Christianity and History 2 Historians and History 3 The Historical Process and Church History 4 The Jewish Background of Christianity 5 The Founding Fathers and the Exodus 5 The Judges and the United Kingdom 8 The Prophets 9 The Babylonian Captivity 11 The Greek Period 13
The Roman World of Jesus of Nazareth 13 The Jewish World of Jesus of Nazareth 15 The Messiah and the Kingdom 15 Jewish Groups 16 Conclusions 17 Notes 17
Additional Readings 18
2 B EG I N N I N GS (6 B.C.E.-100 c.E.) 21
The Life, Teachings, and Ministry of Jesus 22 The Life of Jesus 26 The Teachings of Jesus 27 The Miracles and Ministry of Jesus 28 The Post-Resurrection Church 29
The Question and the Power of the Resurrection 30 The Church at Jerusalem 31 The Church Spreads 31
Pauline Christianity 33
Paul as Missionary and Pastor 33 Pauline Theology 34
Johannine Christianity 36
The Church at the Close of the First Century 38 The Church and the World 38 Emerging Orthodoxy 39
• •
Conclusions 40 Notes 40
Additional Readings 40
Persecution to EstablisFiment (100—500 C.E.) 43
TFie GrowtFi and Decline of the Roman Empire 44 Republic to Empire 44 The High Point of the Empire 48 A Declining Empire 49 Reforms of Diocletian and Constantine 49 CFiurcFi-State Relations 51
Persecution and Conflict 51 Fourth-Century Persecution 57
Christ and Culture: TFie Apologists 58 Christ Against Culture 59 Christ in Dialogue with Culture 59 Beginnings of an Age-Old Dispute 59 TriumpFi and New CFiallenges 60 Constantine and the Donatists 62 Triumph and Establishment 63
The Rise of Monasticism 63 Conclusions 65 Notes 66
Additional Readings 67
Controversies and Councils (100—500 C.E.) 69
TFie Quest for AutFiority 70
The Establishment of an Official Canon 71 The Development of Creeds 12
The Establishment of Bishops 73
TFie Nature of Christ and the Trinity 75 One God: Monarchianism 76
The Ecfuality of Christ: The Arian Controversy 76 Coeternal and Coequal. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Augustine: TFie TFieologian of the West 80 Augustine's Life 81 Controversy with the Manichees 82 Controversy with the Donatists 83 Controversy with Pelagius 84
Controversy with the Pagans 84
TFie CFiurcFi at the Close of the Patristic Period 85 Conclusions 88
Notes 88
Additional Readings 89
Chaos, Darkness, and Emerging Order (500- 1000 C.E.) 93
The World in the Early Middle Ages 94 The Byzantine Empire 96 The State and the Church in Western Europe 97 The Rise of Islam 101
The Eastern Church 103
Symphonia 103 Monastics 104
The Expansion of Eastern Christianity 105 Controversies and the Seven Councils 106 The Western Church 108
The Rise of the Papacy 108 The Decline of the Papacy 114 Missionary Expansion 115
The Body and Blood of Christ and Other Controversies 119 The Church at the Close of the Early Middle Ages 121 Conclusions 122 Notes 123
Additional Readings 124
Flowering of Christian Society (1000— 1500 C.E.) 127
Western Europe in the High Middle Ages 128 Nation Building, Trade, and New Rights 128 Black Death and Rebirth 129
Empire and Church Revived 132 The Holy Roman Empire 1 32
Cluny and Monastic Reform 132 The Papacy and the Investiture Controversy 1 35 The Peak of Papal Power 136
The Crusades 138
Reasons for the Crusades 139
A Brief Overview of the Crusades 140 The Results of the Crusades 1 4 1 Scholasticism 142
Anselm of Canterbury 143
Peter Abelard 145
Thomas Aquinas 146
Plato and Aristotle 148 Conclusions 149 Notes 149 Additional Readings 150
7 THE CHURCH IN THE HIGH MIDDLE AGES Reform and Decline (1000— 1500 C.E.) 153
Reform Within the Church 154 The Franciscans 154
The Dominicans 155
Reform Movements Outside the Church 156 The Cathari and the Waldenses 156 Wycliffe and Hus 157
Decline and Rebirth 160
Papal Decline 160 The Renaissance and Humanism 162 The Orthodox Church in the High Middle Ages 165 Byzantine Orthodoxy 165 Russian Orthodoxy 166
The Church at the Close of the Middle Ages 168
Conclusions 170
Notes 170
Additional Readings 170
8 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION A Watershed in History ( 1500— 1600 C.E.) 175
The World of the Reformation 176 The Nation-States 177
Capitalism and World Expansion 180 The Context of the Reformation 182 Luther and Lutheranism 183
Luther and Early Lutheranism 183 Luthers Later Life 189
Luther's Theology 191
Calvin and the Reformed Tradition 194 Ulrich Zwingli 194 John Calvin 196 Calvin's Theology 197
Conclusions 200 Notes 200 Additional Readings 201
Further Reform and Reaction (1500- 1600 C.E.) 203
The English Reformation 204
Henry VIII and the Early Reformation 204 Edward VI and Mary Tudor 206 Elizabeth and the Elizabethan Settlement 208 The Anabaptists 209
The Early Anabaptists 209
The Radical Anabaptists 211
Other Anabaptists- Moderate and Radical 211 The Catholic Reformation 215
Renewal Efforts and Spiritual Movements 215 Loyola and the Jesuits 217 The Council of Trent 218
The Immediate Aftermath of the Reformation 219 The Orthodox Church During the Reformation 221 The Russian Church 221
The Reformation and Orthodoxy 222 The Church at the Close of the Sixteenth Century 223 Conclusions 225 Notes 225
Additional Readings 226
War, Piety, and Reason (1600—1800 C.E.) 227
The World in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries 228 States and Empires 228
Royal Absolutism 229
New States 232 Religious Wars 233
The Thirty Years' War 233 The Church in the Desert 236
The Puritans and the Puritan Revolt 237 Orthodoxy and Pietism 241
Fox and the Quakers 243
The Pietists 244 Moravians and Methodists 245 The Smile of Reason 247
The Scientific Revolution 247
Rationalism in Philosophy and Religion 248 Opponents of Rationalism 250
The Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Orthodox Church 252 Church and States in Russia 252 The Old Believers Controversy 253 The Church at the Close of the Eighteenth Century 254 Conclusions 256 Notes 256
Additional Readings 257
11 CHRISTIANITY IN THE MODERN ERA Change and Challenge (1800- Present) 261
The World in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries 262 Revolutions, New Powers, and the New Imperialism 263 Industrialization, Urbanization, and Population Growth 267 World Wars I and II 269 After World War II 271
Perspectives of the Modern Era 273 Political Liberalism 273
Scientific Advances 275
The Social Sciences, History, and Philosophy 277 The Catholic Reaction to the Modern World 279 Conclusions 281 Notes 281
Additional Readings 282
12 CHRISTIANITY IN THE MODERN ERA From Optimism to Uncertainty (1800-Present) 285
The Protestant Reaction to the Modern World 286 Liberal Theology 286
Biblical Criticism and Historical Studies 287 Reactions Against Liberalism 288 Reactions Against Christian Culture 289 Revivalism, Missions, and Sunday School 291 Revivalism 292 Missions 295
Sunday School 296
Other Twentieth-Century Movements 297 Neo-Orthodoxy 297
Liberalism and Fundamentalism 300
The Death of God and Process Theology 304 The Ecumenical Movement 306 Messages from the Dispossessed 307
The Orthodox Church in the Modern Era 309 The Church at the Close of the Twentieth Century 311 Conclusions 312
Notes 313
Additional Readings 314 GLOSSARY 317