
Achelóos, river, 272

Acheron, river, 38

Acre, 349

Act of Submission, 1825, 247, 253, 256, 298

Adam, Sir Frederick, 341

Adams, President John Quincy, 294

Adrianople, modern Edirne, 5, 345;

Treaty of, 1829, 345

Aegeum see Vostítsa

Age of Bronze, The, Byron, 297

Ágrapha, 217

Agrínion, 190

Akkermann, Convention of, 1826, 308, 345

Akráta, 186

Akrokórinthos, 62, 147, 173, 174, 175, 176, 186, 189, 228, 231, 232

Akronavplion, 179, 229, 303, 339

Akropolis, Athens,

captured by Greeks, 1822, 16973, 259;

Odysseus imprisoned in, 1825, 25961, 268;

besieged by Turks, 1826–7, 30915;

surrendered to Turks, 1827, 314, 322

Alamána, 86, 87

Albaro, 196

Albion, ship, 330

Alepso, ‘Prince’, 139

Alexander I, Tsar, 1801–25, 27, 31, 45, 113, 248, 301, 338;

and Alexander Ipsilántis, 4950, 54, 57, 61, 135, 144, 248;

and Laibach conference, 567, 135;

ultimatum to Turkey, 1821, 1078, 249;

donations to Greeks, 142, 144;

mémoire on Greece and relations with Canning, 1825, 24950, 2524, 257;

death, 1825, 2545

Alexander the Great, 94, 275

Alexandria, 5, 99, 154, 319, 323, 326, 327, 328, 329, 335;

Egyptian fleets in, 2356, 278, 306, 321;

Kanáris attack on, 1825, 244;

Cochrane attack on, 1827, 320;

Cradock missions to, 1827–8, 3201, 341;

Convention of, 1828, 341

Ali, bey of Árgos, 174, 176

Ali Pasha, 2, 910, 23, 28, 35, 64, 69, 73, 86, 88, 97, 103, 111, 119, 130, 152, 168, 258;

character, 367, 48;

rise to power, 378;

and Soúli, 389

and Iánnina, 3940

Byron’s visit, 1809, 401, 194;

and foreign powers, 412, 45;

and Párga, 414;

defeat, 447;

death, 1822, 478

Amphilochía, 270, 277

Ámphissa see Sálona

Anacharsis see Voyage du jeune Anacharsis

Anagnostarás, Anagnóstis, 29, 30, 112, 115, 246, 300

Anatolikó, modern Etolikó, 190, 202, 217, 270, 271, 272, 273, 27980, 342

Ancona, 337

Andhroútsos, Odysseus, 86, 87, 168, 190, 233, 2589, 310;

in service of Ali Pasha, 45, 46, 86, 258;

commander of eastern Roumeli, 86, 258;

commander of Athens Akropolis, 1822, 1723, 259;

and Dramali, 1822, 174, 258;

and Salóna congress, 1823, 21516, 217, 219;

and Trelawny, 2613;

plot against, 2667;

imprisonment and death, 1825, 25961, 268

Antioch, Patriarchate of, 5

Antírio see Castle of Roumeli

Aráchova, 190, 312

Areópolis, 70, 71, 72, 347

Ares, ship, 240

Argenti, Chios family, 156, 165

Argenti, Philip, 165

Árgos, 62, 82, 111, 1748, 180, 191, 193, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 245, 268;

and see National Assemblies

Argostóli, Kephaloniá, 199, 200

Ários Págos, 124, 168, 173, 174

Aristotle, 14, 22

Arkadhia, modern Kiparíssia, 231

armatoli, 27, 81, 1267, 148

Árta, 26, 39, 86, 87, 100, 101, 147, 148, 149, 211, 272, 280, 339, 344, 34950;

bishop of, 68;

Gulf of, 42, 343

Asia, ship, 330, 331, 333, 336

Asklepios, 128, 170

Asómati, Chios, 157

Assembly Commission, 1826, 298, 299

Astakós see Dhragoméstri

Ástros, 306;

and see National Assemblies

Atalánti, 173

Athenaid, The, Henry Bradfield, 314

Athens, 15, 38, 856, 168, 181, 190, 215, 232, 247, 268, 305, 323, 343;

ancient, 12, 22, 124;

archbishop of, 171;

Byron in, 169, 194;

and see Akropolis, Athens

Athos, Mount, 104, 105

At Meydani, 309

Aubrey, Jack, 290

Auspicious Event, The, 309

Ayía Eléni, Chios, 156

Ayía Iríni, Peloponnese, 147

Ayía Lávra, Peloponnese, 2, 3, 41, 69, 70, 72

Ayía Sophía, Constantinople, 4, 19

Áyion Óros, Peloponnese, 178

Áyios Georgios, Chios, 158

Áyios Georgios, Constantinople, 104

Áyios Georgios, Peloponnese, 177

Áyios Michaíl, Mani, 71

Áyios Minás, Chios, 1589

Áyios Nikólaos, Navplion, 243

Áyios Pantelímon, Iánnina, 47

Áyios Spirídhon, Mesolongi, 283

Áyios Spirídhon, Navplion, 3489

Áyios Spirídhon, Piraeus, 31112, 314

Ayvalık, see Kidhoníes

Azov, ship, 330

Bacon, Major Francis D’Arcy, 265

Baggally, J. W., 43

Bakólas, Gógos, 148, 149, 150, 1512

Baleste, 113, 119, 138, 145, 146

and see Regiment Baleste

barbarisation project, 246, 2545, 307, 335

Barff, Samuel, 225

Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques, 12

Bathurst, Lord, 45

Battalion of Philhellenes, 14653

Bayard, naval contractors, 293, 295

Benderli Ali, 106, 10910

Bentham, Jeremy, 133, 221, 225

Berat, 45

Berry’s, wine merchants, 206

Blaquiere, Edward, 1968, 199, 208, 219, 221, 222

Blue Mosque, 309

Bobolína, 119

Bodrum, 2356

Bologna, 196

Bosphorus, 102, 188

Bótasis, Panayiótis, 193

Bótsaris family, 281

Bótsaris, Márkos, 39, 209, 211;

and battle of Péta, 1822, 14750;

admired by Byron, 200;

death, 1878, 190, 200, 212, 270;

name of Mesolongi bastion, 272, 278

Bótsaris, Nótis, 209, 273, 277, 283, 286

Bourniás, Antónios, 1567

Bowring, John, 1978, 202, 213, 221, 2235, 295

Brent, shipbuilders, 2923

Brotherly Exhortation, 24

Browne, James Hamilton, 199, 200

Bruno, Dr Francesco, 198, 207, 218

Buchan, John, 137

Bucharest, 51, 545

Burdett, Sir Francis, 290, 293, 295

Butrint, 42

Byron, Ada, 194, 214

Byron, Allegra, 195, 196

Byron, Lady Annabella see Milbanke, Annabella

Byron, Augusta, 194, 206, 214

Byron, Lord George Gordon, 20, 140, 190, 194219, 225, 241, 251, 258, 261, 270, 271, 289, 290, 297, 316;

character, 203, 219;

and Ali Pasha, 36, 401, 194;

and Souliots, 39, 90, 194, 199, 2078, 209, 21012;

in Athens, 1811, 169, 194;

and Teresa Guiccioli, 1956, 197, 199;

and London Greek Committee, 197, 2023, 2089, 224;

and money, 198, 2012, 204, 21214;

leaves Italy, 1989;

in Kephaloniá, 199203;

crosses to Mesolongi, 2045;

health, 2057, 21011;

proposed attack on Návpaktos, 20711, 219;

Byron brigade, 215;

proposed congress at Salóna, 21517, 219;

last illness, 21719;

death, 219;

name of Mesolongi bastion, 272

Cairness, 208

Cambrian, ship, 179, 247, 327

Cameron see Komarone

Canning, George, 250, 257, 298, 31720, 334;

character, 251;

as foreign secretary, 1822–7, 140, 222;

and barbarisation project, 246, 254, 307;

and Act of Submission, 1825, 2478;

relations with Tsar Alexander, 1825, 24950, 2524;

opposed to Alliance congresses, 2501, 252;

negotiations with France, 31617;

becomes prime minister, 1827, 318;

death, 1827, 321

Canning, Stratford, 298, 301, 310, 319, 323, 328, 3445, 34950

Carbonari, 26, 56, 114, 195

Carpathian mountains, 51, 58

Castella, 63

Castle of the Morea, modern Río, 62, 63, 75, 76, 78, 148, 207, 210, 211

Castle of Roumeli, modern Antírio, 62, 63, 78, 207, 211

Castlereagh, Viscount (Robert Stewart), 107, 116, 140, 1667, 2501

Catherine the Great, 12, 248

Chaïdhári, 310

Chalandhrítsanos, family, 213

Loukás, 214

Chalkídha, 259

Charalámvis, Sotíris, 678, 184, 190, 193

Charles X, King of France, 317

Charlotte, Princess, 345

Chauvin, 3

Chelebi, Evlija, 84

Chesme, 94, 96, 156, 157, 158

Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Byron, 36, 37, 194

Chios or Scio, island, 15, 44, 98, 101, 143, 153, 171, 175, 179, 181, 272, 294;

description of, 1545;

Tombázis calls for revolt, 1556;

Samians encourage revolt, 97, 1567;

massacres in, 1822, 15863, 1647;

Kara Ali killed, 1822, 1634

Chóra, Chios, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 162, 163, 164

Chrisovítsi, 80, 81, 82

Church, General Sir Richard, 305, 327, 344;

early career and character, 300;

apppointed commander of Greek land forces, 1827, 3001, 303;

at siege of Athens, 1827, 31215;

in western Roumeli, 1828–9, 343

Clairmont, Claire, 195, 196

Clarence, Duke of, later King William IV, 318, 334

Cobbett, William, 295

Cochrane, Admiral Lord Thomas, 294, 305;

character and early career, 2901;

and steamships, 291, 2923, 295;

appointed commander of Greek naval forces, 1827, 290, 301, 303;

at siege of Athens, 1827, 31215;

attack on Alexandria, 1827, 320;

leaves Greece, 1828, 342

Codrington, Admiral Sir Edward, 320;

early career and character, 3212;

relations with de Rigny and Heiden, 322;

clarification of instructions, 3224;

negotiations with Ibrahim, 3257;

preparations for Navarino, 3289;

at battle of Navarino, 1827, 32934;

actions questioned, 3345;

compensation for his men, 3356;

and Kapodhístrias, 337;

and Convention of Alexandria, 1828, 3412

Codrington, Henry, 3256, 333

Commissions see Assembly Commission, Government Commission, Military Commission and Vice-Presidential Commission

Condorcet, 12

Constantine, brother of Tsar Alexander I, 2545

Constantinople, 6, 19, 27, 29, 30, 32, 40, 44, 48, 51, 66, 68, 91, 93, 98, 112, 157, 158, 159, 163, 165, 190, 236, 237, 241, 249, 282, 298, 306, 321, 322, 323, 326, 327, 328, 344, 349;

captured by Turks, 1453, 34, 94;

execution of Grigórios, 1821, 1036, 10810;

Chian hostages in, 1822, 157, 162;

fire at Tophana, 1823, 188, 189;

destruction of janissaries, 1826, 3089;

and see Istanbul

Convention of Alexandria see Alexandria

Copernicus, 14

Corfu, 31, 41, 42, 46, 76, 211, 302, 319, 343, 349

Corinth, 62, 111, 129, 130, 146, 147, 175, 176, 178, 179, 180, 186, 234, 306;

and see Akrokórinthos

Courier, newspaper, 140

Cradock, Major, later Colonel, 3201, 341

Crete, 99, 113, 145, 146, 182, 235, 236, 2378, 240, 249, 344, 346, 349

Crown and Anchor, tavern, 220

Crusius, Martin, 6

Dania, 138, 147, 149, 150

Danube, river, 51, 53, 54, 57

Daphne, ship, 337

Dardanelles, 89, 91, 95, 96, 97, 99, 156, 189, 236, 248, 249

Dartmouth, ship, 330, 332

Dates, Old and New Style, 70

David, Jules, 15

Dawkins, Edward, 347, 348

Decembrists, 255

de Gaulle, 7

Delacroix, Eugène, 167, 287

Delphi, 148, 190, 312

Delvino, 38

Demosthenes, 235

devshirme (pedhomázoma), 1011

Dheliyánnis, Anagnóstis, 186

Dhervékista, 282, 283

Dhervenákia, 63, 1779, 180, 181, 182, 192, 227

Dhiákos, Athanásios, 86

Dhikéos, Grigórios see Papaphléssas

Dhikéos, Nikítas, 66, 68

Dhimitsána, 15, 65, 67, 104, 113

Dhragoméstri, modern Astakós, 205, 209

Dolmás, in Mesolongi lagoon, 271, 27980

Don Juan, Byron, 251

Drăgăşani, 589, 61

Dramali, pasha of Dhráma, 190, 234, 243, 258;

leads army into Peloponnese, 1822, 168, 1737;

defeat at Dhervenákia, 1822, 17780;

death, 1822, 186;

final destruction of his army, 1823, 1867

Drouault, Captain, 237

Drovetti, 341

Dudley, Lord, 318, 334, 335

Duke of York’s Greek Light Infantry, 300

Dundonald, Earl of, 290

Dunkirk, 269

Edirne see Adrianople

Elevsís, 311

Elez Aga, 159, 164

Elgin, Lord, 41

Ellás, ship, formerly Hope, 294, 347

Ellice, Edward, 290, 293, 295

Elliniká Chroniká, newspaper, 215, 273, 278

Ellinikí Etería, 34

Ellinkí Nomarchía, 1213, 14

Elmez Aga, 112, 115, 118, 119, 120

Encyclopédie, L’, 22

Enlightenment as the Handmaid of Irreligion, 13

Epaminondas, 138

Epichírisis (Enterprise), ship, 293

Epídhavros see National Assemblies

Epirus, 82, 97, 103, 119, 120, 281

Épitre à l’Imperatrice de Russie, Voltaire, 12

Eresós, 96, 101

Ermés (Mercury), ship, 293

Ermióni, 32, 300, 301

Etolikó see Anatolikó

Euphrosyne, 37

Everett, Edward, 24, 1401, 294, 295

Évinos, river, 278

Évvia, island, 75, 173, 174, 189, 190, 259, 311, 323, 344

Evyénios, Patriarch, 105, 109

Executive, 2001, 202, 231, 281;

established at Epídhavros assembly, 1821–2, 12930, 131, 132, 133;

revised at Ástros assembly, 1823, 183, 1845;

conflict with Senate and civil war, 1823–4, 1856, 1903, 2269;

replaced by Government Commission, 1826, 298;

president of, 130, 134, 184, 224, 232, 2389, 299;

general secretary of, 1845, 186

Éyina, island, 299, 300, 301, 311, 343

Éyio see Vostítsa

Eynard, Jean-Gabriel, 339

Fabvier, Colonel, 243, 310, 311, 314

Fauvel, 171

Fellowes, Captain, 330

Fenton, Thomas, 262, 2648

Filetto, 195, 196

Finlay, George, 215;

quoted, 30, 47, 54, 236, 286, and see Notes

fireships, Greek, 935, 230, 236, 237, 244, 276, 320

Turkish, 321, 329, 330, 332

Florence, Council of, 1439, 4

Florida, ship, 225

Forester, C. S., 290

Franklin, name of Mesolongi bastion, 272, 275

Freemasons, 26, 27

Galátis, Nikólaos, 29, 312

Galatz, 54, 58, 103

Galaxídhi, 978, 122

Galloway, Alexander, engineers, 292, 293, 295

Gamba, Pietro, 195, 196, 198, 2045, 207, 208, 209, 210, 21112, 21415, 217

Gamba, Count Ruggero, 1956, 197

Gastoúni, 227, 232, 245

Gautier, Théophile, 167

Gazís, Ánthimos, 33, 35

Genoa, 196, 197, 198, 199, 206

Genoa, ship, 330, 333

Genoese, 154

George III, King, 136

George IV, King, 45, 1667, 318, 334, 345, 349

Gettysburg, 141

Gill, 262

Giudici, 163

Glikí, 38, 39

Gobelin tapestry, 40

Goderich, Lord, 334

Golitsyn, Prince Alexander, 1423

Gordon, Colonel Thomas, 117, 119, 1212, 138, 2089, 221, 225, 31112, 315, 348;

quoted, 55, 85, 121, 156, 159, 165, 187, 236, 237, 240, 246, 272, 303, 307, 308, 312, 315, and see Notes

Gorgopótamos bridge, 86

Goúras, Iánnis, 87, 232, 233, 25961, 263, 265, 268, 282, 310

Government Commission of 1826, 2989;

of 1831, 349

grand vizier, 91

Graviá, 258

Green, Philip, 734, 75, 76, 778, 210, 222, 238

Green, Richard, 73, 745, 78, 93

Gregory XIII, Pope 1572–85, 70

Grey, Lord, 349

Grigórios V, Patriarch, 7, 13, 14, 56, 67, 103, 10410, 166

Gropius, 171

Gubernatis, 147, 150, 241

Guerrière, ship, 331

Guiccioli, Count Alessandro, 195

Guiccioli, Teresa, 1956, 197, 198, 199, 214

Hadzí Chrístos, 229

Halet Effendi, 103, 109, 166

Hamilton, Captain Rowan, 179, 246, 247, 266, 301, 327

Hanfstaengl, 65

Hankey, Sir Frederick, 45

harach or poll tax, 8, 9, 69

Harmodius and Aristogeiton, 12

Hastings, General Sir Charles, 292

Hastings, Captain Frank Abney, 138, 2912, 311, 327, 342

Hato or Hatagée, 214

Heiden, Count, 321, 322, 327, 328, 330

Helena, ship, 337

Hellas, Shelley, 136

Hercules, 244

Hercules, ship, 1989, 200, 203

Hippias, 12

Histoire Ancienne, Rollin, 12

Hitler, 269

Hobhouse, John Cam, 40, 194, 221, 225, 290, 293, 295

Holland, Henry, 40

Holy Alliance, 136

Holy Apostles, Church of the, Constantinople, 5

Holy Synod, 5, 105

Hope, ship see Éllas

Hornblower, Captain Horatio, 290

Howe, Samuel Gridley, 2412, 339;

quoted, 130, 268, 281, 286–7 and see Notes

Howland, naval contractors, 293, 295

Hugo, Victor, 36, 48

Hume, Joseph, 224

Humphreys, William, 215, 262, 264, 265, 268

Hunt, Leigh, 206

Hunter, Captain, 76

Huntingdon, Earl of, 292

Hussein Bey, 235, 236, 279, 280

Hydra, island, and Hydriots, 19, 30, 32, 66, 68, 95, 97, 989, 103, 125, 133, 137, 154, 155, 161, 163, 164, 177, 184, 186, 190, 191, 193, 201, 202, 212, 225, 226, 227, 235, 237, 239, 268, 276, 303, 312, 320, 323, 340, 343;

description of, 8991;

Kolokotrónis imprisoned on, 1824, 232, 243, 261, 299;

Ibrahim’s planned attack on, 306, 320, 323, 325, 326;

opposition to Kapodhístrias, 347

Iacomuzzi, 279, 286

Iánnina, 2, 9, 14, 15, 27, 35, 3748, 64, 75, 76, 82, 86, 88, 111, 168, 258

Iaşi, 52, 53, 54, 103

Iatrákos, 112, 122, 178, 182, 227

Ibrahim Pasha, 99, 233, 247, 254, 255, 258, 261, 263, 267, 270, 287, 289, 297, 304, 310, 319, 322, 323, 335, 349;

character, 238;

preparations for invading Peloponnese, 2356;

invasion of Peloponnese, 1825, 23740;

capture of Sphaktíria and Old and New Navarino, 2401;

operations in Peloponnese, 2436, 3067;

at Mesolongi, 1826, 27885;

negotiations with allied admirals, 1827, 321, 3257;

absence from Navarino, 3279, 3312;

leaves Peloponnese, 1828, 339, 3412;

and see barbarisation project

Ignátios, Bishop, 1323

Ionian islands, 2, 28, 29, 31, 39, 41, 42, 43, 65, 73, 74, 77, 97, 146, 198, 202, 204, 244, 250, 251, 262, 276, 277, 300, 341

Iorgáki Olimpiótis, 53, 55, 58, 60

Ipsilántis, Alexander, 85, 104, 105, 108, 113, 135, 137, 144, 248;

head of Philikí

Etería, 34;

preparations for invading Moldavia and Wallachia, 4953, 66;

invasion, 1821, 538;

defeat at Drăgăşani, 589;

departure, 5960;

assessment, 601

Ipsilántis, Dhimítrios, 126, 129, 138, 145, 178, 227, 2445;

character, 11314;

at siege of Monemvasía, 1821, 85;

at siege of Tripolis, 1821, 11317, 119, 1213;

appointed president of Senate, 1822, 1301;

garrisons Árgos, 1822, 1757;

at Ástros assembly, 1823, 182, 184;

in eastern Roumeli, 1828–9, 343

Ipsilántis, Nicholas, 58

Ípsoma tis Enóseos (Linking Causeway), 275

Iran, 99

Iraq, 99

Ismael Gibraltar, 978, 235, 236

Ismael Pasha, 44, 467

Istanbul, 4, 10, 11, 20 and see Constantinople

Itéa, 327

Ithaca, 29, 41, 147, 206, 213, 214

Izmail, 50, 53, 66

İzmir see Smyrna

janissaries, 1011, 102, 104, 109, 188, 3089

Jarvis, George, 241, 2667, 268

Jefferson, President Thomas, 24

Jerusalem, patriarch of, 7

patriarchate of, 5

John VIII, Palaeologos, 4

Joseph, Bishop, 283, 284

Jowett, Rev. William, 1516

Kakórevma, river, 261

Kalamáta, 63, 70, 712, 75, 79, 97, 113, 114, 119, 145, 146, 245, 327

Kálamos, island, 204, 205, 277

Kalávrita, 2, 69, 70, 72, 176, 191, 303

Kaliakoúdha, Mount, 190

Kamarinós, 32

Kanáris, Konstantínos, 164, 244, 320, 347

Kantakouzinós, Alexander, 85

Kantakouzinós, Georgios, 53, 60

kapitan pasha, 63, 89, 91, 276

Kapodhístrias, Agostino, 343, 349

Kapodhístrias, Iánnis, 16, 28, 29, 43, 107, 116, 132, 144, 349;

early career, 31;

character, 302, 3434;

as Russian foreign minister, 27, 57, 61, 68, 107;

and Philikí Etería, 29, 314, 4950;

appointed president of Greece, 1827, 3012;

as president, 1828–31, 33748;

death, 1831, 3489

Kapodhístrias, Viaro, 319, 343

kápos, 1267

Kara Ali, 958, 1579, 1626, 179, 181

Karaïskákis, Georgios, 217, 2767, 2826, 310, 31213

Karavías, Vasílios, 54, 589

Kardhámila, Chios, 161

Káristos, Evvia, 189, 259

Karítena, 79, 80, 113, 185, 186, 228

Kariyánnis, 177

Karpenísi, 1878, 190, 200, 212, 270, 343

Kartería (Perseverance), ship, 292, 311, 327, 342

Kasomoúlis, Nikólaos, 273, 274, 276, 2801, 284, 285, 286

Kásos, island, 96, 235, 236, 279

katharévousa, 23, 25

Kathimeriní, newspaper, 11

Kennedy, Dr James, 214

Kephaloniá, island, 41, 106, 147, 184, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204, 206, 213, 214, 268

Khosref, 18990, 235, 306, 320

Khurshid Pasha, 47, 64, 65, 82, 88, 111, 112, 168, 179

Kiápha, 46

Kidhoniés, modern Ayvalık, 15, 66, 171

Kiev, 50

Kinnaird, Douglas, 198, 213

Kiparíssia see Arkádhia

Kishinev, 53, 143

Kíthira, island, 41

klephtopólemos, 81

klephts, 81, 1267, 128, 148

Klísova, in Mesolongi lagoon, 271, 2801, 285

Kokkínis, Michaíl, 272, 275, 277, 286

Koléttis, Iánnis, 130, 170, 183, 193, 230, 231, 232, 233, 277, 281, 349

Koliópoulos, 300

Kolokotrónis, Nikítas (Tourkóphagos), 82, 178, 227, 300

Kolokotrónis, Pános, 80, 119, 193, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232

Kolokotrónis, Theódhoros, 2, 3, 16, 28, 35, 66, 126, 127, 146, 181, 201, 212, 216, 222, 239, 261, 286, 297, 299300, 348, 349;

character, 645

at Kalamáta, 1821, 71;

despair, 7980;

organises forces, 801

at battle of Valtétsi, 1821, 813;

at capture of Tripolis, 1821, 11123;

defeat of Dramali, 1822, 17580;

disputes with government, 1823–4, 1826, 1903;

defeated in civil wars and imprisoned, 1824, 22632;

released to oppose Ibrahim, 1825, 2434;

defiant response to Ibrahim, 3278;

supports Kapodhístrias, 340

Kolokotrónis, Yennéos, 82, 182, 227, 228, 230, 233

Komarone or Cameron, 263, 265, 268

Kombóti, 148

Kondóstavlos, Alexander, 294, 295

Koraís, Adhamántios, 17, 215, 141, 248, 347

Koróni, 62, 80, 97, 111, 189, 237, 243, 341

Kosciusko, 202;

name of Mesolongi bastion, 272

Koundouriótis, Georgios, 184, 193, 222, 226, 231, 232, 2389, 282, 297, 299, 340, 347

Koundouriótis, Lázaros, 2245

Kranídhi, 1912, 193, 216, 226

Kremmídhia, 23940

Krionéri, 274, 276, 278

Kúngi, 39

Kuşadasi, 96

Kutchuk-Kainardji, Treaty of, 1774, 103, 2489, 254

Lafayette, 293

La Grèce sur les ruines de Missolonghi, Delacroix, 287

Laibach, modern Ljubljana, 56

Lallemand, General Charles, 293, 295

Lamb, Lady Caroline, 194

Lamía, 86, 87, 173, 346

Lárissa, 44, 168

Lavoisier, 14

Lazarus, 283

Leake, William, 15, 37, 41

Leipzig, 139

Lemprière, Dr, 140

Leonidas, 50, 86

Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, 317, 3457

Lepanto, battle of, 239 and see Návpaktos

Lésvos, island, 96, 101

Letellier, Captain, 329, 331

Levídhi, 81

Levkás, island, 27, 41, 86, 204, 258, 300

Lieven, Prince de, 2534, 256

Lieven, Princess de, 2534, 256, 321

Liméni, 347

Lincoln, President Abraham, 141

Lithí, Chios, 161

Little Sally, ship, 225

Livadhiá, 45, 46, 86, 173, 190, 343

Liverpool, Lord, 246, 318

Livorno, 199

Ljubljana see Laibach

Logothétis, Likoúrgos, 1568, 165

London Conference, 344, 345, 347, 350

London Greek Committee, 140, 1978, 202, 203, 2089, 213, 216, 220, 222, 224, 262, 263, 289, 290, 295

London, Treaty of, 1827, 257, 31719, 320, 321, 322, 326, 327, 344, 345

Lóndos, Andréas, 201, 66, 72, 75, 191, 22632;

family of, 193

Loughman, O’Brien, Ellis & Co., bankers, 2223, 224

Louis XVIII, King of France, 135, 167

Louis Philippe, King of France see Orléans, Duke of

Loukís Láras, Vikélas, 101

Louriótis, Andréas, 1967, 2201, 222, 225

Ludwig I, King of Bavaria, 350

Mahmud II, Sultan 1808–39, 55, 68, 100, 101, 105, 118, 136, 159, 168, 179, 187, 230, 234, 248, 269, 271, 298, 307, 319, 320, 341, 345;

early career and character, 1013;

moves against Ali Pasha, 1820–2, 445, 478;

and execution of Grigorios, 1821, 1036, 10810;

and Chios, 1822, 157, 162, 166;

his difficulties, 1823, 1889;

and destruction of janissaries, 1826, 3089

Mahmud, pasha of Dhráma see Dramali

Maison, General, 341

Maitland, Sir Thomas, 28, 423, 45, 75, 76, 78, 132, 199

Mákri, Theresa, 194

Makrinóros, mountains, 79, 86, 878, 101, 149, 187, 272, 343

Mákris, Dhimítrios, 273, 277, 283, 285, 286

Makrís, Nikólaos, 269, 273


imprisoned in Árta, 1821, 1001;

in Makrinóros, 1821, 878;

in civil war, 1824, 227, 231, 233;

at New Navarino, 1825, 241;

at Míli, 1825, 245;

at Athens, 1826, 31011, 31415;

supports Kapodhístrias, 340

Malmsey, 83

Malta, 337

Mamoúris, 260

Mani and Maniots, 30, 32, 35, 44, 634, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 1089, 115, 119, 125, 175, 183, 306, 340, 347, 348

Mannheim, 138

Mantinea, 111

Markídhis-Poúlios, 17

Mármaris, in Mesolongi lagoon, 271

Marryat, Frederick, 290

Marseille, 29, 127, 137, 138, 139, 150, 154, 316, 317

mastichochória or mastic villages, Chios, 154, 159, 163, 164

Matapan, Cape, 63

Mávri Trípa, 261

Mavrogordato family, Chios, 156

Mavrokordhátos, Alexander, 124, 125, 137, 146, 187, 191, 201, 222, 227, 230, 231, 232, 269, 271, 277, 292, 297, 299, 303, 342;

early career, character and influence, 1278, 134, 193;

president of Epídhavros assembly, 1821–2, 129;

becomes president of Executive, 1822, 130, 1334;

commander at Péta, 1822, 14753;

at Ástros assembly, 1823, 1823, 1845;

becomes president of Senate, 1823, 186;

with Byron at Mesolongi, 1824, 190, 202, 203, 207, 209, 211, 212, 21519;

at Navarino, 1825, 239, 240;

and plot against Trelawny, 1824–5, 2667;

opposed to Kapodhístrias, 340, 347

Mavrokordhátos family, Constantinople, 104

Mavromichális, Georgios, 303, 3489

Mavromichális, Konstantínos, 3489

Mavromichális, Pétrobey, 30, 32, 35, 68, 70, 75, 108, 201, 216, 244, 340;

character, 64;

leader of rising, 1821, 712;

at Tripolis, 1821, 11213;

vice-president of Senate, 1822, 131;

president of Ástros assembly, 1823, 183;

president of Executive, 1823, 184, 191, 193, 227;

opposed to Kapodhístrias, 340, 3478

Mecca, 103

Medina, 103

Mehmed II the Conqueror, Sultan 1444–6 and 1451–81, 35, 105

Mehmed III, Sultan 1595–1603, 10

Mehmed IV, Sultan 1648–87, 11

Mehmed Ali, pasha of Egypt, 2345, 254, 278, 3067, 31617, 31921, 327, 341, 349

Mehmed Salik, acting pasha of the Morea, 64, 689

Melbourne, Lord, 194

Mémoire sur l’état actuel de la civilisation en Grèce, Koraís, 22

Mesolongi, 44, 63, 75, 86, 124, 127, 134, 137, 148, 150, 1523, 187, 188, 189, 2013, 227, 232, 234, 247, 2612, 266, 323, 342, 344, 346;

besieged, 1822, 88, 179;

Turk attack on Anatolikó, 1823, 190;

Byron in, 20319;

final siege and aftermath, 1825–6, 257, 258, 26988, 297, 306, 310, 311, 313, 314, 320

Mestá, Chios, 161

Metaxás, Andréas, 184, 191, 1923

Metaxás, Konstantínos, 201

Metaxáta, Kephaloniá, 200, 201, 203

Methóni, 62, 80, 97, 111, 189, 2378, 239, 240, 243, 244, 323, 341

Métsovo, 45, 46

Metternich, Clemens von, 567, 61, 107, 116, 136, 138, 250, 251, 2523, 257, 316, 321

Meyer, Johann Jakob, 273, 278, 286

Miaoúlis, Andréas, 95, 163, 190, 227, 228, 235, 244, 276, 281, 282, 297, 347

Míchos, Artémios, 273

Milbanke, Annabella (Lady Byron), 194, 214

Míli, or Mills of Lerna, 227, 228, 2445

Military Commission, 1832, 349

Millingen, Dr Julius, later Osman Bey, 214, 218, 241

Mills of Lerna see Míli

Mílos, island, 10

Mistrás, 6, 10, 245, 303

Mocenigo, Palazzo, 195

Moharrem Bey, 321, 329, 330, 3312

Moldavia, 2, 32, 34, 5061, 101, 103, 106, 127, 135, 143, 248, 24950, 307

Monemvasía, 62, 68, 79, 835, 111, 113, 116, 124, 245

Montesquieu, 12, 13

Montgomery, General Bernard, 121

Morier, John Philip, 41

Morning Chronicle, newspaper, 141, 224

Mourtsínos, Dhionísios, 227;

and family, 340

Mukhtar, son of Ali Pasha, 37, 40, 45, 46, 48

Munkács, 60

Mustafa IV, Sultan 1807–8, 102

Mustafa Bey, later pasha of the Morea, 64, 82, 111, 112, 120

Mustafa Pasha, Bayrakdar, 102

Mustafa Pasha, of Shkoder, 1878, 190

Náoussa, 11

Napier, Colonel Charles James, 199200, 225

Naples, King of, 300

Napoleon, 16, 36, 41, 48, 90, 104, 113, 135, 145, 172, 173, 235, 237, 241

National Assemblies,

first, Epídhavros, 1821–2, 125, 12834, 146, 181, 182, 183, 338;

second, Ástros, 1823, 131, 1815, 191;

third, Epídhavros, 1826, and Trizína, 1827, 297305, 337;

fourth, Árgos, 1829, 338, 3467;

others, 347, 349, 350

Navarino, modern Pílos, and Bay of, 62, 238, 239, 241, 242, 267, 278, 323, 3259, 335, 341;

New Navarino and Old Navarino, fortresses, 62, 80, 85, 124, 238, 239, 240, 241, 243, 245, 278, 341;

battle of Navarino, 1827, 167, 245, 287, 321, 32936, 337, 339, 341, 344, 346

Návpaktos, 44, 2078, 209211, 212, 214, 219, 339, 342

Navplion, 62, 111, 118, 120, 125, 144, 173, 1745, 177, 1912, 193, 200, 201, 202, 222, 225, 230, 231, 232, 239, 243, 244, 245, 265, 273, 277, 2812, 292, 299, 303, 306, 311, 317, 325, 337, 339, 349;

failed Greek assault on, 1821, 146;

surrendered to Greeks, 1822, 179, 181, 186;

held by Kolokotrónis’ forces, 1822–4, 182, 191, 193, 201, 226, 228;

taken over by government, 1824, 226, 227, 2289;

Kapodhístrias killed in, 1831, 3489;

Otto arrives in, 1833, 3501;

and see Akronavplion and Palamídhi

Néa Moní, Chios, 158

Négris, Theódhoros, 1245, 129, 130, 183, 1845, 215, 216

Nelson, Admiral Lord, 912

Nemours, Duke of, 317

Neroulós, Rízos Iákovos, 51, 52, 53, 60

Nesselrode, Count, 31, 253, 256

Newton, Sir Isaac, 14

New York Committee, 141

Nicholas I, Tsar 1825–55, 142, 2556, 301, 302, 3078

Nikítas see Kolokotrónis, Nikítas

Normann, General, 138, 1467, 149, 152;

name of Mesolongi bastion, 272

North American Review, periodical, 140

O’Brian, Patrick, 290

Observations sur les moyens d’améliorer le sort des Grecs, Kapodhístrias, 16

Odessa, 26, 27, 29, 30, 50, 106, 143, 154

Odysseus Andhroútsos see Andhroútsos, Odysseus

Ohrid, 187

Omer Vrionis see Vrionis, Omer

Opava see Troppau

Origone, 171, 172

Orlándos, Iánnis, 184, 1856, 222, 225

Orléans, Duke of, later King Louis Philippe of France, 317

Orlov, Count Gregory, 12, 63, 68, 83, 94

Ósios Loukás, 264

Osman I, Sultan 1288–1326, 1, 103

Osman Bey see Millingen, Dr Julius

Otto, Prince, 3501

Palamídhi, 62, 118, 146, 179, 229, 245, 303, 339, 348

Palermo, battle of, 1676, 94

Palladion, 111

Palmerston, Viscount, 349

Panhellenion, 338, 346

Papaphléssas or Grigórios Dhikéos, 64, 656, 678, 71, 80, 178, 231, 233, 246

Paparigópoulos, 45

Párga and Pargiots, 414, 194

Parnassos, Mount, 148, 261

Parry, William, 208, 20910, 211, 212, 213, 215, 218

Paternal Exhortation, 7, 13, 24, 56

Patíssia, 310

Patmos, island, 15, 26

Patras, 1, 45, 62, 63, 66, 67, 728, 92, 95, 97, 98, 100, 111, 114, 124, 137, 148, 173, 176, 177, 1867, 189, 205, 207, 211, 214, 230, 231, 237, 274, 276, 278, 279, 327, 341

Páxos, island, 41, 42

pedhomázoma see devshirme

Pericles, 99

Peroúkas, Iánnis, 192, 216

Perrevós, Christóphoros, 20, 109

Péta, 116, 139, 147, 14853, 181, 187, 241, 269, 270

Pétain, 7

Peterloo, 251

Pétra, 343

Pétrobey see Mavromichális, Pétrobey

Pháliron, 31214

phanariots, 51, 52, 55, 104, 109, 127, 230, 338

Phére, modern Velestíno, 17

Pheréos, Rígas see Rígas Pheréos

Philikí Etería, 2635, 45, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 60, 64, 67, 85, 100, 109

Philomathians, 26

Philopáppos, 310

Photákos, 66

Piádha, 128

Piána, 81, 82

Piedmont, 137

Pílion, Mount, 33

Pílos see Navarino

Píndos mountains, 45, 125, 187

Pipínos, Andréas, 164

Piraeus, 172, 311, 31213

Pírgos, 306

Pisa, 68, 130, 195, 196

Pláton, Archbishop, 156, 157, 162

Politics, Aristotle, 22

poll tax see harach

Póros, island, 299, 347, 348;

conference of, 1828, 3445, 346

Póros, in Mesolongi lagoon, 271, 279, 342

Pouqueville, François, 3, 41, 70, 72, 73, 77, 78, 172

Pouqueville, Hugues, 73, 74, 77

Préveza, 42, 45, 46, 47, 76

Prince Regent, 136, and see George IV, King

Prokopanistós, in Mesolongi lagoon, 271

Protocol of St Petersburg, 4 April 1826, 2567, 298, 316, 317, 31819

Protocol of 4 September 1827, 323

Protocol of 18 October 1827, 328

Pruth, river, 51, 53, 57, 60

Psalídhas, Athanásios, 40

Psará, island, and Psarians, 19, 8991, 949, 125, 154, 155, 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 184, 235, 236, 303

Quadruple Alliance, 1356

Quintuple Alliance, 56, 1356, 24951, 252, 253, 257

Ralli, Chios family, 156, 165

Ravenna, 195, 196

Raybaud, Maxime, 72, 116, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 127, 1378, 147, 150, 212;

quoted, 120, 121, 122, 137, 145, 148 and see Notes

Regiment Baleste, 1456

Reis Effendi, 1078, 250

Reshid Pasha, at Mesolongi siege, 1822, 269;

commander at final Mesolongi siege, 1825–6, 27283;

commander at capture of Athens, 1826–7, 31015

Réthimno, 146

Rhodes, island, 97

Ricardo, Jacob and Samson, bankers, 289, 290, 293, 294, 295

Ricord, Admiral, 347

Rígas Pheréos, or Velestinlís, 1721, 25, 26, 27, 61, 117

Rigny, Admiral de, 245, 314, 321, 322, 325, 328, 329, 330, 331

Rîmnicu, 58

Río see Castle of the Morea

Rochdale Manor, 213

Roche, General, 317

Rodocanachi, Chios family, 156, 165

Rollin, Charles, 12

Rostock, 139

Rothschild, Nathan, 221

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 12, 13, 19

Sacred Battalion, 55, 58, 59, 61

St Petersburg Protocol see Protocol of St Petersburg

St Vincent, Earl, 290

Salamís, island, 50, 128, 169, 174, 191, 200, 201

Sálona, modern Ámphissa, 72, 86, 173, 190, 258, 343;

congress at, 1824, 21517, 219

Saluzzo, Casa, 196

Sámos, island, and Samians, 967, 98, 1568, 159, 161, 162, 165, 235, 236, 237, 344, 346, 349

Samuel, ‘Last Judgement’, 39

Santa Rosa, Count, 241

Sass, Adolph von, 211, 212

Saudi Arabia, 99

Sava, river, 20

Scènes des massacres de Scio, Delacroix, 167

Scio see Chios

Scipion, ship, 332

Scott, Captain, 198, 200

Sea of Marmara, 91

Sékeris, Georgios, 29, 30

Sékeris, Panayiótis, 29, 301

Sekou, 60

Selim III, Sultan 1789–1807, 102, 308

Semeonovsky Regiment, 56

Senate, 134, 176, 185, 2001, 202, 231, 247, 281, 349;

established at Epídhavros assembly, 1821–2, 12933;

presidents of, 1301, 1856;

vice-president of, 131;

revised at Ástros assembly, 1823, 183, 184;

conflict with Executive, 1823, 1856, 1903;

in first civil war, 1824, 2269;

replaced by Assembly Commission, 1826, 2978;

revised at Trizíni assembly, 1827, 3023;

replaced by Panhellenion, 1828, 3378;

reinstated at Árgos assembly, 1829, 3467

Seraglio, 158

Serbia and Serbs, 51, 103

Sève, Colonel, later Suleiman Bey, 241

Sheffield, Lord, name of Mesolongi bastion, 272

Shelley, Mary, 195, 198

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 127, 136, 195, 196, 251

Shkoder, 45, 187, 190

Sibiu, 59

Sicily, 99, 137

Sígri, Lésvos, 96

Sirène, ship, 330, 331

Síros, island, 161, 171

Sisínis, Georgios, 227, 232

Skanderbey, name of Mesolongi bastion, 272

Skilitsi, Chios family, 156

Skilítzis, Konstantínos, 1989, 2001

Skouphás, Nikólaos, 26, 29, 30, 31, 33

Skoúrtis, Kiriákos, 239

Skróphes, Cape, 205

Skulyany, 53, 60

Smyrna, modern İzmir, 15, 21, 94, 101, 104, 157, 162, 163, 164, 166, 179

Soúli and Souliots, 23, 25, 389, 46, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 190, 194, 199, 2078, 209, 210, 211, 212, 217, 273, 281, 282

Soútsos, Alexander, 52, 55

Soútsos, Michael, 52, 54, 56, 57

Sparta, 71

Sperchiós, river, 173, 174

Spétses, island, and Spetsiots, 19, 30, 66, 68, 84, 95, 97, 98, 99, 119, 125, 161, 163, 184, 191, 193, 201, 212, 226, 235, 237, 320, 323;

description of, 8990

Sphaktiría, island, 23940, 241, 246, 329

Spiromílios, 273, 277, 2812

Stanhope, Colonel the Hon. Leicester, 202, 203, 207, 209, 212, 21516, 217, 224, 225, 289

Strangford, Viscount, 106, 108, 158, 162, 165, 1667, 249, 256

Stroganov, Count, 106, 1078

Suda Bay, Crete, 236

Suleiman Bey see Sève, Colonel

Sultan see Mahmud II, Mehmed II, Mehmed III, Mehmed IV, Mustafa IV, Osman I and Selim III

Sultana, 159

Sussex, Duke of, 317

Swan, Rev. Charles, 246

Syria, 99

Taenarus, Cape, 63

Taganrog, 254

Tahir Pasha, 321, 325, 3312, 334

Talleyrand, Prince, 136

Tarella, 138, 147, 149, 150

Tartars, 41, 266

Tassi, 116

Tavérna ton Éllinon, Vienna, 17, 18

taxation, 810

Tegea, 111

Telegrafo Greco, newspaper, 215

Tepelene, 36, 37, 401, 194

Tersítza, 262, 263, 266, 268

Thebes, modern Thíva, 55, 171, 173, 174, 190, 263, 343

Thebes, village, 263

Themistocles, 138

Thermopylae, 79, 86, 87, 117, 168, 171, 343

Thessalonika, 6, 11, 85, 168

Thíva see Thebes

Tholopotámi, Chios, 164

Thomas, Dr, 218

Three Hostages, The, Buchan, 137

Thucydides, 93

Tilsit, Treaty of, 1807, 41

Times, The, newspaper, 255, 295, 317, 319

Tínos, island, 83

Tithoréa, 261

Tocsin des rois aux souverains de l’Europe, Voltaire, 12

Tombázis, Iakoumákis, 95, 1556, 162, 342

Tophana, 188

Toulon, 341

Tourkophágos see Kolokotrónis, Nikítas

Tourlotí, Chios, 157

Transylvania, 51

Treaty of London see London, Treaty of

Trebizond, 6

Trelawny, Edward John, 198, 199, 200, 203, 215, 216, 258, 259, 2618

Tríkala, 38, 44, 187

Tríkeri, 182

Tríkorpha, 111, 112

Trikoúpis, Spirídhon, 298, 338, 340;

quoted, 231, 272, 279, 298, 338, 344 and see Notes

Tripolis, 1, 62, 68, 69, 79, 80, 812, 87, 124, 173, 176, 177, 178, 180, 185, 191, 239, 2434;

captured by Greeks, 1821, 11123, 158, 208, 212, 234, 312;

in civil war, 1824, 193, 226, 228, 231, 232

Trizína see National Assemblies

Troezen see Trizína under National Assemblies

Troppau, modern Opava, 56

Tsakálov, Athanásios, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 59

Tsar see Catherine the Great, Alexander I and Nicholas I

Tsarskoe Seloe, 49

Tsavéllas, Kítsos, 280, 283, 286;

family, 281

Tsímova, 71 and see Areópolis

Tübingen, 6

Tugendbund, 26

Tuileries, 317

Turnul Roşu, 58, 59

Tyre, 275

Valtétsi, 79, 813

Vardhoúni, 119

Varnakiótis, Georgios, 86, 88, 148, 149, 152

Vasiládhi, in Mesolongi lagoon, 217, 271, 279, 280, 281, 285, 286, 342

Vasiliká, 87, 168

Velestinlís, Rígas see Rígas Pheréos

Velestíno see Phére

Veli, son of Ali Pasha, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48

Venetians, 62, 63, 73, 83, 84, 111, 154, 173, 207, 237, 241

Venice, 195

Versailles, 40

Vérvena, 81

Vice-Presidential Commission, 1827, 303

Victory, ship, 91, 92

Vienna, Congress of, 41, 42, 135

Vikélas, Dhimítrios, 101

Víos, Stilianós, 159

Vivári, 222

Vlachópoulos, Alexákis, 149

Vláchos, Georgios, 11

Vladimirescu, Theodore, 52, 53, 55, 578

Vlasto, Chios family, 156, 165

Vólos, 182, 292, 323, 344, 349, 350

Voltaire, 12, 14

Vónitsa, 42

Vostítsa, modern Éyio, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 75, 147, 148, 191, 303

Voutier, Olivier, 170

Voyage du jeune Anacharsis, Barthélemy, 12

Vrionis, Omer, 86, 88, 152, 173, 179, 190;

in service of Ali Pasha, 45, 46, 152;

his ‘Greek hunts’, 169, 171;

Turk commander at Péta, 1822, 147;

attack on Mesolongi, 1822, 26970

Waddington, George, 901, 170

Wahabis, 103

Wallachia, 2, 17, 32, 34, 5061, 66, 101, 106, 127, 135, 248, 249, 250, 307

Walsh, Robert, 105

Warspite, ship, 337

Washington, President George, 132, 202

Weekly Register, periodical, 295

Wellington, Duke of, 65, 173, 2556, 300, 318, 334, 335, 344, 349

Whitcombe, William, 2638

William of Orange, name of Mesolongi bastion, 272

Xánthos, Emmanuel, 2634, 50, 66

Xerxes, 86, 169

Yennádhios, Georgios, Patriarch, 45, 7, 105

Yermanós, Bishop, 13, 667, 68, 69, 75, 76, 77, 104, 105, 109, 298

Yérondas, Cape, 236

Yíthion, 63

Yussuf Pasha, 757, 95, 98, 176, 186, 205, 210, 211, 214, 279

Zagorá, 15

Zaímis, Andréas, 66, 184, 191, 193, 22632, 298, 299, 303

Zaímis, Asimákis, 66

Zákinthos, island, 41, 65, 97, 98, 147, 199, 204, 214, 218, 222, 225, 229, 232, 247, 276, 348

Zambelli, 199

Zella, 268

Zigós, Mount, 271, 275, 285, 286