
A compilation of this magnitude requires contribution from a large number of people, including most of the Human Rights Watch staff. The contributors were:

Fred Abrahams, Brad Adams, Chris Albin-Lackey, Osamah Al-Fakih, Tamara Alrifai, Laetitia Bader, Pierre Bairin, Amanda Bailly, Jayshree Bajoria, Clive Baldwin, Heather Barr, Jo Becker, Rothna Begum, Daniel Bekele, Nicholas Bequelin, Eleanor Blatchley, Julia Bleckner, Carroll Bogert, Philippe Bolopion, Jackie Bornstein, Jana Boulus, Amy Braunschweiger, Valerie Brender, Sebastian Brett, Reed Brody, Jane Buchanan, Wolfgang Buettner, Joyce Bukuru, Maria Burnett, Inga Butefisch, Elizabeth Calvin, Teresa Cantero, Anna Chaplin, Grace Choi, Rashmi Chopra, Jane Cohen, Carlos Conde, Adam Coogle, Tanya Cooper, Eva Cosse, Zama Coursen-Neff, Emma Daly, Philippe Dam, Kiran D’Amico, Beneva Davies, Juliette Delay, Juliette de Rivero, Rachel Denber, Boris Dittrich, Corinne Dufka, Mariam Dwedar, Brahim Elansari, Sandy Elkhoury, Marianna Enamoneta, Jessica Evans, Elizabeth Evenson, Erin Evers, Lama Fakih, Jean-Marie Fardeau, Alice Farmer, Jamie Fellner, Bill Frelick, Elizabeth Fry, Lydia Gall, Arvind Ganesan, Meenakshi Ganguly, Leani Garcia, Liesl Gerntholtz, Neela Ghoshal, Allison Gill, Giorgi Gogia, Vugar Gojayev, Eric Goldstein, Steve Goose, Yulia Gorbunova, Jessie Graham, Laura Grant, Amna Guellali, Inara Gulpe-Laganovska, Eric Guttschuss, Danielle Haas, Charlene Harry, Andreas Harsono, Lane Hartill, Ali Dayan Hasan, Leslie Haskell, Jehanne Henry, Amy Herrman, Peggy Hicks, Felix Horne, Nadim Houry, Kyle Hunter, Peter Huvos, Claire Ivers, Shajia Jaffri, Balkees Jarrah, Rafael Jiménez, Danielle Johnson, Jeanne Jeong, Ahmed Kaaniche, Tiseke Kasambala, Aruna Kashyap, Elise Keppler, Amr Khairy, Viktoriya Kim, Phelim Kine, Juliane Kippenberg, Anna Kirey, Mariam Kirollos, Amanda Klasing, Adrian Klocke, George Kobakhidze, Maria Kunineva, Sharon Kwong, Lea Labaki, Leslie Lefkow, Izza Leghtas, Lotte Leicht, Iain Levine, Diederik Lohman, Tanya Lokshina, Hillary Margolis, Kaitlin Martin, Sarah Margon, Veronica Matushaj, Dewa Mavhinga, Andrea Mazzarino, Maria McFarland, Nicholas McGeehan, Megan McLemore, Grace Meng, David Mepham, Lianna Merner, Wenzel Michalski, Darcy Milburn, Kathy Mills, Lisa Misol, Alba Morales, Heba Morayef, Stephanie Morin, Priyanka Motaparthy, Evita Mouawad, Lewis Mudge, Jim Murphy, Samer Muscati, Jenny Nilsson, Lisandra Novo, Agnes Odhiambo, Babatunde Olugboji, Shaivalini Parmar, Richard Pearshouse, Elaine Pearson, Rona Peligal, Camille Pendley, Sunai Phasuk, Jennifer Pierre, Laura Pitter, Dinah PoKempner, Tom Porteous, Andrea Prasow, Graeme Reid, Samantha Reiser, Meghan Rhoad, Sophie Richardson, Lisa Rimli, Mihra Rittmann, Phil Robertson, Kathy Rose, James Ross, Kenneth Roth, Hanan Salah, Katya Salmi, Faraz Sanei, Joseph Saunders, Ida Sawyer, Lea Scarpel, Max Schoening, Laura Schulke, Birgit Schwarz, Mausi Segun, Diana Semaan, Kriti Sharma, Ivy Shen, Bede Sheppard, Daniel Sheron, Robin Shulman, John Sifton, Gerry Simpson, Emma Sinclair-Webb, Param-Preet Singh, Jillian Slutzker, Paul Smith, Mickey Spiegel, Nik Steinberg, Hannah Stone, Joe Stork, Judith Sunderland, Steve Swerdlow, Veronika Szente-Goldston, Letta Tayler, Tamara Taraciuk Broner, Carina Tertsakian, Elena Testi, Tej Thapa, Storm Tiv, Annkatrin Tritschoks, Bill van Esveld, Gauri van Gulik, Nisha Varia, Jamie Vernaelde, José Miguel Vivanco, Janet Walsh, Maya Wang, Benjamin Ward, Matt Wells, Skye Wheeler, Sarah Leah Whitson, Daniel Wilkinson, Belkis Wille, Hugh Williamson, Cynthia Wong, Minky Worden, Marina Yalon, and Yasmin Yonis.

Senior Editor Danielle Haas edited the report with assistance from Deputy Program Directors Tom Porteous, Joseph Saunders, and Babatunde Olugboji. Publications Director Grace Choi and Graphic Designer Rafael Jiménez oversaw layout and production, in coordination with Creative Director Veronica Matushaj, Multimedia and Creative Services Officer Ivy Shen, Digital Director Stephen Northfield, Senior Online Editor Jim Murphy, and Publications Specialist Kathy Mills. Program Office Project Coordinator Marina Yalon coordinated editing and production.

Image This 24th World Report is dedicated to the memory of Ernest Ulrich, our dear colleague who died on November 26, 2013, at age 85. Ernest came to Human Rights Watch in 1997 after retiring from a successful career in business, and immediately began making unique and lasting contributions to the organization. From accomplishments as mundane as bringing new rigor to our negotiations with office supply companies to initiatives as grand as pushing us to open what became our Berlin office, Ernest always found no-nonsense ways to improve our work and lives. He came to the United States as a child fleeing Nazism, an experience that motivated him throughout his life. During the nearly 16 years he was with us, Ernest was a steadfast champion of international justice, of attacking corruption using human rights tools, and of the human rights cause in all its manifestations. And he was deeply beloved, someone sought out by staff at all levels for his warmth and wisdom, his gentleness and humility, and, always, his graciousness. He was also wonderful at the waltz. We miss him deeply.