1. Colin Howell’s Queen’s University, Belfast, student card for 1981-2. He graduated in dentistry the following year.
2. Lesley Clarke on the day she graduated as a State Registered Nurse at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, where she once won a silver medal for being a top student.
3. Colin and Lesley Howell on the day they married at Windsor Baptist Church, Belfast, in July 1983.
4. Lesley Howell joking with two of her bridesmaids at the reception in the Conway Hotel, Dunmurry.
5. Colin and Lesley Howell photographed together for the last time in February 1991. They attended a function to launch a campaign for a new hospital in Coleraine, and also attended the film Dangerous Liaisons.
6. Constable Trevor Buchanan.
7. The landmark row of houses in Castlerock known as The Apostles. Harry Clarke lived at No. 6 and it was in his garage at the back – just days after he died – that the bodies of his daughter and Trevor Buchanan were discovered.
8. The Renault Savanna car in the garage where the bodies of Lesley Howell and Trevor Buchanan were found.
9. The last paragraph of Colin Howell’s long and impassioned letter to his mistress on the day of his wife’s burial.
10. Lesley’s brother, Chris Clarke, with her aunt, Alice Berry. Howell asked Mrs Berry, a teacher from Lurgan, County Armagh, not to come to his home after Lesley’s father, Harry Clarke, died. Chris Clarke suspects Howell murdered Harry as well. Howell denies it.
11. Trevor Buchanan’s parents, Jim and Lily. Mr Buchanan reached into his son’s coffin, gathered him into his arms and cried out, ‘Why did you do it, son? Why didn’t you come to me? Why didn’t you come to me?’ He died in July 2007.
12. Trevor McAuley, who shared eight years of his life with Hazel Stewart before she left him for another man, David Stewart.
13. Colin Howell’s eldest son, Matthew, who died after falling down a stairwell in St Petersburg, Russia.
14. Valerie Allen, one of Lesley’s bridesmaids, now living in New York.
15. Derek McAuley, a Coleraine Baptist, who steamed open and then photocopied Colin Howell’s 1991 letter to his lover.
16. John Hansford, the former Pastor of Coleraine Baptist Church, who has defended his handling of the counselling process involving the two couples.
17. Melva Alexander, Trevor Buchanan’s younger sister. ‘The biggest problem at the time was being told Trevor was in the back of a car with another woman. I have spent eighteen years correcting that statement.’
18. Colin Howell on a night out with his second wife, Kyle.
19. Just yards apart in Coleraine Cemetery – the graves of Trevor Buchanan and Lesley Howell.
20. Colin Howell is taken into a police van after his conviction for the murder of his wife and Trevor Buchanan.
21. Colin Howell’s son Daniel: ‘My father remains a danger to society.’ And daughter Lauren Bradford: ‘I feel like he has finally restored their honour, albeit almost twenty years later. He could have gone to his grave with it.’
22. David and Hazel Stewart with her two children, Andrew and Lisa. Stewart, a former police Chief Superintendent who was once a staff officer to the ex-RUC Chief Constable, Sir Hugh Annesley, told police: ‘She is a kind and trusting person with a soft nature. At times she can be too trusting.’