hellas Observed, New York, 1957.

Levandis, J. A., The Greek Foreign Debt and the Great Powers 1821–1898, New York, 1944.

Lewis, B., The Emergence of Modern Turkey, Oxford, 1961.

Lloyd, C., Lord Cochrane, New York, 1998 (1st edn, London, 1947).

Long, H., Greek Fire: The Massacres of Chios, Bristol, 1992.

Makrís, N. D., Istoría tou Mesolongíou (History of Mesolongi), vol. XIX of Apomnimonévmata ton Agonistón tou ’21 (Memoirs of the Fighters of ’21), see above.

Makriyánnis, Apomnimonévmata (Memoirs), Athens, 1964.

——, tr. Lidderdale, H. A., Makriyannis: The Memoirs of General Makriyannis 1797–1864, Oxford, 1966.

Manwaring, G. E., and Dobrée, B., The Floating Republic, London, 1935.

Marchand, L. A., Byron: A Biography, 3 vols, London, 1957.

——, Byron: A Portrait, London, 1971.

Míchos, A. N., Apomnimonévmata tis Dhévteras Poliorkías tou Mesolongíou 1825–1826 (Memoirs of the Second Siege of Mesolongi 1825–1826), Athens, 1883.

Moore, D. L., Lord Byron: Accounts Rendered, London, 1974.

Neroulós, R., Histoire moderne de la Grèce, Geneva, 1928.

Nicolson, H., Byron: The Last Journey, London, 1924.

——, The Congress of Vienna, London, 1946.

Notarás, I., O Patriotikós Agónas tou Koraí (The Patriotic Struggle of Koraís), Thessalonika, 1976.

Origo, I., The Last Attachment, London, 1949.

Palmer, A., Alexander I, London, 1974.

Papadhópoulos, K., Odysseus Andhroútsos (in Greek), vol. XII of Apomnimonévmata ton Agonistón tou ’21 (Memoirs of the Fighters of ’21), see above.

Papadopoullos, T. H., The Greek Church and People under Turkish Domination, rev. edn Aldershot, 1990 (1st edn, Brussels, 1952).

Papamichalópoulos, K. N., Poliorkía kai Álosis tis Monemvasías (Siege and Capture of Monemvasía), Athens, 1874.

Pappas, P. C., The United States and the Greek War for Independence 1821–1828, New York, 1985.

Pecchio, G., see Emerson.

Perrevós, Ch., Síntomos Viographía tou Aïdhímou Ríga Pheréou (Short Biography of Rígas Pheréos of Blessed Memory), Athens, 1971 (1st edn, Athens, 1860).

Petropulos, J. A., Politics and Statecraft in the Kingdom of Greece 1833–1843, Princeton, 1968.

Photákos, Víos tou Pápa Phléssa (Life of Papaphléssas), Athens, 1868.

Pouqueville, F. C. H. L., Histoire de la régénération de la Grèce, 4 vols, Paris, 1825.

Protopsáltis, E. G., Alexándhros Mavrokordhátos, Athens, 1982.

Prousis, T. C., Russian Society and the Greek Revolution, DeKalb, Illinois, 1994.

Rádhos, K., O Ástinx kai to Érgon tou en Elládhi (Hastings and his Work in Greece), Athens, 1928.

Raybaud, M., Mémoires sur la Grèce, 2 vols, Paris, 1824.

Rodger, N. A. M., The Wooden World, London, 1986.

Rosen F., Bentham, Byron and Greece, Oxford, 1992.

Roússos-Milidhónis, M., To Mnimío Philellínon sto Návplio (The Philhellene Memorial in Navplion), Athens, 1991.

Runciman, S., The Fall of Constantinople, Cambridge, 1965.

——, The Great Church in Captivity, Cambridge, 1968.

St Clair, W., That Greece Might Still Be Free, Oxford, 1972.

——, Trelawny: The Incurable Romancer, London, 1977.

Saitas, I., Mani, Athens, 1990 (in English).

Shaw, S. J. and E. K., History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, 2 vols, Cambridge, 1977.

Skiotis, D. N., ‘From Bandit to Pasha: First Steps in the Rise to Power of Ali of Tepelen 1750–1784’, Int. J. Middle East Stud. 2 (1971), 219–44.

Spiromílios, Chronikó tou Mesolongíou 1825–1826 (Chronicle of Mesolongi 1825–1826), Athens, 1969 (1st edn, Athens, 1926).

Stasinópoulos, K. A., To Mesolóngi, 3 vols, Athens, 1925.

Svólos, A., Ta Elliniká Sintágmata 1822–1952 (The Greek Constitutions 1822–1952), Athens, 1972.

Temperley, H., The Foreign Policy of Canning 1822–1827, London, 1925.

Theocharides, L., The Greek National Revival and the French Enlightenment, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1975.

Thomson, D., Europe since Napoleon, London, 1966 (1st edn, London, 1957).

Trelawny, E. J., Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron, London, 1931 (1st edn, London, 1906).

Trikoúpis, S., Istoría tis Ellinikís Epanastáseos (History of the Greek Revolution), 4 vols, Athens, 1996 (1st edn, London, 1853–7).

Vakalópoulos, A. E., Ta Elliniká Stratévmata tou 1821 (The Greek Armies of 1821), Thessalonika, 1991.

Vasdravellis, J. K., Klephts, Armatoles and Pirates in Macedonia, Thessalonika, 1975.

Vikélas, D., Loukís Láras, Athens, 1879 (in Greek).

Víos, S. G., I Sphayí tis Chíou (The Massacre of Chios), Chios, 1989.

Vizántios, Ch. S., O Táktikos Strátos 1821–1833 (The Regular Army 1821–1833), Athens, 1874.

Vlasto, A. M., A History of the Island of Chios, London, 1913.

Vournás, T., ed., Philikí Etería, Athens, undated (in Greek).

Waddington, G., A Visit to Greece in 1823 and 1824, London, 1825.

Wheatcroft, A., The Ottomans, London, 1993.

Whitcombe, T. D., ed. Eliot, C. W. J., Campaign of the Falieri and Piraeus in the Year 1827, Princeton, 1992.

Woodhouse, C. M., The Greek War of Independence, London, 1952.

——, The Battle of Navarino, London, 1965.

——, The Philhellenes, London, 1969.

——, Capodistria, Oxford, 1973.

——, Rhigas Velestinlis, Limni, 1995.

Yermanós, G., Apomnimonévmata (Memoirs), vol, III of Apomnimonévmata ton Agonistón tou ’21 (Memoirs of the Fighters of ’21), see above.

Zürcher, E. J., Turkey, London, 1993.