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ABA (American Bar Association), 72, 77–78

Abagnale, Frank, Jr., 263

Abplanalp, Robert, 164

Action for Legal Rights, 79

Adelson, Sheldon, 352

African-Americans. See Civil rights movement; Mississippi; Racism; Selma, Alabama

Ahmad, Eqbal, 82n, 87

Akers, John, 271, 277–78. See also United Way case

Alabama. See also Selma, Alabama.

Dallas county, 36, 50–51

death of Jimmie Lee Jackson in, 36–37

Perry county, 50–51

violence in, 37–38, 44, 47

Alaska. See also Alaska Pipeline case

Alyeska and, 230

Cook Inlet Region, Inc., 220–21, 235

flight as common transportation mode in, 223

quirkiness of, 223

Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, 220

Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, 231

Alaska Pipeline case, 220–32. See also Alyeska

Alaska Pipeline Commission, 221–22

Alyeska, definition of, 221

background of case, 221–23

as catalyst for founding of IGI, 220, 231

investigation of pipeline problems, 225–28

members of investigative team, 223–25

mission of investigation, 222

report to Alaska Pipeline Commission, 230

report to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 231

value of investigators vs. attorneys to case, 231

Alaska Pipeline Commission, 221–22. See also Alaska Pipeline case; Alyeska

Albert, Carl, 118

Alexander, Clifford, 246

All the President’s Men (Bernstein and Woodward), 150


definition of, 221

Bechtel as project management firm, 225–27

budget for pipeline, 221–22

effect of climate on pipeline construction, 227

project mismanagement of, 227–30

subpoenas for, 225–26

Teamsters union, 228

time card abuse in, 229

American Bar Association (ABA), 72, 77–78

Anderson, Jack, 121, 135

on Nixon “enemies list,” 123–24

Appalachian Research and Defense Fund (AppalReD), 77

Aramony, Bob, 270

Aramony, William

allegations about, 264–65

attorney-client privilege and, 279

background on, 267–68

behavior of, 266, 268, 271–73, 280

conviction and sentencing of, 278

indictment of, 278

investigation strategy on, 266–67

lifestyle of, 268–69

popularity of, 265

property of, 268–71

resignation of, 276–78

retirement benefits for, 277, 279–80

salary of, 268

SEC and, 272, 274–77, 279

son Bob, 270

Steve Paulachak and, 272

successes of, 264–65

Thomas Merlo and, 270, 274

Washington Post on, 275–77

women and, 267, 269–72

Armstrong, Scott, 112, 131, 144

Egil “Bud” Krogh and, 176–77

General Tire and Rubber Company investigation and, 211–14

as Watergate leak, 112

Army, United States, 245–46. See also Thornwell, James

Atlanta Child Murders case, 246–47

Attorney-client privilege exemption, 165, 177, 178, 279

Attorney’s Office, U.S., in the Southern District of New York (Manhattan). See also Morgenthau, Robert

Civil Rights Division compared to, 60–61, 63

organized crime unit of, 61–63

prestige of, 60

Auburtin, Mary, 50–51

Baerwald, Kathryn, 273

Bain Capital

Bebe Rebozo and, 343

business practices of, 343–44

investors of, 343

Mitt Romney and, 343–45, 351

secrecy of, 343

Baker, Howard, 104, 106, 114, 156, 173

bipartisanship of, 104, 106, 108, 184, 206

CIA and, 173, 187

on subpoena of President Nixon, 131–32

Baltimore Sun, 293

Barnette, Horace Doyle, 31

Barrett, Jack, 328–29

Barzini, Tino, 62–63

Bechtel Corporation, 225–27

Bell, Beverly, 82n

Bellino, Carmine, 110–11

Bebe Rebozo and, 166–67

Bennett, Robert (Nixon aide), 171, 172

Bennett, Robert S. (Washington attorney), 291–92

background of, 291

Monica Lewinski and, 291–92

Bernhard, Berl, 274

and United Way case, 275–79

Bernstein, Carl, 101–3, 134, 150, 234, 312

Berrigan, Daniel

antiwar activities of, 81–82

conspiracy charge of, 82, 82n

FBI surveillance of, 81

Berrigan, Philip, 6, 95

antiwar activities of, 81–82

author’s meeting with, 83–84

background of, 84–85

Boyd Douglas and, 89, 93

correspondence with Sister Elizabeth McAlister, 85–86

FBI surveillance of, 81

idealism of, 86

opening statement of, 88–89

Berrigan case

celebrities attending trial, 88

closing arguments of, 94–95

defendants in, 82, 82n

J. Edgar Hoover and, 81–82, 85, 92–93

jurors of, 87–88, 95

Harrisburg location for, 83

Ramsay Clark and, 82–83, 87, 91–92, 94–95

verdicts on, 95

wiretaps in, 95–96

Bird, Terry, 224

Bisceglie, Anthony, 257

Bissell, Richard, 194

Bittman, Robert, 303, 307

Bittman, William, 303

Blech, Arthur, 168

Bleiler, Andy, 301

“Bloody Sunday,” 37–39, 48, 51–52

Blumenthal, Sidney, 303–4, 307–8

Bombs. See Unabomber

Bonanno, Salvatore, 7, 63


housing projects in, 219–20

NAACP in, 217–18

racial segregation in, 217–19

schools in, 217–19

Boston Globe, 7, 342

Boston School Committee, 217

Boudin, Kathy, 83

Boudin, Leonard, 82–83, 91

Bradlee, Ben, 101–2

Bradley, Bill, 66

Bradley, Dan, 68

Bragdon, Henry, 5

Breslin, Jimmy, 34

Brezhnev, Leonid, 125

Brooks, Margaret Clay, 48

Brown Chapel, 38, 42, 43

Brown, Lee, 246

Brown & Williamson, 306–7

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 207

Buchanan, Patrick J., 138–39

Buckley, John (“Fat Jack”), 76

Burton, Dan, 296–97

Bush, George H. W., 293

on credibility of John Dean, 125

Stephen Glass on, 284

Bush, George W., 142, 243, 331

allegations against, 352

vs. John Kerry, 347–49

vs. John McCain, 353

Supreme Court nominees of, 344–45

Butterfield, Alexander, 130–31

Byrne, Judge William Matthew, 122

California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA), 60, 71

Calley, William, 348

Campaign Facts, 229

Campaign finance laws, 184, 352. See also Hughes, Howard

Campbell, Barbara, 69

CAP (Community Action Program), 66

Capitol Building, Washington, D.C., demonstration at, 58–59

Carlucci, Frank, 69

Carter, Jimmy, 204, 207

Carter, Lisle, 274, 279

Carville, James, 304

Castro, Fidel

Operation Gemstone and, 174–75, 188

U.S. assassination plan for, 174–75, 194

Catch Me If You Can (film), 263

Catholics. See Berrigan case

Caulfield, Jack, 101, 117, 167, 170–71

Center on Corporate Responsibility, 104

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). See also Gottlieb, Dr. Sidney

assassination plan for Fidel Castro, 174–75, 188

author’s legal counsel for, 188–89

Church Committee and, 6

congressional hearings on, 188

drug experimentation on Americans, 195

Frank Olson and, 186–87, 195–96

Howard Baker and, 173, 187

revelations about, 187–88, 202–4

Seymour Hersch exposé in New York Times, 187

vulnerability of agency to prosecution, 189

Chaney, James

death of, 13–15, 17–18, 31–32

disappearance of, 10–11

and Freedom Summer, 9–10

group implicated in murder of, 31–32

Chapin, Dwight, 136–37

Charles, Prince, 314–16, 327

Chávez, Asdrubal, 338

Chávez, Hugo, 338–40

Alberto Ibargüen and, 339

Miami Herald against, 339–40

Cheney, Dick, 67

Chotiner, Murray, 172

Church, Frank, 176, 188

Church Committee. See Gottlieb, Dr. Sidney

CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency

Citizens United, 352

A Civil Action (film), 240

Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice. See also Mississippi; Selma, Alabama

author’s partner Marty, 29–30

Bud Sather, 20–23

Harold Tyler, 15

investigation of Philadelphia murders by, 13–14, 15, 17, 18, 20–25, 26–28, 31

John Doar, 15, 16–17, 18, 38–39, 46–47, 49

legal basis for investigating Philadelphia murders, 13, 33

strategy for investigating Philadelphia murders, 18–19, 21–22

and voter registration in South, 19–20

Civil rights movement

“Bloody Sunday,” 37–39, 48, 51–52

burning of Mount Zion church, 10

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 10, 15

demonstrations in Selma, Alabama, 37–38, 41–42

Fanny Lou Hamer, 47

Freedom Summer, 10–11, 13

James Meredith, 16

Martin Luther King Jr., 9, 16, 22, 36–37, 42–43, 58

Medgar Evers, 16–17, 34

NAACP, 217–8

Philadelphia murders, 10–11, 13–15, 17–18

Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC), 36–37

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 14, 37

voter discimination, 9, 16, 19, 35–36

Voting Rights Act, 45, 49–51, 59

Clancy, Tom, 28

Clark, Bill, 5

Clark, Sheriff Jim, 37, 40–41, 43, 49

Clark, Ramsey

Berrigan case and, 82–83, 87, 91–92, 94–95

summation strategy of, 94–95

Clawson, Kenneth, 140n

Clinton, Bill

campaign contributions to, 295–96

Dan Burton and, 296–97

denial of affairs, 299

Drudge Report allegations about, 292

enemies of, 293–94

Gennifer Flowers and, 299

government shutdown and, 290

impeachment of, 292

vs. impeachment of Richard Nixon, 309–11

media on, 311–12

official charges in, 311

partisanship related to, 312–13

Senate vote against, 308

Janet Reno and, 294–95

Kathleen Willey and, 300

Kenneth W. Starr and, 292, 295, 302

Linda Tripp and, 299–300

Monica Lewinsky and, 299–302, 308

Paula Jones and, 292, 299, 301

Robert Fiske and, 294–95, 302

Vince Foster and, 294, 296

women and, 299–302, 308

Clinton, Hillary, 293, 304, 305

COFO. See Council of Federated Organizations

Cohn, Jonathan, 286

Colby, Bill, 188, 200

Colson, Charles, 102, 171

Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP), 115, 125

Community Action Program (CAP), 66

Condon, Will, 224, 226

Conducting Complex Fact Investigations (Lenzner, T.), 239

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 10, 15

Cook Inlet Region, Incorporation, 220–21

Copperfield, David, 237, 332

CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), 10, 15

Corruption. See also specific cases

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 214–15

General Tire and Rubber Company, 213–15

Hugo Chávez and, 353–54

Marty Sweig, 7–8

Corsi, Jerome, 349–50

Council of Federated Organizations (COFO), 10, 41

Cox, Archibald

Howard Hughes and, 153

Watergate investigation and, 113–14, 143–44

Cox, William, 33–34

CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President), 115, 125

CRLA (California Rural Legal Assistance), 60, 71

Culberson, Kirk, 25, 31

Culver, John, 41–42

Cunningham, William, 82–83

Curtis, Bob, 211–15

Daley, Richard M., 70–71

Danner, Richard (“Dick”), 165–66, 181

as general manager of Frontier Hotel, 158–59

Greenspun on, 163

John Mitchell and, 160–63

Dash, Sam, 5, 105–7, 109, 111, 114, 125–26, 180

as adviser to Kenneth Starr, 295, 310

Alexander Butterfield and, 130–31

approach to Watergate hearings, 309

Pat Buchanan and, 139

Davidson, Thomas, 82n

Davidson, William, 82n

Davis, A. D., 182–83

Dean, John, 119, 327

author’s meeting with, 123–24

background of, 120

firing of, 122

George H. W. Bush on, 125

Jack Anderson and, 121, 123–24

on Operation Gemstone, 147, 170

Richard Moore and, 125–26

testimony of, 121–22, 125, 147–48

Dee, Henry, 15

Dellinger, Dave, 56

Democratic National Committee, 295–96

Democratic Party, 117, 136

contributions to, 295–98

Demonstrations. See also Selma, Alabama

antiwar, 55–58, 73–74

by Howard University law students, 74–75

Department of Justice, U.S., 6, 11, 13, 38, 160–63. See also Civil Rights Division; Legal Services Program

Diana, Princess of Wales. See also al-Fayed, Mohamed

death of, 314–16

investigation of death, 320–22

DiGenova, Joseph, 302

Doar, John, 5, 43, 55

after death of Medgar Evers, 34

background of, 15

Bob Moses and, 41

dedication to career, 34

Jimmy Breslin on, 34

as mentor, 5, 17, 65

Philadelphia murder investigation and, 15, 16–17, 18, 20, 21, 31, 33

Selma to Montgomery march, 46–47

strategy of, 18–19, 21–22, 31, 52

Dole, Bob, 140

Donahue, Harry, 230

Dorsen, David, 105, 116

Douglas, Boyd, 83, 85, 86–87, 89, 127

credibility of, 89, 93

cross-examination of, 90–92

FBI on, 93

incriminating correspondence of, 89–90, 91–92

Philip Berrigan defense of, 89, 93

women and, 89–90, 92–93

Draft boards, 81–82, 89. See also Berrigan case

Drexel Burnham Lambert, 257, 258–61

apathy of, 260–61

collapse of, 262–63

due diligence for, 258

Drudge Report, 292

Dulles, Allen, 198

Eastland, James, 11, 33

Edmisten, Rufus L., 111–12, 132–34

Egan, Sister Jogues, 82n

Ehrlichman, John, 100–101, 114, 118

attempted bribe of Judge William Matthew Byrne, 122

memo re J. Paul Getty to, 164

resignation of, 122

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 100, 194

Elizabeth II, Queen, 319

Ellsberg, Daniel, 97, 98–99

author’s meeting with, 98

background of, 96–97

U.S. v. Ellsberg, 96, 122

El Salvador, 343

Emanuel, Rahm, 304

Epstein, Charles, 253

Ernst & Whinney, 261–62

Ervin, Sam, 5, 104–6, 107–8, 124, 129, 131–2, 175, 353

acceptance of author on Watergate Committee staff, 105–7

Bebe Rebozo and, 166

bipartisanship of, 104, 184

“double-barreled challenge” to White House, 120–21

Howard Baker and, 108

Evans, Rowland, 121, 139

Evers, Medgar, 16–17, 34

Falco, Mathea, 69

Fayed, Dodi, 314–16, 318

al-Fayed, Mohamed, 317, 318–19, 320–21, 328

author’s meeting with, 316–19

British government against, 320–21

British inquest and, 326–27

conspiracy theories of, 318–19, 321, 324–27

FBI and, 318, 321, 324–25

Henri Paul and, 328

Oswald LeWinter and, 323–24

security for, 316–17

white Fiat and, 318, 320–21, 325

FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation

FCC. See Federal Communications Commission

Federal Alaska Pipeline Commission, 222

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 14, 42–43, 302–3

Berrigan case and, 81–82

Boyd Douglas and, 93

Mohamed al-Fayed and, 318, 321, 324–25

Operation MIBURN, 14, 17–21

Unabomber and, 256–57

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 155, 210, 215, 216

RKO TV station and, 215–16, 232

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 222, 231–32

Fiske, Robert, 294–95, 302

Fleming, Peter, 134

Flowers, Gennifer, 299

Flug, Jim, 113

Edward Kennedy and, 341–42

FOIA. See Freedom of Information Act

Forbes Digital Tool, 282–83

Ford, Gerald R., 187

on Frank Olson, 189–90

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 214–15

Foster, Vincent, 294, 296

Fox News, 312, 315, 354

Frates, William, 164

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 201, 245

Freedom Summer, 10–11, 13. See also Civil rights movement; Mississippi; Selma, Alabama

Gallup, George, 138

Garment, Leonard, 133

Garrison, Lloyd K., 5, 12–13

Gateway computer company, 285–86

Gelernter, David, 252–53

General Tire and Rubber Company, 249

Bob Curtis and, 211, 212–15

bribery by, 214–15

corruption at, 213–15

David Mugar and, 210–15

Howard Swires and, 211, 212–15

secret bank account from, 214–15

Genovese family, 61–62, 150, 175

George magazine, 288

Gesell, Gerhard, 200–201

Getty, J. Paul, 164

Giancana, Sam, 174–76

Gingrich, Newt, 352

Glass, Stephen, 281–89

background on, 281–82

Charles Lane and, 282–84, 286, 288

“Deliverance” article by, 285–86

falsified notes of, 284–88

on FedEx, 282–86

firing of, 283

“Hack Heaven” article by, 282–83, 286–87

Jukt Micronics and, 282–83, 287

Martin Peretz on, 281–82

Glenn, John, Jr., 297

Goldberg, Lucianne, 300

Goldwater, Barry, 69

Goodman, Andrew

death of, 13–15, 17–18, 31–32

disappearance of, 10–11

and Freedom Summer, 9–10

group implicated in murder of, 31–32

Gottlieb, Dr. Sidney, 6

author’s meeting with, 190–92

background of, 193–94

and CIA assassination programs, 194–95, 198–200

defense strategy for, 196–204

Edward Kennedy and, 201–4

handwriting analysis and, 191–92

immunity for, 196–97, 200

lawsuit for, 200–201

LSD experimentation and, 189–90, 195–96, 198

MK-ULTRA, 198, 201

patriotism of, 193, 196

60 Minutes and, 245

Greenspan, Alan, 284

Greenspun, Hank

author’s meeting with, 149–56

Edmund Muskie and, 148–49

and Howard Hughes–Richard Nixon relationship, 147, 151–53, 158–61, 163

Operation Gemstone and, 147–53, 156–57, 163, 171–72, 183

on Richard Danner, 163

Gurney, Edward, 108

Haig, Alexander

Jimmy Carter and, 207

on Operation Gemstone, 177–78

partisanship over, 204–8

Watergate scandal and, 204–5

Haldeman, H. R., 100, 119, 122, 130, 144, 164

Hamer, Fanny Lou, 47

Hamilton, James, 105, 116

Hanrahan, John, 234

Harr, Jonathan, 240

Harris, Billy, 24–25, 31

Harris, Lou, 118

Harris, T. O., 50–51

Harrisburg Seven. See Berrigan case

Harvard College, 6

Harvard Law School, 4, 6–7, 11

Harvard University Board of Overseers, 79

Helms, Richard, 201

Hersh, Seymour, 135, 187

Hesburgh, Father, 296

Hibey, James F., 275, 279

Hicks, Louise Day, 217

Hoover, J. Edgar

Berrigan case and, 81–82, 85, 92–93

Tom Charles Huston on, 119

wiretaps and, 42–43

Hope, Bob, 88

Hudson, Robert, 24–25, 31

Hughes, Howard, 142–43, 154

Archibald Cox and, 153

Bebe Rebozo and, 152, 158–59, 163–70, 173, 177, 180–82

contributions from, 152, 155, 159, 163, 165–66, 170–71

Department of Justice and, 160–63

Donald Nixon and, 146–47, 159, 172

Dunes Hotel and, 160–63, 169

Hank Greenspun and, 150–56

John Mitchell and, 160–63, 171, 173–74

memos from, 153–56

Operation Gemstone and, 147, 150–66, 168–77, 180–84, 205, 231, 350

Richard Nixon, favors to, 159–63

Robert Maheu and, 151, 153–54, 156–60, 166, 169, 172–74, 182, 188

subpoenas for, 169–70

Hughes Hubbard & Reed, 261

Humphrey, Hubert, 182

Hunt, E. Howard, 172, 187, 303

Huston, Tom Charles, 118–19

Ibargüen, Alberto, 339

IGI. See Investigative Group International


of Bill Clinton, 292, 308–13

history of, 308–9

of Richard Nixon, 174–75, 181, 184, 309–11

Starr Report, 308

Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act, 294–95

Inouye, Daniel, 108, 184

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 63

Larry O’Brien and, 177, 179–80

Investigative Group International (IGI), 220, 234–51. See also specific cases

Atlanta Child Murders case, 246–47

David Copperfield and, 237

divorce disputes and, 249–50

ethics in, 247–49

extortion case, 243–44

family money case for, 241

foreign contractors for, 236–37

founding team of, 234

investigating Romney’s Democratic opponents for governor, 345

investments case, 243

Larry Potts and, 237–38

locations of, 236

mergers and acquisitions cases, 235

movie director case, 328–33

Ray Kelly and, 238–39, 304

singer case, 333–38

stocks case, 242

surveillance by, 249–50

W. R. Grace & Company case, 239–40

women at, 239–40, 346–47

Iraqi war, 347–48

IRS. See Internal Revenue Service

Isikoff, Mike, 300, 312

Jackson, Jimmie Lee, 36–37

Jaworski, Leon, 181

Johnson, Frank M., 37–38

and Selma march, 44–45

Johnson, Lyndon B., 49, 52–53, 116

antiwar demonstration and, 57–58

Robert Maheu and, 182

on voting, 44–45

Jones, Frank, 68, 78–79

Jones, Paula

and Bill Clinton, 292, 299, 301

and Monica Lewinsky, 292, 299

Joseph, Fred, 261

Jukt Micronics, 282–83, 287

Kaczynski, David, 254–57

Kaczynski, Theodore (“Ted”). See Unabomber

Kadane, Kathy, 234

Kalmbach, Herb

on Bebe Rebozo, 165–66

Jack Anderson and, 135

on Operation Gemstone, 165–66, 176

Watergate investigation, 110–11

Kantor, Mickey, 68, 72, 79

Katzenbach, Nicholas, 54–56, 57–58, 59, 296

Kelly, Martin Douglas, 139–40

Kelly, Michael, 281–83

Kelly, Ray, 238–39, 304

Kendall, David, 308

Kennan, George, 195

Kennedy, Edward (“Ted”), 42, 101, 113, 117–18

Bob Shrum and, 342, 344

Fidel Castro and, 174–75

Jim Flug and, 341–42

reelection of, 341–45

Sidney Gottlieb and, 201–4

Kennedy, John F., 22, 94, 148

assassination of, 315

Kennedy, John F., Jr., 288

Kennedy, Michael, 340

Kennedy, Robert, 22, 64, 264

author’s gift to, 54

voting rights lawsuits, 16

Kerry, John F.

author’s meeting with, 349–50

George W. Bush and, 347–52

Jerome Corsi and, 351–52

Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 347–48

KeyServ, 258–59, 261–62

Killen, Edgar Ray

conviction of, 35

murder by, 32

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 9, 16, 22, 36–38, 58

FBI wiretaps of, 42–43

Selma, Alabama, march, 36–37

Kissinger, Henry, 82, 85–86, 92, 95

Klein, Herb, 151–52

Kopechne, Mary Jo, 117–18

Korean War, 195

Krogh, Egil “Bud”, 176–77

Ku Klux Klan, 10, 14, 18

confession of Horace Doyle Barnette, 31–32

Lackritz, Marc, 110, 126–27, 144, 225

Lane, Charles, 282–84, 286, 288

Lawyers, 12. See also specific lawyers

investigators compared to, 224–25, 234

Leach, Jim, 66

Leffall, LaSalle, Jr., 273–77

Legal Services Corporation, 79

Legal Services Program (LSP), 66–80

American Bar Association and, 77–78

Appalachian Research and Defense Fund (AppalReD), 77

author’s dismissal from, 78–79

Community Action Program and, 67

Frank Jones and, 79

John “Fat Jack” Buckley, 76

lawsuits at, 71–73, 75–77

mission of, 67

Richard M. Daley and, 70–71

Ronald Reagan and, 71–72

Vail conference and, 68

Lenzner, Margaret Rood, 52, 64, 75–76, 80, 302

Lenzner, Terry

al-Fayed investigation, 320–22

Alaska pipeline investigation, 220–33

Atlanta child murders investigation, 246–47

brother Allan, 2–3

brother Bobby, 2–3

childhood illness of, 3–4

at Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice, 12–13, 19–53

“Bloody Sunday” investigation, 38–40

Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman murder investigation, 19–35

Selma to Montgomery march, 40–47

daughter Emily, 80

education of, 4, 5, 6–7, 11

father of, 2–4

football and, 2–4, 5, 16, 76

Fulbright grant offer, 17

Garrison, Lloyd K., and, 5, 12

General Tire and Rubber case, 209–17

Greenspun, Hank, and, 149–56

Harvard senior thesis, 6–7

Investigative Group International (IGI), 220, 232, 234–51

as law clerk, 11–12

at Legal Services Program, 66–79

mentors of, 5

mother of, 2

at New York City Board of Education, 64

Philip Berrigan case, 83–96

religious affiliation of, 3

Rogovin, Huge, and Lenzner, 232, 235

Shattered Glass case, 281–89

Sidney Gottleib case, 190–204

Unabomber investigation, 252–57

United Way investigation, 263–81

at U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York (Manhattan), 60–63, 64, 175

Wald, Harkrader, and Ross, 204, 224–25, 232

Watergate investigation, 102–44

wife Margaret, 52, 75–76, 80, 302–3, 316

Williams, Edward Bennett, 80, 105

ZZZZ Best investigation, 257–63

Lewinsky, Monica

Bill Clinton and, 299–302, 308

father of, 290–91

investigation of, 300–301

Kenneth Starr and, 301

Linda Tripp and, 301

Paula Jones and, 292, 299

Robert S. Bennett and, 291–92

testimony of, 301–2

Washington Post on, 292

LeWinter, Oswald, 318

al-Fayed and, 323–24

arrest of, 324

background on, 322

credibility of, 321–22, 324

Steven Seagal and, 322–23

Lewis, John, 14–15, 37–38, 48

Liddy, G. Gordon, 147, 161, 171, 176

Life magazine, 33

Lincoln Memorial, 58

Lindsay, John, 64

Liuzzo, Viola, 47

Lovejoy, Kimba Wood, 69

Lowenfels, Jeff “Mad Dog”, 223–24

Lowitz, Don, 69


CIA’s MK-ULTRA program, 198

Frank Olson and, 186–87, 195–96

James Thornwell and, 244–46

Sidney Gottlieb and, 189–90, 195–96, 198

Soviet Union and, 195, 198, 203

LSP. See Legal Services Program

Luciano, Lucky, 61

Lumumba, Patrice, 194–95

Lynd, Staughton, 56

Mafia, 174

in Russia, 237, 329–33

Magruder, Jeb, 121, 124, 171

Maheu, Robert

Howard Hughes and, 151, 153–54, 156–60, 166, 169, 172–74, 182, 188

John Mitchell and, 173–74f

Lyndon B. Johnson and, 182

Mankiewicz, Frank, 265, 268, 274

United Way of America and, 264–65

Manning, Charles, 344–45

Mansfield, Mike, 107

Manza, Gail, 273

Marella, Vince, 224

Marshall, Burke, 12–13, 15, 49

Mason, Bob, 236

William Aramony and, 271–72

Mayer, Paul, 82n

McAlister, Sister Elizabeth, 82n, 95

letters from, 85–86

McCain, John, 142, 351

McCarthy, Joseph, 150, 197–98

McCord, James, 119–21, 187

testimony of, 147–48

McCormack, John, 6–7

McCurry, Mike, 302

McGovern, George, 103, 136, 140–41, 264, 351

McGrory, Mary, 128

McLaren, Richard, 161–63

McLaughlin, Neil, 82n, 87

McNamara, Robert, 96

Media. See also specific media outlets

on impeachment of Bill Clinton, 311–12

Kenneth Starr and, 311

Watergate investigation and, 134–35, 353–54

Meet the Press, 302

Meier, Johnny, 168

Menaker, Tom, 82–83

Meredith, James, 16, 34

Merlo, Thomas, 270, 274

Miami Herald, 338–40

Microsoft case, 248–49

Milken, Michael, 258

Minkow, Barry, 259–63

court records of, 259–60

credit card fraud by, 261–62

evidence against, 260–61

greed of, 263

indictment of, 262

Ponzi schemes of, 262–63

Mintz, Jim, 232, 234

Mississippi. See also Operation MIBURN

burning of Mount Zion church, 10

desegregation in, 16

Freedom Summer in, 10–11, 13

government strategy re, 17–18

local law enforcement in, 18, 21–26, 29–35

Martin Luther King Jr. on, 9

murders in, 11, 13–15, 17

oppressive conditions in, 9–10, 17, 19, 22, 24–26, 29–30, 35, 36, 37, 38

Tallahatchie county, 35–36

voting in, 16, 19, 35–36

Mitchell, John, 82, 121, 126–27

filing system of, 162

Howard Hughes and, 160–63, 171, 173–74

Richard Danner and, 160–63

Robert Maheu with, 173–74

Mitchell, Martha, 161

MK-ULTRA, 198, 201

Mondale, Walter, 197

Montoya, Joseph, 108–9

Moore, Charles, 15

Moore, Richard, 126–29

Morgan, Ed, 158–59

Morgenthau, Robert, 5, 7, 60, 61

Moses, Bob, 41

Mugar, David

author’s meeting with, 209–10

FCC and, 215–16, 232

General Tire and Rubber Company and, 210–15

in Mexico, 211–15

RKO General and, 210–11, 215–17

success for, 216–17

Murdoch, Rupert, 324

Murphy Amendment, 72

Murphy, George, 72

Murray, Gilbert, 253

Muskie, Edmund, 76, 118, 136, 138–41, 351

Canuck letter and, 140–41, 140n

dirty tricks against, 137–41, 140n

Hank Greenspun and, 148–49

Mutual of America, 272

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 217–18

Native Americans

in Alaska, 220–21, 235

Choctaw reservation and, 13, 32

Don Nickles and, 298

Nesson, Charles, 69, 83, 97–98

New Republic, 281–82, 289. See also Glass, Stephen

Newsweek, 293, 312

New York City Board of Education, 64

New York Times, 68, 102, 104, 178, 187

on antiwar demonstration, 58–59

Legal Services Program and, 78

on Mitt Romney, 342

and Office of Economic Opportunity, 78–79

on U.S. v. Ellsberg, 96–97

Nickles, Don, 298

Nixon, Donald, Jr., 118, 145

author’s meeting with, 167–69

Howard Hughes contribution and, 159

Howard Hughes loan to, 146–47, 172

Nixon, Ed, 167–69

Nixon, Hannah, 146

Nixon, Richard, 75, 79, 353. See also Greenspun, Hank; Operation Gemstone; Watergate Investigation

author’s introduction to, 75–76

Donald Rumsfeld and, 75

election of, 64

executive privilege of, 120, 143

fixation on Lawrence O’Brien, 179–80

on Fred Thompson, 109–10

Howard Hughes’ favors from, 159–63

Howard Hughes loan and, 147

impeachment of, 174–75, 181, 184, 309–11

John Dean and, 121–22, 125

John Ehrlichman and, 100–101, 118

mea culpa of, 122–23

paranoia of, 116–19, 122, 137–38, 145, 173

resignation of, 135, 309

Richard Moore and, 129

Sidney Gottleib and, 202–4

subpoena for, 131–33

tapes for, 116, 124, 130–31, 138, 142–44

Noriega, Manuel, 341

Novak, Robert, 121, 139

El Nuevo Herald, 338–39

Obama, Barack

Jerome Corsi vs., 349–50

Reverend Jeremiah Wright and, 350

O’Brien, Lawrence “Larry,” 205

IRS and, 177, 179–80

Operation Gemstone and, 170–73, 177, 179

Odle, Robert C., Jr., 125

O’Dwyer, Paul, 82–83

OEO. See Office of Economic Opportunity

Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), 65, 71–72, 73, 74–75, 78–79. See also Legal Services Program

Olson, Frank

CIA and, 186–87, 195–96

death of, 186, 196

Gerald Ford on, 189–90

O’Neil, M. G., 215

Operation Gemstone, 162

Alexander Haig on, 177–78

Anthony Ulasewicz on, 172

Egil “Bud” Krogh on, 176–77

E. Howard Hunt on, 171

Fidel Castro and, 174–75, 188

Hank Greenspun and, 147–53, 156–57, 163, 171–72, 183

Herb Kalmbach on, 165–66, 176

Herman Talmadge and, 182–83

Howard Dean on, 147, 170

Howard Hughes and, 147, 150–66, 168–77, 180–84, 205, 231, 352

Larry O’Brien and, 170–73, 177, 179

Lowell Weicker on, 177–79

Ralph Winte on, 171–72

Sam Dash on, 180

Operation MIBURN (Mississippi Burning), 17–29

charges from, 33

Choctaw reservation and, 13, 32

convictions from, 34–35

indictments from, 31

interviews for, 23–28

Joseph Sullivan and, 27–28

witnesses in, 22–28

Oracle Corporation, 248–49

Organized crime unit, U.S. Attorney’s Office, 61–63

Parker Bowles, Camilla, 327

Partnership Umbrella, 270–72, 274

Patton, E. L., 226, 230

Paul, Henri, 316, 320, 327–28

Paulachak, Steve, 272

Pearson, Drew, 147

Pell, Claiborne, 204–7

Pentagon Papers, 96–97

Peretz, Martin, 281

Petróleos de Venezuela, 338

Philadelphia murders. See Chaney, James; Goodman, Andrew; Operation MIBURN; Schwerner, Michael

Philip, Prince, 314–15, 319, 327

Pike, Otis, 188

Ponzi schemes, 262–63

Potts, Larry, 237–38

Price, Cecil Ray, 10, 14, 21

arraignment of, 33

brutality of, 24–25

confession of, 31–32

conviction of, 34–35

Price, Monroe, 69, 220–21

Pucinski, Roman, 70–71

Racism, 9, 10, 17

curfew in Neshoba County, Mississippi, 22, 24

Klu Klux Klan, 10, 14–15, 18

police brutality, 17, 18, 22, 23–24, 25–26, 36–37, 40, 48

segregation, 217–19

voting discrimination, 9, 16, 19, 35–36

Rainey, Lawrence, 14, 21

acquittal of, 34

arraignment of, 33

brutality of, 24–25

Reagan, Ronald, 71, 72, , 204

Rebozo, Charles (“Bebe”), 111, 166, 182

Bain Capital and, 343

Carmine Bellino and, 166–67

cooperation of, 164

Dunes Hotel and, 163

Herb Kalmbach on, 165–66

Howard Hughes and, 152, 158–59, 163–70, 173, 177, 180–82

Reeb, James, 38

Rees-Jones, Trevor, 320

Regardie’s, 264, 266

Reno, Janet, 294–95

Republican Party. See also Watergate investigation; specific Republicans

bribes for, 214–15

Washington Post and, 142

Richardson, Elliot, 113, 143, 179

Rivera, Geraldo (aka Jerry Rivers), 74, 253–54

RKO General, 210–11

RKO TV station, 210, 212

FCC and, 215–16, 232

Roberts, Alton Wayne, 31–32

Rodino, Peter, 174–75, 353

integrity of, 309–10

Rolling Stone, 112, 130, 141

Romney, Mitt, 352–54

ads against, 344

Bain Capital and, 342–44, 352

vs. Barack Obama, 354

Charles Manning and, 344–45

due diligence for, 345

New York Times on, 344

opponents of, 352–53

Roselli, Johnny, 174–76

Rosenberg, John, 77

Rove, Karl, 351, 354

Ruby Ridge, Idaho, 237–38

Ruckelshaus, Bill, 143

Rumsfeld, Donald, 6, 66–69, 72, 74–75, 77–78

character of, 65

John Doar for, 65

Richard Nixon and, 75

Rumsfeld, Joyce, 75, 80

Russo, Tony, 98

Safire, William, 128–29, 304

Santorum, Rick, 352

Sather, Bud, 20, 21–24

Schweiker, Richard, 198

Schwerner, Michael

death of, 13–15, 17–18, 31–32

disappearance of, 10–11

and Freedom Summer, 9–10

group implicated in murder of, 31–32

Schwerner, Rita, 29

SCLC. See Southern Christian Leadership Council

Scoblick, Anthony, 82n

Scoblick, Mary Kay, 82n

Seagal, Steven, 322–23

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 216

William Aramony and, 272, 274–77, 279

Segal, Bernard, 77–78

Segretti, Donald, 136–37, 139–40, 351

Selma, Alabama

“Bloody Sunday,” 37–39, 48, 51–52

demonstrations in, 37–38, 41–42

inability to indict police for violence, 48–49

marches from, 36–37, 44–47

as site for civil rights demonstrations, 36, 40–41

violence toward demonstrators, 36, 37, 38, 47

Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 204–5

John Kerry and, 347–48

Sharpe, Jerry McGrew, 31–32

Shattered Glass case. See Glass, Stephen

Shearer, Brook, 264

Sheridan, Walter, 20–21, 104

Shriver, R. Sargent, 65, 79

Shrum, Bob, 340, 342

Shuman, Marjorie, 82n

Siegel, Bugsy, 150

Silbert, Earl, 113–14

Sinatra, Frank, Jr., 62–63

Sirica, Judge John, 103, 119–20

60 Minutes, 245–46, 348

Smith, Dottie, 69

Smith, William Kennedy, 342

SNCC. See Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

Sontag, Marvin, 112–13

Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC), 36–37

Soviet Union, 195, 198, 202–4

Stahl, Lesley, 134–35

Star magazine, 324

Starr, Kenneth W., 292, 306–8, 309

Bill Clinton and, 292, 295, 302

and cigarette industry, 306–7

David Kendall and, 308

Fred Thompson and, 310

James Carville and, 304

media and, 311

notoriety of, 304–6

paranoia of, 302

Rahm Emanuel on, 304

Sam Dash and, 295, 310

Sidney Blumenthal and, 303–4, 307–8

subpoenas of, 302–4

Starr Report, 308, 310

Steiger, Bill, 72

Stevens, John Arthur (baron), 314–15

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 37

Sukarno, President, 194

Sullivan, Joseph, 13–14, 27–28

Swanson, Susan, 254–55

Sweig, Marty, 6–8

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, 347–51

Swires, Howard, 211–15

Talmadge, Herman, 108, 136

Operation Gemstone and, 182–83

Teamsters, 228

Television, 3–4, 245–46, 348. See also Fox News

Terranova, Anita, 269–72

Thatcher, Margaret, 322

Thompson, Fred, 130, 139, 297–98

author’s meeting with, 206–7

Kenneth Starr and, 310

John Glenn and, 297

Richard Nixon on, 109–10

Thornwell, James, 244–46

Sidney Gottlieb and, 244–45

Strom Thurmond and, 246

Toxic chemicals case, 239–40

Trans-Alaska Pipeline. See Alaska Pipeline case; Alyeska

Trie, Charlie, 295–98

Tripp, Linda, 292, 299–301

Truman, Harry S., 15

Tuck, Dick, 137

Tunney, Senator, 118

Tyler, Harold, 15

Ulasewicz, Anthony, 100–101, 117–18, 172, 303

Unabomber (Theodore “Ted” Kaczynski)

arrest of, 257

background on, 255

FBI and, 256–57

manifesto of, 254–55

victims of, 252–53

United Way of America (UWA), 242, 263–64, 267, 272, 273, 277, 279–80. See also Aramony, William

affiliates of, 264

Berl Bernhard and, 275–79

corporate philanthropy for, 265

employees of, 270

for-profit subsidiaries of, 270

Frank Mankiewicz and, 264–65

John Akers and, 271, 277

Partnership Umbrella with, 270–72, 274

Washington Post on, 264, 275–76

U.S. v. Ellsberg, 96, 122

UWA. See United Way of America

Vanity Fair, 281, 288–89

Van Zandt, Clint, 255

Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson and Hand, 274–79, 281

Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 347–48

Vietnam War, 346. See also Berrigan case; U.S. v. Ellsberg

Pentagon Papers on, 96–97

protests over, 73–74

Villasor, Lori, 269, 272


literacy tests for, 19

Lyndon B. Johnson on, 44–45

in Mississippi, 16, 19, 35–36

Voting Rights Act, 49–51, 59

Wald, Harkrader, and Ross, 204, 224–25, 232

Wallace, George, 17

“War on poverty,” 65–66

Warren Commission, 315

Washington Post, 82

on Monica Lewinsky, 292

Republican Party and, 142

on Sidney Gottlieb, 192

on Unabomber, 254

on United Way of America, 264, 275–76

on Watergate scandal, 101–3, 135, 234, 312

on William Aramony, 275–77

Watergate Committee, 6

Watergate investigation, 102–103, 105, 113, 114–16, 124, 136–42, 181–82, 352–54. See also Greenspun, Hank

bipartisanship in, 184–85

Alexander Butterfield and, 130–31

Archibald Cox and, 113–14, 143–44

Herb Kalmbach and, 110–11

media and, 129–30, 134–35, 353–55

Richard Moore and, 126–28

Sam Ervin and, 105–7

Scott Armstrong and, 112, 131–32, 144, 176–77

Senate committee for, 103–4

soap operas and, 114

staffing of, 105, 108–9, 110–13

television in, 128, 141

witnesses for, 115–16, 141–42

Woodward and Bernstein and, 101–3, 134, 150, 234, 312

Watergate scandal, 100–103. See also Operation Gemstone

Alexander Haig and, 204–5

in Washington Post, 101–3, 134–35, 234, 312

Weaver, Randy, 237–38

Weicker, Lowell, 108, 177–79

Weinberger, Caspar, 291

Wellington, Sheila, 252

Wenderoth, Joseph, 82n

White House, 56–58, 120–21, 290. See also specific presidents

White, Kevin, 217–18, 232

Willey, Kathleen, 300, 304

Williams, Darryl, 218

Williams, Edward Bennett, 80–81, 105

Williams, Hosea, 37

Williams & Connolly, 80

Willis, Richard, 24–25, 32

Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering, 278

Wilson, Will, 174

Winte, Ralph, 171–72

Woods, Rose Mary, 109, 135, 142–43

Woodward, Bob

Scott Armstrong and, 112

Watergate investigation and, 101–3, 134, 150, 234, 312

Wright, Jeremiah, 350

Yale University bomb, 252–53

Ziegler, Ron, 144

ZZZZ Best, 258, 260–63