Important Events in Jewish History







1750 BCE

Abraham called to his role

Gen 12


Exodus led by Moses

Exod 13-15


Invasion of Canaan led by Joshua

Josh 1-24


Period of tribal confederacy (Judges)

Judg 1-21


Period of United Kingdom


Saul becomes first king of Israel

1 Sam 10


David becomes king

2 Sam 2—21,

1 Kings 2


Solomon becomes king

1 Kings 3—11


Israel and Judah divide

1 Kings 12


Elijah prophesies

1 Kings 17 through

2 Kings 2


Elisha prophesies

1 Kings 19,

2 Kings 2- 1 3


First Isaiah prophesies

Isa 1-39


Israel falls to Assyria

2 Kings 17

Table captionSource Adapted with modifications from J Benton White, From Adam to Armageddon: A Survey of the Bible, 2nd ed (Belmont, Calif Wadsworth, 1991), 37 © by Wadsworth, Inc Reprinted by permission of the publisher

about 1750 B.C.E. (B.C.E. means before the common era, or before the beginning of the time that Jews and Christians share That is, before Jesus' birth.) The Jews believe God established a covenant, or testament, with Abraham (Gen 12: 1-3). This contract became the basis of the Jewish religion. It promised that, in return for faithfulness, Abraham's descendants would become a great nation, would enjoy God's special favor, and would be the means by which all the families of the earth would be blessed The covenant was renewed several times in different periods and with different leaders, and the events of Jewish history were measured against it by their holy men. The keeping of their covenant with God was seen as the reason for their prosperous times. The tragedies that befell the Jews often were seen as the result of violations of their agreement

Abraham and his people were originally called Hebrews. This name changed as God's special relationship with Abraham was passed on to his son Isaac and then to Isaac's son Jacob The Bible tells of Jacob's wrestling with a divine stranger (an "angel") at Peniel (Gen 32 22-32). Here he received the