GREG STIER is an unlikely candidate to lead a ministry like Dare 2 Share. This almost-aborted, inner-city kid from a high-crime area of Denver never knew his biological father. But when young Greg watched the gospel radically transform his violent, bodybuilding, crime-ridden family, he discovered that he had a heavenly Father who loved him and was calling him to spread the gospel to the next generation.
In 1991, Greg’s calling led to the founding of Dare 2 Share (D2S) —a ministry dedicated to reaching teenagers for Christ. When the tragic 1999 Columbine High School shooting happened not far from D2S’s office, Greg resigned from a pastorate at a local church to zero in on the urgent mission of D2S. Since then, God has used Greg and D2S to inspire and equip millions of teenagers worldwide to share the gospel with their peers. Through large-scale events, youth leader trainings, teen curriculum, books, and more, Greg has continuously worked to see every teen everywhere hear the gospel from a friend. Today, D2S holds training events called Dare 2 Share LIVE and Lead THE Cause to accomplish the ministry’s mission to “Energize the Church to Mobilize Youth to Gospelize Their World.”
Greg is widely known as an expert on youth ministry, teenagers, and evangelism, having written twenty books and countless articles on the subjects. He holds a degree in youth ministry as well as an honorary doctorate from Colorado Christian University. He has appeared on CNN, CBN, TBN, Focus on the Family, and several national radio programs and has been a featured speaker at Promise Keepers, Youth Specialties, Winter Jam, Lifest, and the Billy Graham Schools of Evangelism. Greg and his wife, Debbie, have two kids, Jeremy and Kailey. They enjoy hiking in the mountains of Colorado, going on trips together, watching movies, and laughing a lot.